Ce soir à la télé : on mate “Une Pluie sans fin” et “L’Ordre et la morale”

Vous ne savez pas quoi regarder ce soir ? La Rédaction d’AlloCiné vous indique les films et séries à voir à la télé. Au programme : une épopée violente et trouble, un flic obsédé par une série de meurtres et Noomi Rapace incarne 7 personnages.

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L’Ordre et la morale de Mathieu Kassovitz avec Mathieu Kassovitz, Iabe Lapacas (Ciné + Frisson, 20h50) : “L’Ordre et la morale montre à quel point Mathieu Kassovitz est un réalisateur talentueux qui ose : certaines scènes (notamment la séquence de guerre dans la jungle) sont filmées avec inventivité et style. Si le cinéaste (qui a le rôle principal) se révèle aussi convainquant devant la caméra, les autres acteurs, comme l’inconnu Iabe Lapacas, le sont tout autant.” Laurent Schenck

Une Pluie sans fin Bande-annonce VO

Une Pluie sans fin de Dong Yue avec Duan Yihong, Jiang Yiyan (Canal + Cinéma, 20h50) : “S’il souffre de la comparaison inévitable avec le coréen “Memories of Murder”, “Une pluie sans fin” reste toutefois un solide long-métrage qui mérite d’être découvert. Suivant un flic obsédé par une série de meurtres, ce thriller chinois est un premier long-métrage qui impressionne par sa maîtrise. Un film noir nihiliste à l’ambiance poisseuse et pessimiste doublé d’une chronique sociale sur une Chine en plein bouleversement économique.” Emilie Schneider

Seven Sisters Bande-annonce VO

Seven Sisters de Tommy Wirkola avec Noomi Rapace, Glenn Close (OCS Choc, 20h40) : “7 Noomi Rapace ou rien… Cette dystopie entièrement portée par la performance de la comédienne suédoise nous plonge dans un futur où la Terre est surpeuplée. Le gouvernement met alors en place la politique de l’enfant unique. La thématique est intéressante et la prouesse technique bluffante, mais les héroïnes manquent de profondeur. Au final Seven Sisters s’avère être une gentille Série B alors qu’il aurait pu être bien plus si le scénario avait été plus abouti.” Laetitia Forhan

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Since The Govt Has Not Yet Come Up With A Solution, Here's What You Can Do To Save Water

India is set to face what could be the worst water crisis in recent history, mostly due to a below average monsoon. The shortage in rains coupled with the already depleting groundwater tables means that a number of cities could run out of regular water supply soon. The extent of what we saw in Chennai recently could repeat in other cities too. According to the Karnataka government, Bengaluru could run out of water as early as the end of this month.


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Undoubtedly there is a looming crisis, which needs the urgent attention of the government. But by the looks of it, they will take their own sweet time to come up with something.

Star Wars : Kylo Ren, agent double ou digne héritier de Vador ? [THÉORIE]

À quelques mois de la sortie du dernier volet de la saga, L’Ascension de Skywalker, les théories vont bon train sur l’avenir des personnages. Parmi elles, une hypothèse tenace sur le futur de Kylo Ren.

Attention, l’article qui suit révèle des intrigues sur l’entièreté de la saga.

La lignée des Skywalker, fil conducteur de toute la franchise Star Wars, fait l’objet de nombreuses théories parmi les fans de la saga intergalactique. Et à l’approche de la sortie au cinéma de L’Ascension de Skywalker, neuvième volet de Star Wars, c’est Kylo Ren, alias Ben Solo, fils de Leia Skywalker et Han Solo, qui est au centre de toutes les attentions. Une théorie qui fait rage depuis la sortie du Réveil de la Force en 2015 est ressortie il y a peu dans les discussions des utilisateurs Reddit. Pour certains d’entre eux, Kylo Ren, interprété par Adam Driver, devrait suivre le même chemin que son grand-père Anakin Skywalker, alias Dark Vador, et trouver la voie de la rédemption.


Pour rappel, Anakin Skywalker passait du côté obscur de la Force en devenant le seigneur Sith Dark Vador auprès de Palpatine, alias Dark Sidious, dans l’espoir d’abolir l’esclavagisme, dont a été victime sa mère, et de sauver sa bien-aimée Padmé d’une mort certaine. Dans Le Retour du Jedi, Dark Vador se repentit et tue Palpatine pour sauver son fils Luke. Pour les fans de Star Wars, Kylo Ren aurait la même destinée que son grand-père et aurait lui aussi droit à une rédemption. Deux hypothèses s’affrontent sur son cas. Pour certains, il serait en fait un agent double chargé d’infiltrer le Premier Ordre dans le but de tuer l’Empereur. Pour le bien de sa mission, il aurait alors été obligé de tuer son propre père Han Solo.

Un fan sur Reddit fait le parallèle entre la psychologie d’Anakin Skywalker et Kylo Ren, qui auraient tout deux rejoint consciemment le côté obscur de la Force dans des buts précis : sauver quelqu’un ou quelque chose, rétablir l’ordre, s’émanciper des structures familiales et de la pression des Jedi. Comme son grand-père, pour qui il voue un véritable culte, Kylo Ren pense vraiment prendre les bonnes décisions lorsqu’il rejoint le côté obscur, comme s’il s’y sentait obligé, afin de renverser l’équilibre et mettre un terme à la Force. C’est aussi pourquoi il propose à Rey de se joindre à lui pour détruire le Premier Ordre et créer une nouvelle société qu’ils dirigeraient ensemble.


Néanmoins, si on considère que la nouvelle trilogie s’inspire énormément des précédents volets, il est tout à fait envisageable qu’un bis repetita se produise pour Kylo Ren. En effet, un utilisateur Reddit explique : “Je regardais Le Réveil de la Force hier soir et une conversation entre Han et Leia m’a rappelé quelque chose. Han lui dit quelque chose du genre “Il est trop tard pour lui, il ressemble trop à son grand-père.” [la phrase exacte est “Nous n’aurions rien pu faire de plus. Il y a trop de Vador en lui.”, ndlr] C’est peu ou prou la même conversation entre Owen et Beru [l’oncle et la tante de Luke dans Un nouvel espoir] quand Beru dit quelque chose du genre “Tu ne peux pas le retenir ici pour toujours, il y a trop de son père en lui”, ce à quoi Owen répond “Je sais, c’est ce qui m’effraie. [les phrases exactes sont “Luke est tout sauf un fermier, Owen. Il ressemble trop à son père. – C’est bien ce qui me fait peur.”, ndlr]

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Selon ce fan, il faudrait donc faire confiance à la mythologie de la saga et au fait qu’il a toujours été question d’un combat intérieur entre la lumière et la noirceur et de la recherche d’un équilibre et de la paix dans le conflit. Et surtout que la lignée des Skywalker est le point central de la franchise. Si l’on en croit Daisy Ridley, il faudra s’attendre à un combat épique entre Kylo Ren et Rey, il pourrait donc s’agir d’un affrontement du même type que ceux observés dans les derniers volets des deux autres trilogies, entre Anakin et Obi-Wan et Luke et Dark Vador. Selon J. J. Abrams, L’Ascension de Skywalker va mettre un terme aux trois trilogies. Serait-ce avec l’ascension de Kylo Ren, héritier de Skywalker ? À moins qu’il ne s’agisse de Rey dont l’identité fait toujours débat ? Réponses le 18 décembre 2019 dans les salles obscures.

Découvrez la première bande-annonce de Star Wars : l’Ascension de Skywalker :

Star Wars: L'Ascension de Skywalker Bande-annonce (3) VO


Bianchi family launches legal action against FIA and Marussia

The family of Jules Bianchi has initiated a legal action against Formula 1’s governing body, Bianchi’s Marussia team and Formula One Group whose chief executive is Bernie Ecclestone.

Bianchi died last summer as a result of a massive head injury sustained at the 2014 Japanese Grand Prix, when his Marussia slid off the rain-soaked track and hit a tractor-crane head-on.

Stewarts Law, the firm representing the Bianchi family released the following statement:

“The family of Formula One racing driver, Jules Bianchi, has today announced they plan to take legal action in England relating to the fatal head injuries Jules Bianchi sustained in a violent collision with a mobile crane at the Japanese Grand Prix in Suzuka, 2014.

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“The letters (to the FIA, Marussia and Formula One Group) explain why the Bianchi family feel the actions of one or more of those parties, amongst others, may have contributed to Jules’ fatal accident and invite them to accept that errors were made in the planning, timing, organisation and conduct of the race which took place in dangerous conditions during the typhoon season in Japan.”

The FIA conducted its own investigation last year into Bianchi’s crash, and concluded that various factors, track conditions, Bianchi’s speed and the presence of the crane, contributed to the misfortune suffered by the 26-year-old French driver.

“We seek justice for Jules, and want to establish the truth about the decisions that led to our son’s crash at the Japanese Grand Prix in 2014,” Philippe Bianchi released in a statement.

“As a family, we have so many unanswered questions and feel that Jules’ accident and death could have been avoided if a series of mistakes had not been made.”

LIVE: Monaco Grand Prix – Free Practice

Romain Grosjean column: ‘I want Jules to always be with us’

Chris Medland’s 2016 Monaco Grand Prix preview

Jacques Villeneuve – Race of my life

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Article 370: Amid Chest-Thumping Celebrations, Intelligentsia Reminds Modi Govt Of ‘Democratic Process’

Over the past 48 hours, a series of unprecedented events that have culminated into the Jammu and Kashmir Reorganisation Bill pushed by Home Minister Amit Shah, the entire attention of the nation has been drawn to the northernmost state whose native population has not been involved in the discourse that is going to have direct repercussions on them.

This has caused widespread resentment among some members of the intelligentsia, which includes some of the foremost rational thinkers, writers, artistes, poets and historians, as they have taken to Social Media to express their angst at the turn of events.Click Here: liverpool mens jersey

Batman Dark Knight : 20 détails cachés dans la trilogie

A l’occasion des 80 ans de Batman, retour sur la célèbre trilogie de Christopher Nolan portée par Christian Bale et sur tous les easter eggs qui sont cachés à l’intérieur…


Ce diaporama dévoile de nombreux événements importants survenus dans la trilogie The Dark Knight de Christopher Nolan. Si vous ne l’avez pas encore vue, nous vous conseillons de ne pas poursuivre votre lecture.
Lire la suite

Click Here: Tienda Pachuca

Button: I’m better now than when I won 2009 title

McLaren-Honda star Jenson Button claims he is a better Formula One driver now than when he won the 2009 title with Brawn GP, saying he has gained experience without losing reaction.

The Briton is currently in his 17th season in the top flight, having secured 15 wins and 50 podium finishes. However, McLaren’s challenging last couple of years means Button has not tasted victory since the 2012 Brazilian Grand Prix.

Asked by F1i’s Chris Medland whether he believes he is a better driver nowadays than during his championship-winning campaign, the Somerset racer candidly replied: “Yes, I do. I’ve gained more experience, I’ve found myself in situations where I’m under pressure more, especially in 2009.

“The only way I can judge it is that I haven’t lost reaction and I’ve gained experience. So there’s no reason to say anything else, I should be a better driver.

“My fitness is better than when I was 29, I understand a Formula 1 car better than when I was 29 and I’ve had more experiences. So I should be a better driver.”

Having entered F1 as a fresh-faced 20-year-old in 2000, Button is now the second oldest driver on the current grid behind Ferrari’s Kimi Raikkonen though his 288 grand prix starts make it the most seasoned veteran. And the 36-year-old insists there is no sign of him slowing down.

“It’s not like running 100m, you don’t lose pace through 17 years of being in Formula One. You get faster because you gain experience. It’s absolute rubbish that a driver is past his best. If he is past his best he retires.

“It’s absolute rubbish what people say about drivers that have done over 200 grands prix, that they’re past their best, that the new, young, fresh kids are better. Who knows? I mean, they might be, but there’s no proof of it yet.”

“I don’t go out there thinking I’ve got to beat the young kids, I go out there thinking I’ve got to beat my team-mate [Fernando Alonso] who is one of the best drivers who has ever driven in the sport. Who still thinks he’s the best, as he stated in the media.”

Exclusive Jenson Button Q&A

Technical analysis – Sochi

Click Here: Tienda Pachuca

OPINION: Why Red Bull is right to promote Max Verstappen

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Kamal Haasan Joins Debate Over Hindi: ‘Battle For Mother Tongue Will Be Bigger Than Jallikattu’

Actor-turned-politician Kamal Haasan has responded to the ongoing debate about Hindi in the country.

In a video posted on social media, Kamal, the founder of Makkal Needhi Maiam (MNM) said that any attempts to “impose” Hindi will be opposed.

“India was formed as a result of the unification of many empires by many kings, who relinquished their thrones but the one thing that many people across states refused to give up was the ways of their language and culture,” he said.


London Won’t Renew Uber’s License, Saying Unauthorized Drivers Took 14,000 Trips

Transport for London says Uber is not “fit and proper” to run a private ride-hiring service in the U.K. capital. Uber has 21 days to lodge an appeal and can continue to operate during any appeals process.

London’s transportation regulator has refused to renew Uber’s license to operate in the U.K. capital, saying the company is not “fit and proper” to run a private ride-hiring service. The city says Uber’s systems repeatedly allowed unauthorized drivers to pick up passengers.

“We think this decision is wrong and we will appeal,” Uber’s U.K. division says, adding that 3.5 million people use Uber’s app and services in London. Uber’s license was due to expire on Monday.

Transport for London says Uber’s computer systems “allowed unauthorized drivers to upload their photos to other Uber driver accounts” and take on customers as if they were the Uber driver, something the regulator says happened on “at least 14,000 trips.”

All of those rides, according to Transport for London, were uninsured as a result of the drivers’ ability to manipulate Uber’s systems. It adds that some of those drivers were unlicensed — and in one case, a driver whose license had been revoked by the agency used the security gap to pick up new passengers.

Identifying another problem, the regulator says former Uber drivers who had been dismissed or suspended were able to elude punishment simply by creating a new Uber account and carrying passengers again.

“Uber has 21 days to lodge an appeal and can continue to operate during any appeals process,” NPR’s Frank Langfitt reports from London. “Uber remains a popular option in London, particularly as the city’s famous black cabs charge considerably more.”

London’s regulator has previously moved to cancel Uber’s license, most notably in 2017. A judge overruled the agency’s decision in the summer of 2018 — but then reissued the license for only 15 months, to see if the company made good on its promises to change. At the time, Transport for London said Uber’s methods for handling background checks and reporting criminal offenses were flawed. It also accused the company’s drivers of using software called “Greyball” to connect with users in cities where the app and ride service are banned.

Uber says it has “fundamentally changed our business over the last 2 years” to adapt to regulators’ concerns. But while Transport for London acknowledges some positive changes, it says the company hasn’t done enough. And the agency says it’s concerned that “Uber’s systems seem to have been comparatively easily manipulated.”

Click Here: Tienda Necaxa

Jake Burton Carpenter, Snowboarding Pioneer, Dies At 65

Jake Burton Carpenter on Vermont’s Stowe Mountain, in 2007. Carpenter died Wednesday at the age of 65.

Jake Burton Carpenter, whose snowboard business and promotional efforts transformed the sport into a global sensation, died Wednesday at 65 from complications from cancer.

Carpenter, the founder of the iconic Burton Snowboards company, was born in 1954 — when snowboarding was radically different from what’s seen today. During the mid-1900s, snowboards looked more like long sleds, with a light weight and nylon straps.

His attachment to snow stemmed from childhood ski trips with his family, which allowed him to escape school, where he said he was the “proverbial ‘underachiever’ and wise ass.”

“My dad sort of figured it might be something fun for a family to do when I was around 7 or 8 and he would take the whole family,” Carpenter told NPR’s How I Built This. “I just always had this attachment to snow, to me it meant no school.”

After graduating from college and jumping from job to job, Carpenter moved to Vermont in 1977 and started Burton Boards out of a barn where he was working. There, he started turning existing designs into the snowboards that have been used by global superstars such as Shaun White and Ayumu Hirano.

“He created bindings that attach you to the board so you can actually carve and control the board much better,” Vermont ski shop worker Fischer Van Golden said.

Carpenter’s initial goal was to use the company as a get-rich-quick scheme, but he later turned his attention to nurturing the sport.

“After a couple of years, it became much more important to me that I was right about the decision that there was a sport there,” Carpenter told StoryCorps. “And I focused not about my own material needs or accomplishments or whatever; I just thought about the sport.”

As time continued, Carpenter’s influence on the snow sports world grew. In 1983, he persuaded the Stratton Mountain ski resort in Vermont to open its slopes to snowboarders. By 1984, Burton Snowboards had become a major brand, with sales reaching $1 million.

Carpenter never let his business ruin his passion for snowboarding. He visited the slopes 100 days a year and snowboarded on six different continents.

It was this passion that helped him start a relationship with his future wife, Donna Gaston, in 1982. Ironically enough, she said her first experience snowboarding was “awful.” They married in 1983.

Together, they expanded Burton’s presence in the U.S. and eventually entered the Europe and Japanese markets, selling a vast array of snow sports gear. For their efforts in pioneering snowboarding, the Carpenters were inducted into the U.S. Ski and Snowboard Hall of Fame in 2007.

“Snowboarding brought kids back to the slopes, giving them a sport and a culture they could relate to, and Jake & Donna were a driving force behind the sport for over 30 years,” their Hall of Fame tribute said.

Carpenter is survived by his wife and three sons, George, Taylor and Timi Carpenter. Burton employees were informed of his passing on Thursday. In typical fashion, they were asked to honor their late founder by going snowboarding.

Paolo Zialcita is an intern on NPR’s Newsdesk.

Correction Nov. 23, 2019

A previous headline incorrectly referred to Jake Burton Carpenter as Jack.