Attractive anime adventure Forgotton Anne has a release date

Hand-drawn adventure Forgotton Anne finally has a firm release date – it’ll launch on 15th May for PC, PlayStation 4 and Xbox One, priced ?15.49 on Steam, or ?16 on console.

We first came across Forgotton Anne (yes, that’s how it’s spelled) at EGX last year, where it quietly sat as one of the stars of the show’s indie section.

Its anime-inspired visuals first are perfect for its oddball setting, where its mix of light platforming, branching narrative choices and puzzles, suddenly has you fighting a scarf.

Forgotton Anne is set in a fantasy world of abandoned everyday items and anthropomorphic creatures – which feels suitably Miyazaki. I’m looking forward to playing more.

Win more tickets for Rezzed 2018!

There’s just over two weeks to go until London’s EGX Rezzed, the games show run by Eurogamer’s parent Gamer Network, and announcements continue to roll in thick and fast.

Codemasters has just revealed they’ll be bringing ONRUSH, a game Ian recently enjoyed his time with, to the show. Additionally, Funcom will be there with their dong-physics showcase and survival game, Conan: Exiles.

Once again, we’re planning to be at EGX Rezzed in force ourselves, too, with a couple of cool Eurogamer things planned… which we’re not quite ready to announce yet, but which we think you’re going to be very interested in.

So, to celebrate what looks like the biggest EGX Rezzed yet, we’re offering two pairs of Super Pass tickets to the show – which grant you entry on all days and early access to show floor every morning so you can get your sticky little paws on all those games first.

Entry is very simple – simply follow the instructions in the widget below. We’ll contact the winners at the end of the competition!

EG Rezzed Tickets 2

Palestinian security forces accused of using torture ‘to crush dissent’ in Gaza and occupied West Bank

Palestinian security forces regularly torture prisoners and arrest political opponents “to crush dissent” in both the occupied West Bank and Gaza, Human Rights Watch (HRW) said Tuesday. 

A new report said both the Western-backed Palestinian Authority (PA) and its rivals in Hamas make systematic use of torture and widespread arrests which could amount to crimes against humanity. 

HRW called on Britain, the US, and the EU cut off funding for the PA’s security forces until they stop torturing detainees and investigate officers of accused of abuse. The group also called on Qatar, Iran, and Turkey to halt their funding for Hamas. 

Both the PA and Hamas security forces denied to HRW that they practice torture and said they investigate all allegations of abuse. 

Tom Porteous, deputy programme director at HRW, said those claims were not accurate. “Calls by Palestinian officials to safeguard Palestinian rights ring hollow as they crush dissent,” he said. 

In one of the most disturbing allegations, HRW said PA security forces arrested a 32-year-old civil servant and tied a cord around his genitals for eight hours, causing them to “swell and turn blue”. 

The man said his captors kept him a small room known as “the closet”, roughly 60cm by 60cm, where he struggled to breath. He said he was kept in the room for 22 hours a day for 22 days in a detention facility in Jericho in the West Bank.  

His interrogators wanted him to confess to taking part in a murder he had seen a month earlier. “If you do not speak, you will be destroyed,” one security officer reportedly told him. 

Other detainees in Hamas prisons in Gaza said they were beaten and kept in painful stress positions for hours at a time in a room they called “the bus”. 

HRW said both the PA and Hamas suppressed free speech, arrested critics, stifled the media, and prevented people from taking to the streets to protest.

“The PA and Hamas have both clamped down on the major outlets for dissent available to Palestinians in the West Bank and Gaza,” the report said. 

One Palestinian journalist was arrested in Gaza for 15 days after publishing a post on Facebook asking if the children of Hamas leaders “sleep on the floor like ours do”. The journalist was charged with “misuse of technology”. 

Both Gaza and parts of the West Bank were under PA control until 2007, when Hamas overthrew the PA government in Gaza and seized power. The PA has been left with control of sections of the West Bank, while Israel maintains control of most of it.

The report found that repression in both Gaza and the West Bank had become worse as the PA and Hamas hunted each other’s supporters in their territory. “Where they have autonomy, they have developed parallel police states,” said Mr Porteous. 

HRW has previously accused Israel’s security forces of torturing Palestinian detainees and abusing children taking into Israeli custody. Israel denies the claims. 

The latest HRW report is unlikely to have much impact on Hamas, which is considered a terrorist group by the US and EU and is supported by states like Iran with dismal human rights records of their own. 

But the report may put strong pressure on the PA security forces, who are largely funded by the West. The US and EU both support the PA and argue that the Palestinian security forces play a major role in preventing violence against Israel. 

A spokesman for the PA prime minister did not respond to a request for comment. 

Israeli and PA security forces cooperate closely against Hamas and other Palestinian militant groups, although neither side is eager to discuss the relationship in public.

The Switch just got the perfect introduction to one of gaming’s richest genres

Take one look at any shmup in full flow and it’s no wonder that this remains the most intimidating of genres; cascading curtains of bullets, flotillas of enemy ships and somewhere, almost imperceptible, in all that chaos is you, the lone fighter ship taking on impossible odds. You can trace the genre back to the inky black void of the arcade from which modern video games were born, from Space Invaders to Scramble to R-Type, and sometimes all that’s seemed to have really changed is those odds you face have become greater and greater still. Stare into the face of a modern shmup, and it can seem like so much colourful noise.

When you’re in on the secret, though, these can be some seriously sublime games, and there’s probably been no better game to lift the veil on all that brilliance than Danmaku Unlimited, which saw its third installment recently release on the Switch. It’s a game cast in the diamond cut, hard-edged mold of Toaplan and its successor Cave’s ‘bullet hell’ games – ‘danmaku’ translates from Japanese to English as ‘barrage’ – while it’s also infused with the doujin spirit of devs such as Kenta Cho and Hikoza T Ohkubo. Danmaku Unlimited is, effectively, the work of a single developer – one Sunny Tam – and it’s a game that benefits from that more personal touch.

To play Danmaku Unlimited is to be in the presence of a learned enthusiast who’s keen to share their passion with you – it’s a game that goes to great lengths to open the thrill of the shmup to all. It’s like spending an afternoon with a persuasive friend, taking you through everything that makes the genre special and laying it all out in simple, easy to parse terms, and all that warm enthusiasm is infectious after a while.

And so Danmaku Unlimited 3 isn’t a cruel game. There are no power-ups, as such, that cruel moment when your progress is stripped away by a single mistake entirely absent; instead, you start off at max power, with all the the tools always at your disposal. It’s an incredibly easy to read shmup, too – that all-important hitbox on your own ship is a glowing core, making it explicit what will kill you and what won’t. And it opens up the technique of grazing – in which you fly as close to death as possible – to all. Indeed, Danmaku Unlimited 3 makes grazing a core part of its play, with grazed bullets chainable and used to power up your own spirit meter which will unleash a truly lethal barrage of your own when topped up.

It makes for a beautifully considerate shmup, and one that’s full of similar details. In the default Spirit Mode, bullets of downed enemies are turned into orbs that can be consumed to fill up your spirit meter (you can opt to play a more hardcore variant in Graze Mode in which bullets remain lethal). It makes for an empowering breed of shmup, one that’ll see you working your way through the various difficulty levels to get to Danmaku Unlimited 3’s more dangerous heights.

No matter what level you choose to engage with Danmaku Unlimited 3, though, it’s always a delight – a stripped back, thoughtful and accommodating shmup that’s still got a fair set of fangs to bare when it wants to (and that comes complete with a brilliantly punchy rifftastic soundtrack from Japanese artist Blankfield). It’s the perfect way to engage with a genre that’s flown close to perfection more times than most.

Man-eating Indian tiger shot dead after vast search

A man-eating Indian tiger has been shot dead after an exhaustive, months-long search, involving drones, sharpshooters, dogs, elephants, 200 forestry rangers and Calvin Klein cologne.

The "aggressive and clever" tigress, known as T1, was shot on Friday evening in Maharashtra state, having been hunted for killing a suspected 14 people over the last two years. 

The lead hunter shot her with a .458 Winchester Magnum rifle, claiming the tigress charged at him and left him no other option. 

“There was no doubt that human lives were in danger. There was a market day and the tiger was just on a road that people use and children cycle on so we had to get there," Asgar Ali Khan, a legendary tiger catcher recruited to hunt the animal, told the Sunday Telegraph.  

“This was a tigress that was aggressive and clever, and had absolutely no fear of humans," he said.

"She had tasted human flesh and saw us like monkeys, or goats, or other prey. So when she charged at us I had to shoot in self-defence.”

The saga has been through the courts, wildlife departments and splashed across newspapers all summer as people followed the search for the killer tiger of Pandharkawda, in the west Indian state.  

Mr Asgar is descended from a line of well-respected hunters and had been in pursuit of T1 since September. 

The hunt began with much fanfare but faced several problems, including a rampaging elephant that killed a villager, protests from conservation groups over the Mr Asgar’s involvement and CK Obsession aftershave failing to attract the beast.

The fragrance contains civetone, a synthetic smell derived from the civet species known to drive big cats wild, but the bait didn’t work.

“She was too clever for the cologne”, said Mr Asgar. “We were dealing with an extraordinarily smart tiger.”

However, wildlife activists and animal experts questioned the tactics deployed in T1’s killing. 

Senior veterinarian and forensic expert Prayag Hodigere Siddalingappa said: “It’s not a legal shooting. It’s a murder, poaching. How did they do it without the presence of a vet?

“How could they identify the tigress at night? How did they do it after sunset? The tiger runs away after being darted, it doesn’t charge back at you.”

Mr Asgar said his team was experienced and had night vision equipment. They tracked T1 for several weeks.

He said: “After hearing reports of the tiger being on the road we moved in to ensure safe passage of any people and to get them out, and also in the hope of tranquilising her.”

The remains of the tiger were sent to Nagpur’s Gorewada Zoo, where a postmortem will be conducted.

On the protests, Mr Asgar said: “I am very disappointed to hear such reaction. Our priority was always to capture the tigress, but my team was in extreme danger when she charged us, so I had to shoot. I just picked up my .458 Winchester Magnum rifle and fired. I didn’t even have time to aim.”

The tigress was six-years-old and her cubs are about one year old. The search continues for the offspring, with the idea to sedate them and move them to a safari park or zoo.

Passenger carrying grenade-shaped belt buckle on Barcelona-Madrid train triggers bomb scare evacuations

A woman carrying a grenade-shaped belt buckle on a train from Barcelona to Madrid caused havoc on Wednesday, forcing railway stations to be evacuated as well as delays.

Police in Barcelona said they were advised by security personnel in the city’s main Sants station that "they had seen by scan an object that could be an explosive artefact," a spokesman told AFP.

A photo of the luggage scan posted on the Twitter feed of Catalonia’s Mossos police force showed what looked clearly like a grenade.

Most Spanish stations require passengers boarding trains to put their luggage through scanners.

Police subsequently evacuated two high-speed trains at the Barcelona station but didn’t find anything, the spokesman said.

"Then we saw that this person could be in a train going to Madrid. We warned national police," he added.

People were then evacuated from the Spanish capital’s main Atocha station, the state-owned Adif company which manages the country’s railway stations told AFP.

Police said they created a security zone on part of a platform at the station, which was the scene of one of Europe’s worst terror attacks in 2004 when 191 people were killed in explosions on commuter trains.

When the train arrived, they checked the luggage and found that the grenade-like object was actually a "belt buckle," a police spokeswoman said.

It is unclear why security personnel in Barcelona let the passenger get onto the train if they were worried about the potential grenade.

Adif told AFP they were looking into the incident.

Donald Trump’s former campaign chairman Paul Manafort appears in court in a wheelchair

Paul Manafort, Donald Trump’s former campaign chairman, appeared in court in a wheelchair on Friday to learn the date of his sentencing. 

Manafort was convicted of eight bank and tax fraud convictions in the summer and has been in a local Virginia jail ever since waiting to be sentenced. 

The former political consultant was brought into the court in a wheelchair with his right foot bandaged and elevated and did not rise when the judge presiding over his case addressed him. 

He was wearing a prison jumpsuit that read "Alexandria inmate" after previously being refused permission to appear in a suit.

Manafort’s lawyer Kevin Downing told Judge TS Ellis that there are “significant issues with Manafort’s health right now that have to do with his confinement”.

Mr Downing said the conditions of his confinement are for Manafort’s safety, but he asked that Mr Ellis expedite the pre-sentence investigation so Manafort could move as soon as possible out of a local jail and presumably to a federal prison. Downing did not elaborate on Manafort’s health issues.

“I’m not the judge who ordered that confinement,” Judge Ellis said, but he added he would bear the concerns in mind.

The 69-year-old is reported to have a serious medical condition related to this diet. His bandaged foot is thought to be caused by a dietary-related inflammation in his foot.

He learned on Friday that he will be sentenced on February 8 next year and legal experts suggest he is likely to face around 10 years in prison.

Since his conviction Manafort has been co-operating with Robert Mueller, the man heading up a federal investigation into possible Russian collusion in the 2016 presidential election. 

The plea deal with President Trump’s former campaign chief was seen as a major turning point for the Russia investigation.

Manafort is the most senior of the president’s former aides to be convicted in Mr Mueller’s Russia investigation.

Under the deal, Manafort pleaded guilty to a series of other financial charges he had set to stand trial on. He is reported to have spent over 50 hours with Mr Mueller’s team.

As part of the deal, Mr Mueller did not have to decide whether to prosecute Manafort on 10 remaining charges until after he is done co-operating or is sentenced – whichever came last.

But Judge Ellis called that agreement "highly unusual" and Mr Mueller’s prosecutors agreed yesterday to dismiss the charges and prepare for sentencing.

However the charges were dropped the charges without prejudice, meaning the prosecution could reintroduce them at a later date, giving them further leverage over Manafort.

Sea of Thieves will let you set your crew to private

In an upcoming and hugely welcome change, Sea of Thieves will soon let you choose whether your crew is publicly joinable or private.

Currently, there’s no way to stop other people being matchmade with you if you have an open space in crew – for example, if you’re starting the game in a four-person galleon but only three of your party are currently online.

There’s no way of holding a crew space open for a friend who’s joining a little later, which is leading to matchmade players who join you getting immediately told to leave – usually, by being voted into your ship’s brig.

“We hope this mitigates one of the key reasons for people misusing the brig,” Rare wrote in a blog post from Sea of Thieves exec producer Joe Neate published today.

“It also has the added benefit of allowing players to sail the galleon with a smaller crew if they desire, or the sloop with a larger crew. We’ve had a lot of feedback and requests for this so we’ll be very happy to deliver this functionality.”

In another change, matchmaking will soon give preference to other players who are detected as using a microphone, in order to aid communication between players on the same ship. Rare is also investigating the possibility of letting you only choose to be matchmade with others who speak the same language.

As for other, bigger changes to Sea of Thieves – there’s some good news on the horizon. The studio plans to release an update on the game’s future content plans next week. Hopefully this includes some kind of a development roadmap, which the game’s community has grown increasingly anxious to see.

“We hear and understand that people are keen to understand what our plans are for updating Sea of Thieves, beyond the top experience fixes,” Neate concldued. “We are currently in the midst of adjusting our roadmap based on feedback we have received since launch, with a ton of planning meetings continuing through this week.

“We plan to release a video next week updating everyone on how we plan to evolve Sea of Thieves moving forward. We totally understand that people want to see this ASAP, but the critical thing here is to have the right plan that allows Sea of Thieves to grow in the right way.”

What Donald Trump can achieve – and where he will be shackled in the next two years

Click:storage space

President Donald Trump now has to contend with his political opponents holding one half of the US Congress, a blow delivered in the midterms that will shape how the next two years play out. 

The change will alter his plans for legislation and likely put his administration on the back foot thanks to a long list of investigations expected to be launched by Democrat-held House committees. 

However, the impact is not total, with Mr Trump enjoying a stronger Republican hold on the Senate and still able to act without congressional approval through his presidential powers. 

Much depends also on how the Democrats choose to wield their new majority and the balance they strike between reaching across…

BAFTA-winning teen announces narrative puzzler for Nintendo Switch, PC, PS4, Xbox One

Dan Smith, winner of the BAFTA Young Game Designer award in 2016, has announced his first game.

It’s named The Spectrum Retreat, and it’s headed to Nintendo Switch, PC, PlayStation 4 and Xbox One later this year courtesy of publisher Ripstone Games.

Set in a futuristic art deco hotel, the first-person puzzle adventure asks you to uncover the origins of the unsettling retreat – and why you’re staying there indefinitely.

Here’s a first trailer:

Developed with help from the team at Ripstone, the concept is an evolution of the demo which won Smith the 2016 BAFTA prize.

Fancy going hands on? You’ll be able to try The Spectrum Retreat for yourself in a couple of weeks if you’re at London’s EGX Rezzed, the PC and indie games show run by Eurogamer’s parent company Gamer Network.