Réduction des déchets : des familles relèvent le défi

#AlertePollutionRivières ou sols contaminés, déchets industriels abandonnés… Vous vivez à proximité d’un site pollué ?
Cliquez ici pour nous alerter !26 familles ont accepté de réduire leurs déchets. France 2 a suivi l’une d’entre elles, notamment lorsqu’elle fait ses courses. Pour l’instant, cette tribu du Cotentin (Manche) produit 2 kg par jour de déchets. Le défi pour cette famille avec trois enfants est alors de réduire considérablement le volume de ses poubelles. Dans leurs déchets, pas de tri. Tout est mélangé. “Il y a des couches, des épluchures, des emballages, du plastique… On va au plus vite en fait”, énumère la mère de famille. Des gestes simplesMais ce sont surtout les couches de la petite Telma, sept mois, qui remplissent les poubelles. Cela représente au minimum six couches par jour. Durant les trois mois de cette expérimentation, ils pourront bénéficier des conseils d’un technicien. Ensemble, ils évoquent des pistes pour réduire leurs déchets, avec notamment l’achat d’une carafe filtrante, ou encore une étiquette “stop pub” à coller sur la boîte aux lettres. Les prospectus représentent en effet 30 kilos de déchets par an.Le JT

  • JT de 13h du vendredi 8 février 2019 L’intégrale

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Il faut 350 milliards d’euros pour lutter contre le réchauffement climatique au Sahel

Pluies irrégulières, sécheresses, diminution de la surface des terres exploitables… Les perturbations climatiques ont des conséquences particulièrement graves dans le Sahel où les températures augmentent une fois et demi plus vite que dans le reste du monde. D’ici à 2050, elles devraient encore monter de 3 à 5 degrés dans cette région qui connaît déjà des températures moyennes mensuelles de 35 degrés, selon des estimations du site earthtime.Nous continuons à payer les conséquences d’une situation dont nous sommes loin d’être responsablesMahamadou Issoufou, président du Niger au sommet du Sahel à Niamey, le 24 février 2019Un programme d’urgenceFace à cette situation, les 17 pays du Sahel ont validé un plan d’investissement global de 400 milliards de dollars (350 milliards d’euros), sur une période allant jusqu’en 2030. Mais comme il y a urgence, le plan prévoit un programme prioritaire évalué à 1,3 milliard de dollars pour mettre en place des projets permettant aux populations “de s’adapter aux changements climatiques“.Un climat de violencesLe sommet de Niamey dédié au réchauffement climatique n’a pas détaillé les actions prévues au programme. Mais cette rencontre, première du genre, a mis en évidence l’extrême vulnérabilité du Sahel face aux changements climatiques.Avec la diminution des terres exploitables, les moyens de survie traditionnels ont été totalement bouleversés provoquant une insécurité alimentaire et des violences. Le Sahel abrite plus de 500 millions d’habitants répartis sur 17 pays dont près de la moitié est confrontée à la violence.

Somalie : onze morts, dont un vice-ministre, dans une attaque des shebab

Onze personnes au moins, dont un vice-ministre du gouvernement somalien, ont été tuées dans une attaque lancée samedi 23 mars par les insurgés islamistes shebab contre un complexe administratif de la capitale Mogadiscio. L’attaque a commencé par l’explosion de deux bombes près des portes d’accès aux ministères des Travaux publics et du Travail, selon la police et des témoins. Des hommes armés ont ensuite pénétré dans les bâtiments et des fusillades ont éclaté avec les forces de sécurité.
“Le bilan des victimes s’élève à onze morts, dont trois femmes, et il y a 15 blessés”, a déclaré Abdukadir Abdirahman Adan, responsable d’un des services ambulanciers de Mogadiscio. Le sénateur Ilyas Ali Hassan a indiqué que le vice-ministre du Travail et des Affaires sociales, Saqar Ibrahim Abdalla, avait été tué. Un responsable de la police, Ibrahim Mohamed, a ajouté que l’assaut avait pris fin après que la police eut tué quatre assaillants. “Il y a eu d’autres victimes dont des membres de la police”, a-t-il poursuivi sans plus de précisions.Attentats en sérieL’opération a été revendiquée par le groupe islamiste des shebab qui poursuit une insurrection armée en Somalie contre ce qu’il considère comme une influence hérétique et étrangère. Les attentats combinant explosion de bombes et assauts d’hommes armés sont devenus une caractéristique des insurgés.Début mars, au moins 20 personnes ont été tuées dans une attaque des shebab à Mogadiscio qui avait débouché sur un siège d’environ 22 heures. Les islamistes ont également revendiqué un attentat à la voiture piégée qui a fait quatre morts et neuf blessés le 7 mars près d’un restaurant de la capitale somalienne, à proximité du palais présidentiel.Chassés de Mogadiscio en 2011, les shebab ont ensuite perdu l’essentiel de leurs bastions. Mais ils contrôlent toujours de vastes zones rurales d’où ils mènent des opérations de guérilla et des attentats-suicides y compris dans la capitale, contre des objectifs gouvernementaux, sécuritaires ou civils. Ils ont juré la perte du gouvernement somalien, soutenu par la communauté internationale et par les 22 000 hommes de la force de l’Union africaine en Somalie.Click Here: New Zealand rugby store

Van Rompuy seeks new working methods

Van Rompuy seeks new working methods

President of the European Council shows a readiness to improvise.



Taking the lead at his first summit as president of the European Council, Herman Van Rompuy showed a readiness to improvise working methods.

He co-ordinated preparatory meetings between the handful of government leaders who were most important to the discussions on Greece, to ensure that when the European Council met as 27 nations the outcome was not in doubt.

The severity of the Greek crisis had prompted Jean-Claude Juncker, the president of the Eurogroup, the finance ministers of the eurozone, to resort to novel working methods on the eve of the Council meeting.

Juncker organised the group’s first video-conference on Wednesday afternoon (10 February) to prepare a statement on Greece to be endorsed by the European Council. But the governments were split on whether an explicit pledge of financial support should be made, with France among those stressing the need to reassure markets, while Germany warned of moral hazard if Greece were seen to be let off the hook.

Juncker then passed the baton to Van Rompuy, who organised two separate meetings with key players on the morning of the summit to finalise the text.

On the morning of the summit, Van Rompuy held a breakfast involving: José Luis Rodríguez Zapatero, the prime minister of Spain, which currently holds the rotating presidency of the Council of Ministers; Jean-Claude Trichet, president of the European Central Bank; and José Manuel Barroso, president of the European Commission.

Profiting from a delay to the start of the summit caused by snow, he then organised a meeting at 10.30 attended by Angela Merkel, Germany’s chancellor, Nicolas Sarkozy, France’s president, and George Papandreou, Greece’s prime minister, with Trichet and Barroso arriving at the end to give their approval to the text.

Van Rompuy was then able to present this text to other leaders as a fait accompli, before emerging from the Bibiothèque Solvay to read it to the waiting television cameras.

Fact File

Leaders weigh up Haiti aid options

Although the eurozone’s difficulties dominated the summit, the aftermath of the earthquake in Haiti also featured. The EU’s leaders said that they were open to a request from the United Nations to send soldiers to Haiti.

The UN is asking for extra troops from donor nations to help with the construction of temporary camps for the hundreds of thousands of Haitians left homeless after the January earthquake. Aid officials say that the rainy season, expected to start later this month, poses a new threat to those left homeless, many of whom do not have even a tent as shelter.
José Luis Rodríguez Zapatero, Spain’s prime minister, said that the EU’s 27 national leaders were “quite receptive” to the UN’s appeal.

Catherine Ashton, the EU’s foreign policy chief is currently assessing what assets member states could provide to Haiti.

If deployed, the European soldiers would be sent under their national flags to assist ongoing relief efforts, rather than as part of an EU military mission. A small EU team in Port-au-Prince, the capital of Haiti, would help co-ordinate their efforts.

Several EU member states have already sent police to Haiti to help protect aid deliveries.

The extra aid comes on top of a further €90 million that the European Commission said it would send in emergency humanitarian aid funds to Haiti. If approved by EU governments and the European Parliament, the total EU aid to Haiti would top €609m.

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Eurozone reaches agreement on Greek aid

Eurozone reaches agreement on Greek aid

Leaders come up with blueprint for providing emergency loans.


3/25/10, 4:39 PM CET

Updated 4/12/14, 7:18 PM CET

Leaders of the 16 nations in the eurozone tonight approved a blueprint for providing emergency loan aid to Greece.

All Greece’s counterparts in the eurozone have agreed to take part in providing bilateral loans, if needed, said José Socrates, prime minister of Portugal, who confirmed the accord.

“We have reached an agreement which answers the problem we have been faced with,” he said.

The leaders met on the margins of a European Union summit on Thursday evening (25 March). The summit has been overshadowed by the Greek debt crisis, which has rumbled on for three months and threatened to destabilise the euro currency.

In the run-up to the summit, Angela Merkel, Germany’s chancellor, had been holding out against EU aid for Greece, insisting that the International Monetary Fund (IMF) should be brought in. But the prospects of a deal improved markedly once Merkel and Nicolas Sarkozy, the president of France, presented their counterparts with a compromise proposal at the start of the summit.

The blueprint agreed is for a mix of bilateral loans from Greece’s 15 eurozone partner countries and from the IMF. But the “majority” of the financing would be provided by the eurozone states, according to an agreed statement.

Any aid given to Greece would need the unanimous backing of eurozone members – so Germany retains a veto – and would be “subject to strong conditionality”.

Socrates said Greece would face interest rates on the loans that would be “reasonable and not speculative”.

Fact File

National central bank – capital (%)

Nationale Bank van België /
Banque Nationale de Belgique 2.4256
Deutsche Bundesbank 18.9373
Central Bank and Financial Services Authority of Ireland 1.1107
Bank of Greece 1.9649
Banco de España 8.3040
Banque de France 14.2212
Banca d’Italia 12.4966
Central Bank of Cyprus 0.1369
Banque centrale du Luxembourg 0.1747
Central Bank of Malta 0.0632
De Nederlandsche Bank 3.9882
Oesterreichische Nationalbank 1.9417
Banco de Portugal 1.7504
Banka Slovenije 0.3288
Národná banka Slovenska 0.6934
Suomen Pankki – Finlands Bank 1.2539
TOTAL       69.7915


The eurozone leaders agreed they all had a “shared responsibility for the economic and financial stability” of the euro.

They reiterated “their willingness to take determined and co-ordinated action, if needed, to safeguard financial stability in the euro area as a whole”.

The leaders agreed to “promote a strong co-ordination” of their economic policies and agreed to bolster the “economic governance” of the EU.

They have asked Herman Van Rompuy, the president of the European Council, the European Commission and the European Central Bank to come up with proposals to strengthen their economic co-operation by the end of the year.

“The current situation demonstrates the need to strengthen and complement the existing framework to ensure fiscal sustainability in the eurozone and enhance its capacity to act in times of crises,” said the Eurogroup statement.

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How the Premier League season would have ended based on current results

We’ve crunched the numbers to predict what a finished Premier League table would look like, with every team’s current form taken into consideration

The Covid-19 crisis has devastated the world, with the virus showing few signs of slowing down. It has also inevitably disrupted the Premier League, with all matches suspended until April 30 – though further postponements are increasingly likely.

Questions remain about how the remainder of the league campaign will end following the suspension, but ever wonder what the finished table would look like based on current results if the suspension had never happened?

With the help of our friends at StatsPerform, we’ve generated a predicted, completed league standings table based on each team’s present form after 38 matches played.  

More teams

Liverpool are crowned champions with 101 points, breaking Manchester City’s previous Premier League record total of 100 points in 2017-18 (their “Centurion” season).

Manchester City’s second-placed finish on 80 points would mean that the gap between first and second (21 points) would be the largest ever between the top two positions in the English top flight. This surpasses Man City’s title win in 2018, when they finished 19 points ahead of crosstown rivals Manchester United.

Leicester finish in third place above Chelsea, with Man Utd ending their season in fifth place, which would grant them the final coveted Champions League slot if Man City’s European ban is upheld)

Tottenham finish in sixth place, earning them a spot in the Europa League in the 2020-21 season (again, should Man City’s European ban be upheld).

Norwich, Aston Villa and Bournemouth are relegated, with Watford narrowly avoiding the drop with superior goal difference. StatsPerform predict that Watford have just a 61.7 per cent chance of survival versus Bournemouth’s 55.4%.

Projected finished Premier League table based on current results

Pos Team Projected points
1 Liverpool (C) 101*
2 Manchester City 80
3 Leicester 67
4 Chelsea 63
5 Manchester United 61
6 Tottenham 58
7 Wolves 56
8 Arsenal 56
9 Sheffield United 55
10 Everton 50
11 Burnley 49
12 Crystal Palace 49
13 Newcastle United 46
14 Southampton 44
15 West Ham 39
16 Brighton 37
17 Watford 36
18 Bournemouth 36
19 Aston Villa 32
20 Norwich 29

*Data generated through StatsPerform AI 

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MEPs want greater say in shaping foreign policy

MEPs want greater say in shaping foreign policy

Parliament expresses frustration over being sidelined in formation of new diplomatic corps.



MEPs will demand a greater say in the creation of the EU’s diplomatic corps when they meet next week for a plenary session in Strasbourg.

The European Parliament is frustrated that it has been sidelined in the discussions between the European Commission and member states over setting up the European External Action Service (EEAS).

The MEPs will debate a report drafted by Italy’s Gabriele Albertini, who chairs the Parliament’s foreign affairs committee, which calls for a greater say for the Parliament in shaping the EU’s foreign and security policy.

Albertini is demanding that his committee be given better access to “sensitive information” as part of closer consultations with member states on foreign, security and defence policy areas.

He calls on Catherine Ashton, the EU’s foreign policy chief, to accept MEPs’ demands that any senior appointments she makes to the EEAS or to posts as EU Special Representatives should be put through parliamentary hearings. His report includes an annual assessment of the EU’s foreign and security policy around the world.

Electric cars

During the plenary session, MEPs will also question the Commission over plans to boost the use of electric cars across the EU.

The Parliament is putting pressure on the Spanish government, which holds the EU’s rotating presidency of the Council of Ministers, and the Commission, demanding that they come up with plans for common standards for electric vehicles as a step towards a common European strategy on the use of such vehicles. Spain is looking to boost the electric car industry, but is facing resistance from other member states, which want to include other alternative car technologies, including hydrogen and biofuel-powered cars.

The Parliament’s discussions will also include the situation of Roma in Europe and proposals for standardised EU pet passports.

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