By Jeff Hamlin,
Bobby Roode defeated Eric Young in a Last Man Standing match in 19:30
Eric Young is ranked #2 in this week’s top 5. His only singles victories this calendar year have come against Bobby Roode (which was avenged three weeks later) and Tommy Dreamer. I guess the same people who put Ohio State ahead of TCU in the College Football Playoff must be in charge of the TNA Top 5 during basketball season. Announcers try to get Young over as a deranged heel, but I put Young behind the eight ball earlier today by watching YouTube footage of Terry Funk in Memphis after the Empty Arena match with Jerry Lawler. And no wrestler can be as believably deranged as Funk was that day. For that matter, Jack Nicholson’s portrayal of the Joker in Batman couldn’t run with Funk that day.
Young gave Roode a neckbreaker on the floor, then started arguing with a woman who appeared to be dressed as a pink Teletubby. Young rammed Roode into the ring steps, then tried to pile drive him on the steps, only to have Roode backdrop him off. Both men got up with chairs, where they did the dueling chairs spot, then clotheslined each other. They got back in the ring where Young hit the pile driver, but Roode was up at 9. Young brought a chair into the ring and hit Roode over the back with it. Roode sold it like it he was finished, but Young wanted to pile drive Young on the chair. But Roode quickly got up and gave Young the pile driver on the chair. Young was up at 9, but Roode immediately put him in position for the Roode bomb.
Young escaped and they fought on the apron. Young teased giving Roode a pile driver on the apron through a table that was set up earlier in the match, but Roode turned it into a Roode Bomb through the table, eliciting lots of “TNA” chants. Both stayed down until the 8 count, when Roode got up and Young stayed down. Solid match with a well-timed finish not using the table until the very end.
Magnus and Mickey James were shown walking into the building together.
Jeremy Borash met with Rockstar Spud about his hair-vs-hair match tonight against Ethan Carter the Third. Borash tried to talk Spud out of wrestling EC3, but Spud explained that he’s already won by standing up to EC3. Spud said regardless of whether EC3 kicks his ass tonight or not, he’s stood up to a bully which he can take pride in forever.
Drew Galloway came out. He looks like a skinny, younger Lance Archer. He started his promo in the ring, but he went out into the crowd. He told a story about how he used to go to wrestling shows in that building, and there was once a time in wrestling when it mattered what the fans thought. And then people started shoving things down our throat. Clearly, this was a knock on WWE, but how long would it take you to name dozens of examples by every company off the top of your head? Hell, just limit it to WCW in 1999 alone. Somehow, this ties together with the Beat Down Clan. MVP came out with the BDC.
MVP said he wasn’t playing God, as far as Galloway was concerned, he was God. MVP said there was once a time when Galloway was the chosen one because he had the looks, but he didn’t have a brain because he was too stupid to understand what he had done and who he did it too. Was that a reference to Taryn Terrell? MVP even admitted he and Galloway were once drinking buddies. Lots of easy Alberto Del Rio jokes there that I’ll let pass. MVP told the rest of the BDC to go to the back while he wrestles Galloway.
Drew Galloway defeated MVP by DQ in 3:09
Mostly a brawl that ended with a BDC run in. Low Ki and Kenny King ran in while Samoa Joe stayed at ringside. Ki was about to clothesline Galloway while MVP and King held him, but Joe stopped Ki. Just as it appeared Joe was turning face, Joe handed Ki and lead pipe, which Ki used over Galloway’s head. Galloway juiced.
Magnus and James talked in the back. James wanted to make sure that Magnus was ready for his match with Bram. Magnus told her to stay in the back.
Magnus defeated Bram by DQ in 5:23
Yet another grudge match brawl, which started to wear thin an hour into the show. However, there was very good psychology and storytelling. Magnus is working with a bad neck, and Bram’s offense consisted of neckbreakers and Edge-O-Matics. James came running out after Magnus hit a second-rope dropkick. Magnus hit the Randy Savage elbow, but Bram kicked Magnus low for the DQ. Bram hit Magnus with a chair across the back while James tried to get into the ring, but referee Brian Hebner prevented her. Bram pulled out his infamous cue ball and a zip tie, which he used to tie Magnus against the ropes.
Bram shoved Hebner down. James covered up Magnus, but Bram grabbed James by the hair. James slapped Bram as Magnus was tied against the ropes. Bram said he was going to take everything Magnus had and ordered Magnus to kiss his boots as he held James in a chinlock. Magnus grabbed Bram’s boots and reluctantly kissed it. Bram then released James. Of course, there’s likely a ban on man-on-woman violence on Destination America, or at least they want to take it easy since TNA just started on a new station. But they should have had Bram harm James in some way so that Magnus would be the enraged babyface out for revenge. I’m not advocating man-on-woman violence. Maybe Bram could have kissed James in front of her fiancee. In practice, I couldn’t decide if Magnus was buried or did the right thing.
– MVP cut a promo saying the blood has just begun to flow from the BDC.
– Joe welcomed Galloway to TNA and said he was sorry things got a little rough.
Brooke defeated Robbie E in 4:22
DJZ introduced Robbie E as being undefeated against his opponents in wrestling matches and their daily verbal arguments. He piped in “Let’s get ready to Robbie.” Josh Matthews noted that if DJZ had said another “r” word, he would have owed someone a lot of money. Total comedy as Robbie treated this like a boxing match, coming to the ring in a robe, doing an Ali Shuffle as if he was Rainman and sitting on a stool after every bit of offense while Jessie Godderz sprayed water in his face. Angelina Love interfered, but Brooke hit her with a crossbody off the apron. DJZ distracted referee Brian Stiffler, allowing Godderz to run in, but Godderz hit Robbie, and Brooke got the pin with a jackknife cradle.
– Matthews did a front desk introduction to build up the Bobby Lashley-Kurt Angle TNA title match for next week. They video of Angle feels like it’s aired a dozen times before. Lashley’s video was terrific, showing his cross-training, boxing, kickboxing, doing curls wwith 65 dumbbells.
Ethan Carter the Third defeated Rockstar Spud in 16:50
Spud was one over babyface in his home country. He came out singing “God Save the Queen” and opened with a flurry of punches. They had a barber’s chair at ringside, and Spud dropkicked EC3 while he was sitting in it. I’ve seen parental advisories for wrestling shows since 1996, but I’ve never seen one leading into the final segment of a show. That’s what happened here, which guaranteed double juice. Spud did a somersault plancha, which took balls on the part of Spud since EC3 has a torn bicep and could hardly catch him. As EC3 took referee Brian Hebner, Tyrus ran down and power bombed Spud on the floor. Mr. Anderson came out and gave Tyrus the Mic Check on the floor. EC3 hit Anderson from behind with his biceps brace, then gave Spud a shot with the brace, as well. Spud gigged himself. EC3 worked over the cut as the blood flowed from Spud’s head across EC3’s chest.
Borash began mouthing off to EC3 at ringside. In this circumstance, the blood worked because it added to an already intense match. Borash ran in the ring and gave EC3 a low blow, and Spud got a near fall with a stunner. Momentarily, the screen turned black and white to keep the match less graphic. After a few seconds, the screen went right back to color. What was that? Spud hulked up just like Hulk Hogan and fired several punches, followed by a shining wizard.
Spud grabbed EC3 by the crotch and gave him a side kick. Spud tried an Acid Drop, otherwise known as the Underdog, but EC3 hit him with the brace. Spud kicked out at two to EC3’s shock. EC3 hit the One Percenter and got the pin clean. EC3 almost looked remorseful after getting the win. He said that Spud had the most heart and determination he’s ever seen in professional wrestling. He admitted he had done some heinous things to Spud and there was a time where they were best friends, and he ruined that.
EC3 said Spud had proven he belonged in Impact Wrestling and there was a chance he could be a world champion. He said he wasn’t going to shave Spud’s head tonight because he proved he was a lion, a tiger and a man. EC3 offered to shake Spud’s hand, and they did shake hands. As Spud was about to leave, EC3 jumped Spud proving it was all a ruse. He then grabbed the clippers from ringside and shaved a portion of Spud’s hair. EC3 said this company was all his now and got a ton of heat. He was trying to bait fans into throwing things at him, but only one person obliged. This was fantastic television as far as pure emotion.
The crowd reaction to Spud’s near fall after the stunner was priceless. The Big News: Basically another PPV on free TV show where EC3 defeated Rockstar Spud to win the hair-vs-hair match in a heat-filled main event. Bobby Roode defeated Eric Young in a Last Man Standing match that was also very good.
The main event couldn’t have gone much better. It got EC3 over as a heel and it had as much heat as any match from a major company since perhaps Wrestlemania from last year. I know Impact is flying under the radar now and I know that Wrestlemania will have ten times the attendance that this show did, but I don’t know if any match on the card will have as much heat as Spud-EC3 did tonight. Maybe that statement will prove to be foolish, but Spud was tremendous here and EC3 is a great heel.