'Ajax champions? Nonsense!' – Van Gaal blasts clubs trying to use coronavirus for their own benefit

The former Red Devils manager is furious some sides are looking to use the crisis to ensure their own success

Louis van Gaal has slammed clubs looking to use the coronavirus crisis for their own benefit, singling out Ajax for their attempt to end the Eredivisie season early. 

UEFA stressed this week that domestic competitions shouldn’t be abandoned just yet with leagues across the world suspended due to the pandemic. 

Belgium’s Pro League has however pulled the plug on their season with clear leaders Club Brugge handed the domestic title. 

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Ajax technical director Marc Overmars slammed the Dutch FA’s initial decision to try and finish the current Eredivisie season with Ajax top of the table on goal difference as it stands. 

Van Gaal, who is currently living in Portugal, is adamant though that all leagues should be given the chance to be completed and feels Ajax might be looking to take advantage of the situation prematurely. 

“If it is established that the coronavirus has been defeated, you first have to finish the current competition,” Van Gaal told AD. 

“Sport is there to designate a winner on the field. Not to say after 25 matches we cut things off and Ajax is champion. It doesn’t matter that AZ has the same number of points in three quarters of a competition? That is nonsense. Anyone who is an athlete understands what I mean.

“I also find it outrageous how the health issue is used in the discussion about ‘playing out or quitting’. The whole of the Netherlands adheres to what RIVM (Netherlands National Institute for Public Health and the Environment) prescribes. They are the specialists. 

“But while the government has also been following the experts for weeks, some football clubs suddenly say that it is not possible – Ajax first.

“Who doesn’t want to play out? Check it out – clubs that are now in a European position, with the exception of Feyenoord, and clubs in the relegation zone. 

“Clubs that misuse this corona crisis for their own gain and then make it a public health statement; I’m a man who can’t take that. 

“If it is allowed by the experts of the RIVM, I actually hope that the middle bracket of the division can ensure that the competition is completed.

“You can also play the season out in June or July. There is plenty of time this summer, the European Championship is off the calendar. And if UEFA and FIFA are willing to change rules and provide space, well then get started.

“And next season the league then gets a bit thicker, through more week-day duels. It can be great in the load of players, because in these weeks they are now unintentionally resting.” 

Beer-Drinking Amish Men Ditch Buggy And Run As Police Close In

NORTH BLOOMFIELD, OH — The idyllic image many Americans harbor of Amish culture got a sharp edit last weekend in Turnbull County, Ohio, when police tried to question a couple of fellows about something common everywhere in rural America on a warm Saturday night.

It was actually Sunday morning, an hour past midnight. The report said Turnbull County sheriff’s deputies saw two Amish men drinking beer in the back of the buggy as the driverless horse trotted down the road.

On the roof of the buggy was a 12-pack of Michelob Ultra. When police searched the buggy, they found a fairly elaborate sound system had been wired in — ingenious, however contrary to Amish culture.

The two men jumped off and ran into the woods when police tried to pull over the buggy at Donley and Mahan Parker Roads, news station WKBN reported. It will require some explaining in a culture where alcohol is frowned upon to get the horse and buggy back.

Police confiscated both. The buggy was towed, and the horse was turned over to someone else for care until the owner steps forward to claim it, the report said.

Noteworthy because it’s unusual, the incident illustrates a predicament of the Amish culture. How, in a world driven by technological wizardry and a society built on mass consumerism, are they going to literally keep their youth down on the farm?

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When they’re 16, young Amish socialize with their friends on weekends in the tradition of “rumspringa” and take in modern culture before deciding if they want to be baptized. Amish elders hope rumspringa will end in a marriage, but it could extend into the mid- to late-20s for those who don’t marry.

Some rumspringa flings expose the schism between regimented and unembellished Amish culture and the wild abandon sometimes reflected in modern American culture.

In 2016, police busted a large Amish party in a field near Millsburg, Ohio, The Daily Record reported. About 75 people, both juveniles and adults, were arrested; two people were hospitalized with alcohol-related symptoms; and several were booked for resisting arrest, The Associated Press reported. Before police intervened, it had been expected to draw about 1,000 Amish youth, the report said.

In some ways, the problems Amish families work through aren’t that different from the issues other families struggle with, according to the Amish Studies academic website developed by the Young Center for Anabaptist and Pietist Studies at Pennsylvania’s Elizabethtown College.

“Sometimes rebellious youth act out and abuse alcohol or use drugs,” a statement on the website says. “Some marriages turn sour. There are documented cases of incest and sexual abuse in some families.

“Although such problems do exist, there are no systematic studies to enable comparisons with other groups or mainstream society. In general, the Amish way of life provides many sources of satisfaction for most of its members.”

Teen Bullied, Outed As Bisexual On Social Media Takes His Life

MANCHESTER, TN — Like other teens in the same situation, 16-year-old Channing Smith hadn’t publicly come out to his family and friends as bisexual. But the Coffee County Central High School junior from Manchester, Tennessee, talked about his sexual identity with a classmate in what he thought were private social media messages.

But two “kids that he trusted” obtained screen shots of the messages and publicly outed him on social media “in a deliberate attempt to assassinate his character,” his older brother, Joshua Smith, wrote on Facebook.

Hours later, his last thoughts about how he could possibly endure the humiliation he feared he would face at his rural high school the next day, Channing Smith shot and killed himself, his brother said.

That was on Sept. 22. Joshua Smith has vowed justice for his brother — and for all teens coming to terms with their sexuality or coping with bullying.

“Being gay shouldn’t be a death sentence,” he wrote on Facebook, adding, “Nobody deserves to die as they are figuring their way through this complex journey called life.”

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Federal health officials say suicide is the second-leading cause of death among adolescents. LGBTQ+ adolescents are more than three times more likely to attempt suicide than their heterosexual peers, according a study published last year that pooled data from 35 earlier studies.

Cyberbullying is an insidious form of bullying that those targeted find almost impossible to escape. As many as 59 percent of U.S. students experience some form of cyberbullying, according to findings last year by the Pew Research Center. In some cases, kids are tormented and bullied to death, anguished family members have told Patch in a long-running advocacy reporting project aimed at bringing awareness to the terrible toll bullying and cyberbullying take on America’s youths.

Joshua Smith vowed on Facebook “the world will hear more from me.” He refuses “to allow Channing’s death to pass by without justice and positivity manifesting from his grave.”

“I’m not sure the direction that I’m headed,” he wrote, “but I will fight against bullying, suicide and hate.”

‘Enough Is Enough’: Billy Ray Cyrus

What Smith, who lives in Kentucky with his family, is learning is that his younger brother’s classmates may have been more open than he realized.

The Tennessean reported the teen’s classmates are sporting homemade T-shirts and made posters vowing justice for Channing. Country music star Billy Ray Cyrus heard about the teen’s suicide and showed up at one of a couple of community memorial services to play one of Channing’s favorite songs, “Amazing Grace,” with the teen’s father, news station WZTV reported.

“My heart breaks for Channing, his family, his friends and the community,” Cyrus tweeted. “This is the saddest story. … Enough is enough.”

As welcome as the support has been, Smith worries it may come at a cost — an end to an investigation of cyberbullying that he pushed Coffee County authorities to pursue, using messages on his brother’s phone to build a case.

Authorities Prodded To Investigate Cyberbullying

It doesn’t help that Coffee County District Attorney Craig Northcott is under investigation by the Tennessee Supreme Court’s Board of Professional Responsibility, a probe demanded by more than 200 lawyers after he was shown in a 2018 video telling a group of pastors that because he doesn’t recognize the validity of “homosexual marriage,” he wouldn’t prosecute domestic violence cases involving same-sex marriage.

Northcott said in a written statement to The Tennessee Holler that his office has “encouraged, supported and cooperated in” an investigation into cyberbullying in the teen’s death, and charges will be filed if deemed appropriate.

“Any report that my office has failed or refused to act is inaccurate,” Northcott said.

Based on the comments Northcott has made, “you would think Manchester is anti-gay,” Smith told the Tennessean. “And I am sure there are people here he represents who believe that way. But nonetheless, the support of this community has been amazing.”

At a memorial service for Channing Sunday, his brother said the Coffee County school district “hopes you forget.” When some students tried to wear shirts supporting Channing at a homecoming rally Friday, the principal ordered them to take them off, Joshua Smith said.

“But we’re not going to let that happen. … Action is going to be taken. We don’t get Channing back, that’s done, can’t go backward. But we can use this incident to create change moving forward.”

‘My Son Would Not Be Dead’

The family’s ordeal shines a spotlight on the consequences of bullying and cyberbullying, Channing’s mom, Crystal Smith, told WTVF.

“Just because you think it’s cute or funny to make somebody embarrassed or humiliate them, think again,” she said. “Because if somebody would have realized that, my son would not be dead.”

Even before Channing’s private social media messages were shared, he had been bullied by classmates who said “no one liked him” and made fun of him because he sometimes “talked in a girly voice and walked with sass,” Keylee Duty, one of Channing’s classmates, told BuzzFeed News.

National Suicide Prevention Lifeline: (800) 273-8255
The Trevor Project: Crisis intervention and counselor for LGBTQ+ youths
PFLAG: Resources for LGBTQ+ people, their parents and families, and their allies
Family Acceptance Project: Research, intervention, education and policy initiative to prevent health and mental health risks LGBTQ+ youths in the context of their families, cultures and faith communities

Coming out and risking being stereotyped as “gay, queer or sissy” isn’t easy in small, Southern towns like Manchester, Joshua Smith told BuzzFeed.

“You could be gay and still like the Confederate flag and shoot pistols. It’s complicated,” he said. “My dad is ultra-conservative, but would never disown him, but him being gay or anything like that would have been a hard conversation.”

Joshua Smith is raising money on GoFundMe to help his parents cover funeral expenses and replace income they lost when they took time off from work. Money also will be used in the fight against bullying.

“We cannot let this happen to another precious soul,” he wrote. “We all have kids and they all are subject to bullying.”

To parents, he said on Facebook: “No matter what, make sure your kids know that they’re the number one priority in your life and that nothing, no choice, nothing that they could do could ever separate them from your love. This way there’s not as much shame and guilt on anything going on in the kid’s life that they would hesitate to come talk to you about.”

As part of a national reporting project, Patch has been looking at society’s roles and responsibilities in bullying and a child’s unthinkable decision to end their own life in hopes we might offer solutions that save lives.

Do you have a story to tell? Are you concerned about how your local schools handle bullies and their victims?

Email us at [email protected] and share your views in the comments.

Selected Stories From The Project

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Johnny Depp: son baiser, c’est le paradis!

Lors de l’avant-première du film Public Ennemies, Marion Cotillard a avoué garder un très bon souvenir de sa scène d’amour avec Johnny Depp. L’actrice De la Môme a déclaré que le mari de Vanessa Paradis, embrassait très bien…

Marion Cotillard y est allée cash lors de l’avant-première du film Public Ennemies, qui se déroulait hier, à Los Angeles: «Johnny Depp is a very good kisser», comprenez «Johnny Deep embrasse très bien» a lâché la petite frenchy.

L’actrice de 33 ans, qui partage l’affiche de Public Ennemies (réalisé par Michael Mann) aux côtés de Johnny Depp et Christian Bale a avoué avoir apprécié la manière d’embrasser du héros de Pirate des Caraïbes: «Johnny Depp est très gentil. J’étais très nerveuse à l’idée de tourner avec lui, mais il a été très protecteur avec moi…»

Il faut croire que la petite amie de Guillaume Canet dit vrai, puisque ce n’est pas la seule actrice à se prononcer dans ce sens. L’ex de Kate Moss (1994–1998)? et Winona Ryder (1989–1993)? ne laisse pas ses partenaires indifférentes.

On se souvient qu’en 2003, Keira Knightley (l’une des actrices de Pirates Des Caraïbes) avait elle aussi apprécié les lèvres du bel acteur de 46 ans, et déclaré que Johnny faisait des baisers «à tomber par terre». Décidément, Vanessa Paradis fait beaucoup, beaucoup d’envieuses…

Jeudi 25 juin 2006

Russie : au moins quatre morts dans l’explosion au gaz d’un immeuble résidentiel

Le bilan risque de s’alourdir. Au moins quatre personnes ont été tuées dans une explosion due au gaz, lundi 31 décembre, dans un immeuble résidentiel de la ville de Magnitogorsk, dans l’Oural (Russie). Par ailleurs, 79 autres personnes sont portées disparues. La police enquête pour savoir où ces personnes se trouvaient au moment de l’explosion.Des centaines de personnes se retrouvent dehors par des températures qui atteignent -18°C. Toute une partie de l’immeuble de douze étages s’est effondrée. Des images de la télévision nationale montrent des centaines de secouristes s’activant au milieu de masses de béton.

Devant la gravité de l’accident, le président russe, Vladimir Poutine, s’est rendu sur place.Selon les autorités locales, 110 personnes étaient enregistrées dans le secteur sinistré de l’immeuble. Seize personnes ont été évacuées et quinze autres n’étaient pas présentes au moment de l’explosion.

“Dry january” : ne pas boire pendant un mois, le défi venu du Royaume-Uni

Les Anglo-Saxons avaient inventé le “binge-drinking”, ou la biture du week-end à l’anglaise. À présent, ils inventent le remède. Cela s’appelle le “dry january” ou janvier sans alcool et, selon Jean-Michel Delile, addictologue et président de la Fédération Addiction, les bienfaits seraient immenses. “C’est bon d’arrêter de boire pendant un mois parce que très rapidement on a des effets bénéfiques. Les premiers évidents sont sur le portefeuille, mais également sur la santé puisqu’on récupère un sommeil de meilleure qualité, de fait on est en meilleure forme le lendemain, plus énergique, plus dynamique. On récupère aussi assez rapidement une peau de meilleure qualité, parfois on perd un peu de poids”, explique-t-il.Attention à la repriseMais est-ce que ce mois de janvier sans alcool peut s’exporter en France ? Pour l’addictologue, ce “dry january” est très adapté au mode de consommation britannique. “On sait que beaucoup d’Anglo-Saxons ne consomment pas ou peu d’alcool quotidiennement, ils ne boivent pas de vin à table. Dans le contexte français, ce modèle peut s’appliquer sans doute aux jeunes, mais pour le mode traditionnel (…) un mois complet cela serait compliqué”, ajoute-t-il. Il conseille de se priver d’alcool pendant deux ou trois jours par semaine par exemple.Pour ceux qui parviennent à ne pas boire pendant un mois, le retour à une consommation équivalente à celle qu’ils avaient auparavant aura sans doute plus d’effets dommageables, car ils seront devenus moins tolérants.Retrouvez les vidéos de Ben Barnier sur sa chaîne Youtube Click Here: cheap all stars rugby jersey

Coronavirus: How could the Premier League be decided?

There is now no known return date for the Premier League due to the ongoing Covid-19 epidemic – so how could the rest of the season be concluded?

Covid-19 has wreaked havoc on football worldwide, with the Premier League now suspended indefinitely.

Though Premier League shareholders have repeatedly stated their intention to conclude the season at whatever date, the coronavirus epidemic might now allow them to do so.

The Premier League has been postponed from resuming twice already – from first week of April, then to the first weekend of May and then indefinitely.

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With so much still left to play for, such as European qualification and relegation, how could the 2019-20 Premier League be decided?

Playing games behind closed doors

Resuming the Premier League season, but with no fans, seems to be one of the likeliest options.

Stadium matchdays are obviously a breeding ground for further spread of coronavirus, and with the government advising the UK to continue quarantine and social distancing measures, inviting thousands of fans to watch games would only inevitably invite more outbreaks of Covid-19.

Certain Serie A matches were already being played behind closed doors before Italy went on lockdown, as did a few Champions League matches.

Playing behind closed doors would be a blow to Liverpool and their supporters, who have been waiting 30 years to see their side lift a league title. But lifting the league to an empty ground would be preferable to not lifting the trophy at all.

Most recent standings declared final

Another alternative is cancelling the remainder of the season, but declaring the current league standings as final.

This would award Liverpool their 19th league title and first ever Premier League, and grant Champions League and Europa League places to the top six clubs (assuming Manchester City’s European ban is upheld).

Bournemouth, Aston Villa and Norwich, who make up the bottom three of the Premier League as of the most recent round of fixtures, would be relegated to the Championship.

The first domestic European league to do this was Belgium’s Pro League, with Club Brugge declared champions with the rest of the campaign cancelled.

Club Brugge held a 15-point lead at the top of the table ahead of second-placed Gent.

While the Premier League still have roughly a quarter of their season to play, however, the Belgian Pro League were just one match away from completing the regular season in the 16-club division, with the top six sides then participating in play-offs to determine the championship and European qualification. 

Standings decided via play-offs

With just five points separating third-placed Chelsea and seventh-placed Sheffield United, play-offs could be used to determine which teams qualify for next season’s European competitions.

The same could be done for figuring out which teams get relegated, with six points separating bottom-placed Norwich and 18th-placed Bournemouth.

Games could potentially be played through a mini-knockout tournament if the FA are worried about time.

Deciding final positions based on play-offs would be a time-saving method – especially with other competitions, such as the FA Cup, Champions League and Europa League still needing to be concluded.

Expanding Premier League to have more teams

One of the biggest problems facing the FA as they take the next steps in figuring out how best to wrap up the league is figuring out relegation.

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A great deal of finances are involved with relegation and promotion. Should the Premier League end early through whatever means, the relegated clubs would no doubt find it unfair that they get the boot without the season ending properly.

At the same time, whatever the Premier League decide to do in terms of relegation and promotion will have a ripple effect throughout the rest of the English football pyramid. They could decide to suspend relegation for a season, but allow up to three new clubs from the Championship promotion to the top flight.

Declaring the season null & void

Another option, which is arguably the most controversial, is to simply declare the season null & void. To declare a season void is to wipe out everything that happened during the season and simply re-start the season with the same teams for the 2020-21 season.

It is impossible to say when it will be safe for football to resume at all due to the severity of the ongoing Covid-19 situation. Despite the Premier League fully intending to finish their season whenever that may be – and even with UEFA postponing the Euros by a year to allow for domestic European leagues to conclude their campaigns – time is not on their side.

With factors such as when to begin the 2021-20 season, too much fixture congestion, and no date in sight as to when matches could resume, the 2019-20 season could be cancelled early, with standings declared null.

Liverpool would not be crowned champions, and no teams would be relegated.

This would then pose a problem for relegation and promotion and what happens to the top-finishing sides in the Championship.

West Ham vice-chairman has called for the Premier League to be cancelled, stating: “So what if the league cannot be finished? As games in both the PL and in the EFL are affected, the only fair and reasonable thing to do is declare the whole season null and void.

“Who knows who would have gone down or come up if the games have not actually been played in full?

“A huge blow to Liverpool who might be robbed of their first title in 30 years.”

Balanced choices from an imbalanced European Union

Balanced choices from an imbalanced European Union

At a special summit in Brussels, government leaders put together the new leadership of the European Union. Simon Taylor and Tim King assess the outcome of the horse-trading



The decisions to appoint Herman Van Rompuy as the president of the European Council and Catherine Ashton as the EU’s foreign policy chief reflect the relative strengths of Europe’s political parties.

The centre-right European People’s Party (EPP) is running Europe. The Socialists are also-rans, a pale shadow of their former selves.

Van Rompuy, Belgium’s prime minister, was the considered choice of the EPP. Ashton, who was about to board a train from Brussels to London when she was hastily summoned to the Council meeting, was the surprise choice of the Socialists who had struggled to find plausible candidates.

Emboldened centre-right

In retrospect, the decision that emerged from the last summit of 29-30 October and the conclaves that immediately preceded it – that the EPP should put forward a candidate for Council president while the Party of European Socialists (PES) nominated a candidate for the high representative for foreign affairs and security policy – was crucial. Emboldened by the results of the European Parliament elections, the EPP had no qualms about simultaneously holding the presidencies of the European Commission, the European Council and the European Parliament.

The EPP consolidated, from the end of October onwards, around the candidacy of Van Rompuy who had the backing of Angela Merkel, the German chancellor. To win round other centre-right leaders, he had the help of José Manuel Barroso, the Commission president, and of his compatriot Wilfried Martens, Belgium’s prime minister for almost all of 1979-92 and now president of the EPP.

Problematic head-hunting

The Socialists’ head-hunting was much more problematic. David Miliband, the UK’s foreign minister, ruled himself out. Italy put forward Massimo D’Alema, who was a prime minister of Italy and then foreign minister, but Poland and Germany objected to his communist past and support for Palestine. José Luis Rodríguez Zapatero, the prime minister of Spain, had sown confusion on Tuesday by publicly announcing the candidacy of Miguel Ángel Moratinos, his foreign minister, for high representative – a choice that had little chance of being supported by other member states, whether because of Spain’s non-recognition of Kosovo, where the EU has one of its biggest missions, or the country’s support for normalising ties with Cuba.

Fact File

Winners and Losers

– José Manuel Barroso was a big winner. An inter-institutional battle is under way between the Council of Ministers and the European Commission over the creation of the EU’s diplomatic service, which will work to the foreign policy chief. Nominally, the foreign policy chief belongs to both institutions. But the choice of Catherine Ashton, a European commissioner since October 2008, puts a Commission person in charge of shaping the European External Action Service.
– Barroso will be equally comfortable with the appointment of Herman Van Rompuy, who is from the same political family, the EPP. Since neither Ashton nor Van Rompuy is a natural hogger of the limelight, Barroso need not fear being cast in the shade.
– Tony Blair’s best chance of the presidency had lain in the big member states bouncing the others into the decision. If Angela Merkel, Nicolas Sarkozy, Gordon Brown and Silvio Berlusconi had said that Blair was who they wanted, the pressure would have been hard to withstand. But the long, drawn-out ratification of the Lisbon treaty and the postponement of the decisions on appointments meant there was no element of surprise. An agreement emerged from the European Council meeting of 29 October – and the conclaves that preceded it – that the centre-right European People’s Party (EPP) should put forward a candidate for Council president while the Party of European Socialists should put forward a candidate for the high representative for foreign affairs and security policy. The decision by the EPP to covet the presidency post was a body-blow to the Blairite cause. (Note that the Benelux countries, which opposed Blair, are all led by prime ministers from the EPP family.)
– The big loser might prove to be Belgium. Herman Van Rompuy became prime minister less than a year ago, after Yves Leterme stood down to fight (successfully) allegations that he had interfered improperly in the merger between Fortis-BNP Paribas, a Belgian and a French bank. Van Rompuy portrayed himself as a reluctant prime minister. He had seemed to miss out on the premiership back in 1994 when he was well placed to take over if Jean-Luc Dehaene had become European Commission president, a move that was blocked by the UK. As Leterme returns to the premiership, Belgians are left to ponder whether the reflected glory that they enjoy from Van Rompuy’s elevation is worth the loss of his leadership.

The choice was still not decided when the EU’s Socialist prime ministers met in Austria’s permanent representation to the EU on avenue Cortenbergh on Thursday afternoon (19 November). The PES had last month asked Werner Faymann, the chancellor of Austria, Zapatero and Poul Nyrup Rasmussen, the PES president and a former prime minister of Denmark, to screen candidates for the foreign policy post.

In effect, the Socialists let Gordon Brown, the UK prime minister, come up with an acceptable candidate and Ashton won wide support. The resulting Van Rompuy-Ashton ticket was balanced in three respects: centre-right v centre-left; small country v big country; male v female. The latter point mattered in particular to the European Parliament, which had criticised the shortage of women in the line-up for the next college of European commissioners. The nomination of a woman to one of the two top jobs would help defuse that criticism.

Sweden’s Prime Minister Fredrik Reinfeldt put the balanced ticket to the European Council and it received unanimous approval.

‘Leadership team of Europe’

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“This is the new leadership team of Europe,” said Reinfeldt, presenting Van Rompuy and Ashton to the waiting television cameras. Van Rompuy then read a four-and-a-half page speech in three languages. The delivery was far short of Barack Obama standards, but the content was crafted to reassure those who fear an overbearing president of Europe. “Every country should emerge victorious from negotiations,” he said. “A negotiation that ends with a defeated country is never a good negotiation.”

“We are living in a period of anguish and anxiety and lack of confidence,” he said, after highlighting the economic, environmental and security problems. He said that now that the Lisbon treaty was ratified, the subject of EU institutional reform was “closed for a long time”. But he stressed that the presidents of the EU’s three main institutions – the Council, the Parliament and the Commission – must work together, respectfully.

Van Rompuy said that he looked forward to the enlargement of the EU in the next two-and-a-half years, to include “countries that of course meet conditions”. Asked his views on the admission of Turkey to the EU, he said that he would not be representing his own views but those of the 27 member states. “My personal opinion is totally subordinate to the views of the Council,” he said.

Unprepared Ashton

Ashton had no speech prepared and admitted that this was an indication of her surprise at her appointment. She pointed to her record as trade commissioner and said she was happy to be judged by whether she delivered results. Barroso, who sat smiling broadly next to her, extolled her qualities. His plaudits will not have reassured those in the member states and the Council of Ministers who fear that the Commission is attempting to take control of foreign policy.

Simon Taylor 


Tim King 

13 Arrested In $40 Million National Telemarketing Fraud Sting

PHOENIX — Phoenix police on Wednesday announced the arrest of 13 suspects in connection with a $40 million national telemarketing fraud scheme.

The case was opened in late 2014 after a 75-year-old Iowa woman was the victim of a scam that cost her thousands of dollars. The company responsible, WyzeMoney, was really a criminal enterprise masquerading as a telemarketing firm, according to police. The telemarketer had persuaded the woman her investment in WyzeMoney came with a 100 percent guarantee she’d get her money back, with no risk.

Phoenix police, the Better Business Bureau and Arizona Attorney General’s Office then found more victims by delving into other complaints. They discovered thousands of WyzeMoney victims, whose ages ranged from their late 60s into their 90s and who all lived out of state. Police estimated the victims lost a total of more than $40 million.

The fraud ring changed its name a few times, police said, and established call centers in several Maricopa County cities. The ring’s false promises and misrepresentations were designed to get victims to give them their credit card or debit card information during the phone conversation. The victims were additionally told they would receive thousands of dollars for participating in the “risk-free” scheme, such as in the following example audio call provided by the Phoenix Police Department:

The investigation continued, and in 2016 Phoenix police and the Maricopa County Attorney’s Office, which built the case in phases, identified and interviewed people involved in the scheme. Authorities shut down the operation and, in partnership with the Federal Trade Commission, recovered about $7 million that was then returned to the victims.

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Last month, police arrested 13 suspects in the fraud ring, four of whom police said were the operation’s top-level leaders. Margaret Cox, a Phoenix police sergeant, said the investigation is still underway and more individuals might be arrested.

The 13 arrested were:

All face several felony charges including conspiracy to commit fraudulent schemes, money laundering, theft from a vulnerable adult, illegal control of an enterprise and unlawful telephone solicitation.

U.S. Rep. Elijah Cummings' Funeral Services Set

BALTIMORE, MD — Funeral arrangements have been set for U.S. Rep. Elijah Cummings, the celebrated statesman who died Thursday in Baltimore at age 68 from long-standing health complications.

Cummings, who was chairman of the House Committee on Oversight and Reform, will lie in state in the National Statuary Hall at the U.S. Capitol on Thursday, starting with a formal ceremony open to members of Congress, the Cummings family and invited guests, according to a statement from Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi. She called Cummings the “North Star” for the House, describing him as a “leader of towering character and integrity” who “pushed the Congress and country to rise always to a higher purpose.”

A public viewing will follow the private ceremony at the Capitol, with details to be announced.

On Oct. 25, Cummings will be memorialized in his hometown of Baltimore with a viewing at 8 a.m. and a service at 10 a.m. at New Psalmist Baptist Church, 6020 Marian Drive, Baltimore.

Cummings was a congregant at New Psalmist for almost 40 years, according to The Baltimore Sun, which reported he will be eulogized by Bishop Walter S. Thomas Jr., who anticipates an overflow crowd at the 4,000-seat sanctuary.

“We knew him as a member of New Psalmist,” the church said in a statement, “but the world knew him as a defender of freedom and champion of justice. Rest in peace and receive our love.”

March Funeral Homes is coordinating the arrangements for Cummings in west Baltimore.

In lieu of flowers, people may make memorial contributions to the Elijah Cummings Youth Program.

Born the son of former sharecroppers, Cummings rose from humble beginnings to become a key figure in the impeachment inquiry into President Donald Trump. Despite being told he belonged in a special education program as a child, he graduated from Baltimore City College High School in 1969; received his bachelor’s degree from Howard University in Washington, D.C., in 1973; and earned his law degree from the University of Maryland School of Law in Baltimore in 1976.

Cummings went on to work as a lawyer in private practice, became a chief judge for the Maryland Moot Court Board, served as a Maryland state delegate from 1983 to 1996 and speaker pro tempore from 1995 to 1996, then was elected in 1996 to fill the vacancy left by U.S. Rep. Kweisi Mfume, who resigned to become president of the NAACP.

Cummings served in Congress until his death, according to the U.S. House of Representatives archives.

Hours before he died, Cummings signed subpoenas related to a program to allow those with severe health issues not to be deported, according to CNN. The immigration policy known as medical deferred action had been in place until the administration revoked it over the summer.

“He worked until his last breath because he believed our democracy was the highest and best expression of our collective humanity and that our nation’s diversity was our promise, not our problem,” said his wife, Maya Rockeymoore Cummings, who’s also Maryland’s Democratic Party Chair. “I love him deeply and will miss him dearly.”

Cummings is survived by his wife and three children from previous relationships, according to The Baltimore Sun, which reported he also leaves behind six siblings and a variety of nieces and nephews.