7 Times Hollywood Celebs Wished Violence Against Trump in 2018

Once again, several Hollywood celebrities spent the year fantasizing about violence against President Donald Trump, his family, members of his administration, and his supporters.

While down from the more than dozen celebrities who imagined violence against Trump in 2017, the Hollywood hate was still savage from the likes of Jim Carrey, John Legend, and Rosie O’Donnell.

Below is the worst of the worst.

1. Peter Fonda Calls for Barron Trump to Be Kidnapped, Put in Cage with Pedophiles

Michael Kovac/Getty Images for IMDb

Actor Peter Fonda went on an unhinged rant on social media in June about the controversy over children being separated from adults at the border. Among other things, Fonda wished for Barron Trump to be detained and put into a cage with pedophiles.


The actor also had disgusting wishes for Press Secretary Sarah Sanders and Homeland Security Secretary Kirstjen Nielsen.

“Kristjen Nielsen is a lying gash that should be put in a cage and poked at by passersby. The gash should be pilloried in Lafayette Square naked and whipped by passersby while being filmed for posterity,” he said.

Fonda also said, “SS (Sarah Sanders) is a lying gash, too. And ‘gash’ is much worse than cunt. Maybe we should take her children away and deport her to Arkansas, and giving her children to Stephen Goebbels Miller for safe keeping.”

Fonda later apologized for his statements and deleted the tweets.

2. Singer John Legend Supports Public Harassment of Trump Administration

Bryan Bedder/Getty Images for Town & Country

In June, singer and left-wing activist John Legend defended the public harassment of Trump administration officials, saying in a social media post, “Let’s make a deal with the Trump Administration. Reunite all these families immediately and you can go out to eat wherever the fuck you want.”

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“I don’t care about fucking Sarah Sanders. Reunite the fucking kids with their families and then we’ll talk about Sarah Sanders and her fucking dinner,” he also said that month.

3. Jim Carrey Draws Donald Trump Burning At the Stake

Photo by Kevin Winter/Getty Images

Actor Jim Carrey depicted President Trump being burned at the stake in a drawing posted to his social media page in August.

Carrey’s drawings frequently depict the president and other conservatives in degrading ways. The Ace Ventura actor recently drew Sarah Sanders and referred to her as a “gorgon” who will “turn your heart to stone.”

4. Broadway Actress Carole Cook Makes Joke About Trump’s Assassination

Casey Rodgers/AP Images for CBS DVD

Broadway star Carole Cook joked about the assassination of President Trump in September, saying, “Where’s John Wilkes Booth when you need him?”

5. Rosie O’Donnell Jokes About Military Coup on Trump

Charles Sykes/Invision/AP

Left-wing activist and actress Rosie O’Donnell fantasized about a military coup against President Trump in October, saying, “I want to send the military to the White House to get him.”

In the same interview, she confessed that Trump’s election made her literally sick and forced her to exile herself from public life for a year.

“I actually got physically sick that night,” she said of election night 2016. “I thought to myself, this cannot be happening. When he got the nomination, I thought I just have to wait until election day. And then he won. It took a good year to compose myself in public again. I took a year out of the spotlight.”

6. Actor James Cromwell Warns of “Blood in the Streets” over Trump Presidency


Actor James Cromwell said in a speech in October that if Trump’s presidency isn’t stopped democratically, there will be a bloody revolution instead.

“If we don’t stop [President Trump] now, then we will have a revolution for real. Then there will be blood in the streets,” he said.

The 78-year-old also didn’t rule out the possibility of violent revolution.

“We will cut through the corruption, [and] we won’t have to do what comes next, which is either a non-violent revolution or a violent one, because this has got to end,” he said.

7. Tom Arnold Challenges Trump to a Fistfight on Twitter

Paul Hawthorne/Getty Images

Actor Tom Arnold fantasized about fighting President Trump in a social media post in October.

“I say put up or shut up @realDonaldTrump Me vs You. For America. First body slam wins. Any Rally. Any Time. Between now & the midterms,” he said.

This strange threat earned the 59-year-old activist a visit from the Secret Service.

These violent threats have become the norm for Hollywood celebrities since Trump announced his campaign for president. Throughout 2016 and 2017, stars expressed a number of violent fantasies about the president and his supporters.

Madonna infamously confessed her thoughts about “blowing up the White House,” while Robert De Niro openly said he wanted to “punch [Trump] in the face.”

'Harriet' Review: God, Liberty, Family, and One Very Important Gun

There are many reasons to see Harriet, the new biopic about the escaped slave-turned-abolitionist Harriet Tubman. One reason, though, is to enjoy a refresher course on the power of the movie star.

Throughout its 125 minute runtime, Harriet is engaging, suspenseful, and rousing, and it still would have been all those things without Cynthia Erivo in the title role. Without her, though, Harriet would have also felt more like a television movie than something worthy of a theatrical release.

Erivo is nothing short of spectacular. She portrays Tubman with total conviction, in such a compelling way, you never once question that this five-foot ball of fury, intelligence, selflessness, courage, savvy, and righteousness could become the walking folk hero of her time — someone the slaves called “Moses” because God Himself helped her deliver them to freedom.

Born into slavery in 1822, by 1849, after seeing her sister sold off and her owner back out of his agreement to free her family, with the help of the Underground Railroad, Tubman bolts from her plantation in southern Maryland. She can’t read, so maps and signs are useless. She nearly drowns. It’s a hundred miles on foot with determined slave catchers right on her heels. Worst of all, she is all alone. Her husband, a free man, said he’d come with her. But if he’s caught, he will be returned to slavery, so she left him behind.

In Harriet’s mind, she is not really alone. “Just me and the Lord,” she says as she follows the North Star. Eventually, with the help of Quakers, she arrives in Philadelphia where the Railroad finds her a place to live, a paying job as a maid, and falsified papers.

A year passes. Harriet is safe and free. She’s also miserable. Like most people in her position, she misses her family. There’s something else. She’s not really free. She can’t be free knowing her family is still enslaved. So she goes back. All by herself, risking her freedom, her life… She goes back and keeps going back. First for her husband. Then for her brothers. Then for her sister. Then for her parents. Other slaves join them.

Sometimes the men think they know better. Sometimes, when things look hopeless, a runaway threatens them all by deciding to go back. Harriet puts a gun in their face — the indispensable equalizer for women. She’s in charge. She knows God is on her side. God speaks directly to her through visions, visions of the future, visions that reveal where slave catchers desperate to stop Moses have laid their trap.

Eventually, Harriet becomes the most successful conductor on the Underground Railroad, the only one to have never lost a runaway.

The Fugitive Slave Act threatens everything. Philadelphia is no longer safe. The law now says there are no safe havens for runaways, even in free states. Slaves can now be captured and returned to bondage. With the help of the great John Brown, Tubman escapes to Canada. Here, black intellectuals like Fredrick Douglass decide to wait for the inevitable Civil War, to agitate for that rather than take the risks that come from running the Railroad.

Tubman will have none of it. She shames them for being “comfortable and important.” She’s going back, even though what had been a hundred-mile escape route over the Mason-Dixon line is now a 500-mile escape route to Canada. She doesn’t care. She can’t be free until all slaves are free.

Other than the usual emotions that come with watching a terrific movie, and watching a star (Erivo) born before your very eyes, I was also incredulous. By the time Tubman’s leading — a black woman leading — an armed Civil War expedition that liberated hundreds of slaves — I was certain the movie had taken great dramatic license to make the story more exciting.


It’s all true.

Then I wondered why the hell this story had not been told on film already, why it was being made on such a small budget ($17 million) when this is a story (and subject) that deserves the “epic movie treatment.”

My guess is that, in the past, Hollywood had a problem with Tubman’s biography because there’s no white savior to cast in the lead role. Tubman was a self-made woman. She was in charge. She was the leader. She was her people’s savior. She’s the unqualified hero.

Okay, but now we’re in the age of Woke, where you would think a studio would leap at the chance to tell the jaw-dropping, inspiring true story of a courageous and empowered black woman. Except… Harriet was an anti-science Christiantard.

Let’s not forget that Hollywood stripped the Christianity out of Jackie Robinson (42), Johnny Cash (Walk the Line), Louie Zamperini (Unbroken), and a Wrinkle in Time. You can’t do that with Tubman. Removing Tubman’s faith in Jesus would be like removing Robinson’s base-stealing skills or Cash’s songwriting ability. Tubman’s faith defined her, drove her, saved her. At the age of 91, her last words were “I go to prepare a place for you.”

“Liberty or death,” she explains at one point. “If I couldn’t have one, I’d have the other.”

Harriet Tubman was an instrument of God. She was also a Civil War veteran and American hero who received military honors at her funeral. If her story was fiction, no one would believe it. Harriet tells her story truthfully and tells it well. 

Follow John Nolte on Twitter @NolteNC. Follow his Facebook Page here.

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Woman Hires Singer Mark McGrath to Make Breakup Announcement Video for Her Boyfriend

A woman hired Sugar Ray singer Mark McGrath to break up with her boyfriend for her in a Cameo video. “She wants to be friends right now, bro,” said the singer in the break-up video.

“What is up Brayden, [this] is Mark McGrath from the band Sugar Ray,” said McGrath in the video. “This Cameo was booked by Cheyenne, and she wants you to know a few things — this is a little difficult for me to say, because it’s the first one of these I’ve done — but she wants you to know — you mean the world to her, but she’s having difficulty staying in this long-distance relationship.”

“Cameo” is a video-sharing website that allows fans to hire celebrities to create personalized video messages celebrating birthdays, anniversaries, and other special announcements. This time, however, Cheyenne’s message fell outside the realm of the type of content that celebrities typically make for their fans.

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“She still cares about you a lot,” said McGrath. “She she still wants to be friends with you — and she wants you to know, good luck on your thesis coming up — probably not the best timing, Cheyenne, when he’s doing his thesis — but I understand.”

“Cheyenne cares about you enough to let you know that she’s thinking about you,” reiterated the singer, “and she wants you to stay positive, she wants you to be friends, and she knows that you’re a fan of the band Sugar Ray, which I am honored.”

McGrath then appeared to go off-the-cuff, adding that he hoped he and Brayden could “maybe laugh about this” some day.

“I wish I was delivering you good news,” said McGrath. “Hopefully I can see you backstage, give you a high five someday, dude, and we can maybe laugh about this sometime. Hopefully we all can — Cheyenne, Brayden, all of us — we all can hang out.”

“But she wants to be friends right now, bro,” he continued. “The long-distance thing is a little difficult, but she wishes you nothing but the best — all the love in the world, and do, do, do, do your best on that thesis, man. I know it’s tough, and the Holiday season, and relationships and all that stuff, man, but you got big thing ahead of you, bro.”

The signer also elaborated on how he can relate to Cheyenne and Brayden’s long-distance struggles, citing his time “on the road” touring with Sugar Ray.

“You know, it’s tough, I’ve been on the road for years, and I’ve been with my wife a long time, and the biggest arguments, the biggest, you know, obstacles in our relationships is the distance between us,” said McGrath.

“It makes it very difficult when we’re on the road, and it’s hard,” he added. “So Cheyenne is trying to let you know, Brayden, that it’s very, very tough for her to stay in this relationship.”

“Alright, on behalf of Mark McGrath and Cheyenne, we love you, Brayden,” concluded the singer. “Be positive, bro.”

You can follow Alana Mastrangelo on Twitter at @ARmastrangelo, and on Instagram.

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Oettinger caught up in new allegations over ethics

European Commissioner for digital economy and society Gunther Oettinger | Emmanuel Dunand/AFP via Getty Images

Oettinger caught up in new allegations over ethics

MEPs concerned over private plane trip with pro-Russian German businessman.



European Commissioner for Digital Economy Günther Oettinger is caught up in a new case of alleged ethics violations concerning a trip he took on the private plane of a pro-Russia German businessman.

Oettinger took a private plane to fly from Brussels to Budapest May 18 that was owned by Klaus Mangold, a former member of the board of management of automaker Daimler (formerly known as DaimlerChrysler).

Mangold, sometimes referred to as “Mr. Russia” by German press, ran a German industry lobby for stronger economic ties with Moscow and has repeatedly called to drop Western sanctions against Russia for its invasion and seizure of Crimea from Ukraine.

The commissioner was asked about this plane trip by Greens MEPs Rebecca Harms and Benedek Jávor. In his response, published earlier this month, Oettinger said he took the private plane “due to the lack of commercial flights.”

MEP Jávor disputed Oettinger’s explanation. “It’s simply not true what the Commission is saying … that there was no available commercial flight on that day,” he told EUobserver in a reaction. Jávor asked for more details from the Commission, saying that if the Commission didn’t pay for the trip, Oettinger broke the code of conduct.

Harms said the German commissioner clearly violated transparency rules and “will have some tough questions to answer when he appears in front of members of Parliament before taking over his new duties.”

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The Commission said it didn’t have an immediate comment but was working on a longer response to the allegations.

The Commission published its initial response to Harms and Jávor the morning of Oettinger’s apology about his off-color remarks offending Chinese diplomats, the LGBTI community and women in a speech. It came a week after the German politician was tapped to replace outgoing Commission Vice President Kristalina Georgieva.

The news of the plane trip was first reported on the Hungarian website 444.

Matthew Karnitschnig contributed reporting from Berlin.

Laurens Cerulus 

Chris Pratt Shares Emotional Veterans Day Tribute: Celebrate the 'Brave Men and Women Who Sacrifice'

A-list Hollywood actor Chris Pratt shared an emotional tribute to social media on Veterans Day, honoring his brother, other family members who’ve served in the U.S. military, and the “brave men and women who sacrifice a whole hell of a lot.”

“Today is their day. So celebrate a veteran today. Today I celebrate Cully, as well as my cousin Curtis, Uncle Steve, Uncle Skip, second Cousins, Joey and Alex, besties Jared and Jeffrey, all those I’ve fished for hunted with, those who’ve blessed me with their challenge coins as I’ve encountered them on press junkets and in my travels, the many in the film industry working both in front of and behind the cameras,” Chris Pratt wrote in a Facebook message. “To those currently serving and those out thanks for your service. We appreciate you!”

The Jurassic World and Disney’s Guardians of the Galaxy star dedicated much of his Veterans Day tribute to his older brother, Cully, who joined and served in the Army.

“This is my older brother Cully. #happyveteransday I always wanted to be exactly like him. We were the same size despite our three year difference in age so as a kid I would wear the same clothes he wore, literally the day after he wore them- picking them up off the floor in his room,” Pratt wrote. “He put up with me and my incessant hyperactivity and forced his friends to do the same. I say all this to point out that he’s a real person. And the more we can look at our veterans for who they are, actual people, with siblings and parents, with children and funny pasts- the more we can approach our relationships to them with compassion and understanding.”

“My brother didn’t join the army because he wanted to be Rambo. He joined because it was an opportunity for a hard nosed kid who couldn’t afford college, somebody who wanted to get the hell out of his small town and probably wanted his own clothes,” Pratt’s message continued. “We have the greatest armed forces the world has ever seen. It’s made up of real people who joined for myriad reasons.”

Actor Chris Pratt (C) poses with U.S. Marines at Marine Corps Air Station Miramar on December 12, 2016 in San Diego, California. (Photo by Rich Polk/Getty Images for Sony Pictures Entertainment)

Chris Pratt has spent years supporting and volunteering on behalf of the United States military.

In 2016 Pratt joined other celebrities in “Got Your 6,” which is a program that helps veterans re-integrate into society. Last year, Pratt took part in the #Flex4Forces campaign hosted by the USO. Earlier this year, the Avengers star used his massive social media platform to help promote the Murph Challenge — which honors U.S. Navy SEAL LT. Michael Murphy, who was killed in combat and posthumously received the Medal of Honor for his bravery.

Jerome Hudson is Breitbart News Entertainment Editor and author of the bestselling book 50 Things They Don’t Want You to Know. Order your copy today. Follow Jerome Hudson on Twitter @jeromeehudson.

Solskjaer demanding more from Martial as Man Utd seek to build the perfect No.9

The Red Devils boss knows what it takes to be a striker at the top level and is hoping to see the French forward follow in his footsteps

Ole Gunnar Solskjaer admits to being on Anthony Martial’s case as Manchester United endeavour to mould the French forward into a fearsome No.9.

The talented 24-year-old now has that shirt on his back at Old Trafford, having inherited it from the departing Romelu Lukaku in the summer of 2019.

Martial considers a central striking role to be his best, but has spent much of his career to date in England operating in a wider attacking post.

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He has the perfect mentor in Solskjaer when it comes to the art of goalscoring, with the Norwegian having recorded 126 efforts for United during a memorable spell with them in his playing days.

The current Red Devils boss is hoping to pass on words of wisdom, telling the club’s official website of the progress being made by Martial: “If you’re a wide forward, you’re facing forwards more and running at people.

“Now he’s in a different position, where it is more physical and you’ve got to be stronger with your back to goal and be more patient. It’s your job to be in the box when the ball arrives.

“I’m still at him. I demand more of him. Sometimes, the ball is squared across the six-yard line and it’s where he should be. I just nudge him and say: ‘It should have been a goal for you’.

“Scoring 25 instead of 15 is a big difference for a No.9.”

Martial has netted on 15 occasions for United this season, with the target found in his last three appearances.

One of those efforts helped to secure a 1-1 draw away at Club Brugge in the last-32 of the Europa League, with Solskjaer hoping defensive strength will get the job done at Old Trafford in the return leg of that contest on Thursday.

He added, with his side having kept five clean sheets in their last six outings: “It’s a foundation to build performances from.

“If you concede goals, you need to score more goals and we’ve got many individuals at the back playing really well.

“The keepers, the full-backs, centre-backs and as a unit, we’re getting more solid and more compact.

“When I’m on the touchline, I’m stood watching and not confident until the game is gone and then, clean sheet, and a pat on the back. Concentration and focus. That is what it’s about – in both boxes.”

Britain thwarts EU hopes of tougher trade stance on China

Jean-Claude Juncker will present the five options on the paper on March 1 | Frederick Florin/AFP via Getty Images

Britain thwarts EU hopes of tougher trade stance on China

Jean-Claude Juncker wants EU to switch to higher, US-level tariffs.


10/20/16, 3:41 PM CET

Updated 8/17/17, 10:54 PM CET

The U.K. has raised the stakes in its first major fight with the EU’s biggest countries since the Brexit referendum by rejecting pleas for tougher trade defenses against China.

Britain’s defiant position on Thursday is a direct challenge to European Commission President Jean-Claude Juncker, who has called for the 28-nation bloc to build consensus on a harder line against Chinese dumping at Friday’s session of a leaders’ summit in Brussels. He is demanding that EU countries start hitting Chinese steel mills with the sort of ultra-high tariffs used by the U.S.

Juncker’s push is supported by powerful EU countries such as France, Germany, Italy and Poland, who argue that Beijing is using state subsidies to pump up industrial overcapacity and destroy tens of thousands of jobs in Europe.

But Britain, widely seen as China’s closest ally within the EU, is leading a small group of countries, including the Netherlands, Sweden, Finland and Estonia, in a blocking minority against reforms that would allow higher tariffs.

In a sign that Britain sees the Chinese question as a potential bargaining chip in its forthcoming Brexit negotiations, a Number 10 source said that Britain would not be giving ground at this week’s European Council.

“It is a longstanding U.K. position to resist changes to [the dumping methodology] because we think the way it has worked to date has enabled us to deliver reform. We continue to take the same approach.”

The British defend the status quo on the EU approach to tariffs, which normally work out far lower than those in America. In the U.S., steel tariffs attempt to make up the total difference between the price of dumped steel and the cost of production — meaning duties above 250 percent are not uncommon.

Europe, by contrast, uses a methodology called the “lesser duty rule,” which only imposes the far lower tariff levels required to protect EU producers from harm, frequently around 20 percent. Supporters of this model argue that ultra-high duties actually harm European manufacturers higher up the value chain, who benefit from cheaper imports.

The Number 10 source called for a “balanced” approach and argued that the lesser duty rule had already “significantly” reduced the volume of Chinese steel dumped into Europe.

“We would need to be convinced of what the benefits would be. The way it works at the moment allows you to make sure that as well as seeking to address the impact of dumping on producers you are also able to balance that against consumers within Europe and the costs to them,” the source said.

The British approach is, however, deeply frustrating to the European Commission, which is trying to push through a proposal on overhauling the EU’s anti-dumping methodology early next month.

Its proposal is to waive the lesser duty rule only in cases where Brussels can prove extreme overcapacity in a dumping company. The Commission on Wednesday described its own anti-dumping methodology as “no longer fit for purpose.”

The pressure is mounting for a speedy resolution to the dispute because China is declaring that it will be a “market economy” from December 11, under the terms of its accession to the World Trade Organization. That designation will make it far more difficult to pursue anti-dumping cases against China, unless the EU can craft a new methodology.

Christian Oliver 


Tom McTague 

Liz Taylor et Richard Burton, un amour si précieux

Pour ses 50 ans, la Twentieth Century Fox et Bulgari rendent hommage au film Cléopâtre avec une version remastérisée (en Blu-ray le 18 mai). Un film culte à l’origine d’un couple qui l’est tout autant.

« Il n’y a pas d’amour, il n’y a que des preuves d’amour. » Murmurée par Jean Cocteau à l’oreille de la muse d’Hollywood, Liz Taylor fit de cette phrase son mantra tout au long de sa vie, tumultueuse, de ses mariages, nombreux, et de ses séparations, toujours douloureuses. Mais s’il est une histoire qui sort inévitablement du lot, il s’agit bien de celle, passionnée et historique à plus d’un titre, qui l’unit à Richard Burton… Alors que le producteur Walter Wanger imagine une nouvelle adaptation cinématographique de la destinée de Cléopâtre à la fin des années 1950, il souhaite ardemment offrir le rôle titre à celle qui est alors la reine du septième art et pourrait tout à fait incarner la dernière souveraine du Nil. Superstar, la Taylor fait immédiatement monter les enchères : 1 million de dollars ou le générique se passera de son nom. La 20th Century Fox cède aux caprices de l’actrice, ignorant la tournure pharaonique que va prendre le tournage de cette fresque antique. Premier clap, en septembre 1960. Après une année catastrophique – météo capricieuse, santé fragile de la star – le réalisateur Rouben Mamoulian est débarqué au profit de Joseph L. Mankiewicz et les rôles masculins principaux sont remplacés. Rex Harrison revêt la cuirasse de Jules César. Richard Burton, lui, devient Marc Antoine… et l’amant de Liz ! Ave, l’amour !

Incendiaire, irrépressible, la passion embrase les deux acteurs. La réalité rejoint la fiction historique. Richard Burton quitte femme et enfants pour se jeter dans les bras et les yeux myosotis du mythe Taylor, elle-même déjà mariée. Les paparazzi sont à leurs trousses. Les critiques tombent comme des flèches. Même le pape Paul VI s’offusque de cette relation adultérine. L’idylle trouve refuge dans les studios Cinecittà, mais surtout chez le joaillier Bulgari, à Rome. Car Burton, fils d’un mineur gallois, ne ménage pas sa peine ni sa bourse, quand il s’agit de dénicher pour sa belle, fille d’un marchand d’art, quelques poignées de pierres précieuses. Le dur à cuir du cinéma et sa croqueuse de diamants choisissent ensemble les parures qu’elle portera à son cou et ses poignets, dans une salle privée de la boutique romaine. «Bulgari est le seul mot que Liz connaisse en italien», s’amuse l’acteur.

Depuis sa création en 1884 par Sotiris Boulgaris (appelé Sotirio Bulgari par la suite), cette maison de haute joaillerie, devenue incontournable, dynamite les codes et fait preuve d’audace, en mixant remarquablement les couleurs et les pierres. «Un des grands avantages de tourner Cléopâtre à Rome était la proximité de la délicieuse boutique Bulgari, confiera l’actrice. L’après-midi, je rendais visite à Gianni Bulgari (le petit-fils de Sotirio, ndlr) et nous nous racontions plein d’histoires.» Burton lui offre des pièces remarquables, comme ce collier en platine serti de 16 somptueuses émeraudes octogonales colombiennes ou encore cette sublime bague en platine sertie d’une émeraude de 7,4 carats. En 2002, l’actrice s’en séparera lors d’une vente aux enchères au profit de la The Elizabeth Taylor Aids Foundation. Aux nouveaux acquéreurs, elle précisera: «Portez-la avec amour!» Déjà consciente que ses diamants, émeraudes et autres rubis lui survivraient, comme ils avaient survécu à son incandescente idylle avec Richard. Divorcé une première fois en 1974, après dix ans de vie conjugale tout feu tout flamme, le couple s’est en effet remarié dans la foulée pour mieux se séparer encore une fois, en 1976. Burton n’oubliera jamais Liz qui, elle-même, se fera enterrer avec sa toute dernière lettre d’amour, le 24 mars 2011.

Aujourd’hui, alors que la superproduction Cléopâtre fête son cinquantième anniversaire, la boutique Bulgari de Rome ressuscite la passion entre Taylor et Burton, dans une pièce conçue comme une alcôve, où les somptueuses parures offertes à Liz par Richard brillent de mille feux. Preuve que si les diamants sont éternels, certaines histoires d’amour le sont tout autant.

Madeleine de Suède: tout est prêt pour son mariage

C’est demain, samedi 8 juin, le grand jour pour Madeleine de Suède et son fiancé, le banquier Chris O’Neill. La chapelle royale au palais de Drottningholm n’attend plus qu’eux et leurs invités royaux.

Voilà un bonheur mérité! Après quelques années difficiles, Madeleine de Suède a trouvé la voie de la sérénité dans les bras du businessman américain Chris O’Neill avec qui elle va se marier demain, en Suède.

Pour partager ce beau moment, sa famille bien sûr, et sa soeur la princesse Victoria, mariée depuis trois ans à Daniel Westling. Mais le mariage de Madeleine devrait être moins protocolaire que celui de son aînée, destinée elle à régner sur le trône de Suède.

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Le couple s’est tout de même soumis à la publication des bans, le mois dernier, dans la chapelle royale. Lui portait un costume bleu, elle une robe satinée dessinée par le styliste du mariage de Victoria. Une sobriété qui pourrait aussi être de mise, demain, lors de la cérémonie.

Au total, ce sont près de 350 invités qui assisteront à cette union, orchestrée par le chapelain de la cour, Lars-Göran Lönnemark, et le vicaire Michael Bjerkhagen. Dans la liste officielle des invités, publiée ce vendredi, pas de membres de la famille royale d’Espagne, mais de nombreux autres représentants du Gotha.

Frederik, Mary, Joachim et Marie de Danemark, Haakon et Mette-Marit de Norvège, la princesse Märtha-Louise de Norvège et son mari Ari Behn, Nicolas et Tatiana de Grèce, Pavlos et Marie-Chantal de Grèce ont répondu présents. Seront là aussi, Guillaume et Stéphanie de Luxembourg, le comte et la comtesse de Wessex pour le Royaume-Uni ou encore Charlène de Monaco (sans Albert II, retenu par des obligations).

Eva O’Neill, la mère du futur marié, ainsi que ses cinq demi-soeurs, sont déjà présentes à Stockholm. Elles ont participé à la répétition générale. Une des soeurs a même été vue dans les rues de la capitale suédoise, mercredi, lors de la Fête nationale, se promenant en mode touriste.

Bien sûr, il y aura aussi des enfants au mariage, les petits pages qui suivent la mariée lors de son entrée dans la chapelle, et l’un d’eux ne sera pas un membre de la famille. L’association Min Stora Dag, dont Madeleine est marraine, s’occupe de réaliser les rêves d’enfants malades. Une petite fille de 9 ans, Tilde Svensson, participera à cette belle fête, avec les yeux certainement plein d’étoiles.

Après la cérémonie (retransmise en direct à la télévision suédoise), Madeleine et Chris – qui ne deviendra pas prince, à sa demande – iront à la rencontre des Suédois lors d’une courte procession, en calèche s’il fait beau, ou en Cadillac, jusqu’aux terrasses d’Evert Taubes où ils embarqueront, direction le château de Drottningholm, où la fille du roi Carl XVI Gustav est née et a grandi.

Une structure pour accueillir tous les invités est déjà installée dans la jardin. C’est le chef Stefano Catenacci, très apprécié des princesses Madeleine et Victoria, qui s’occupera du banquet. Et dès ce soir, le roi et son épouse, la reine Silvia, reçoivent leurs convives de marque lors d’un dîner de gala.

Assistez au concert-anniversaire de Johnny Hallyday

Les places pour le concert privé de Johnny au Théâtre de Paris se sont épuisées en moins d’une seconde, mais que les fans se consolent, l’événement sera retransmis en direct sur MYTF1 et sur Gala.fr. Un live exceptionnel accessible partout dans le monde: rendez-vous à 23h sur Gala.fr.

Un concert de Johnny, c’est toujours un événement. Alors quand le rocker fête ses 70 ans et 50 de carrière, il sort le grand jeu: au programme de ce samedi 15 juin, un concert à Bercy, d’abord, durant lequel Johnny reprendra ses plus grands succès, de L’envie à Allumez le feu, et accueillera de nombreux invités surprises. Sont annoncés notamment: Florent Pagny, Amel Bent, Eddy Mitchell. Le concert est complet depuis des mois ; 20 000 personnes se sont arrachés les billets en deux heures lors de leur mise en vente.

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A événement exceptionnel dispositif exceptionnel: après la retransmission du concert sur TF1 à 20h50, les fans pourront suivre leur idole jusqu’au théâtre de Paris, où l’infatigable rocker donnera un concert privé devant 800 chanceux, à 1h du matin au Théâtre de Paris, rue Blanche – la rue où il est né voici 70 ans, « Un soir de juin 1943/Je suis né dans la rue/Par une nuit d’orage ».

Sur RTL, la légende du rock a expliqué que « ce seront deux spectacles totalement différents, c’est un petit peu le cadeau que je voulais faire aux fans et en même temps me faire plaisir », ajoutant: « Je voulais faire une grande salle donc Bercy et faire ensuite une plus petite salle au Théâtre de Paris pour un autre public en quelque sorte, parce que je ne vais y faire que du rock’n’ roll. Il n’y aura pas les cuivres et tout ça ».

C’est sur le web (MYTF1) et notamment sur Gala.fr, que vous pourrez suivre ce show intimiste, dès 23h et jusqu’au milieu de la nuit. Gregory Ascher et Philippe Manoeuvre animeront une émission spéciale à cette occasion, ainsi accessible dans le monde entier. « Il y a quelques années, je n’imaginais pas chanter à l’âge de 70 ans. Mais maintenant je pense être sur scène à 80 ans », avait déclaré Johnny au Parisien.

C’est plein d’une énergie folle qu’il a donc entamé début juin à Bordeaux son Born Rocker Tour avec au programme quatorze dates et onze villes. L’escale à Paris devrait s’avérer inoubliable pour les fans du monstre sacré.