Matt Hardy On Great War With Bray Wyatt, Randy Savage, Working With Jeff Hardy

Matt Hardy recently spoke with the folks from The Times Record News to promote the upcoming WWE live event in Wichita, Texas. Below are some of the highlights from the interview.

On being a fan of “Macho Man” Randy Savage growing up: “The first guy I was a fan of was the ‘Macho Man’ Randy Savage. He motivated me to have a bigger persona, to project on a lot larger level. He did such great character work, but he was also phenomenal in the ring as an athlete.”

On having success with Jeff Hardy as part of The Hardy Boys: “My brother and I’s initial goal was to succeed and make it to the WWE and to become the WWE Tag team champions, and obviously we exceeded that in quite a healthy fashion.

“The things that allow us to have success on our own is that we both have confidence, we are both individual characters and we both know how to portray ourselves as individual characters.”

On the Great War with Bray Wyatt: “Woken Matt Hardy has something inside of me that I realize has existed for thousands of years, and there’s an entity that lies inside Bray Wyatt–Sister Abigail, who is like a demon that goes almost a thousand years back.

“Myself and what possesses Bray Wyatt have a long history, and it makes for quite an interesting tale. Quite larger than life.”

Check out the complete Matt Hardy interview at

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Videos: Emma Makes ROH Debut As Tenille Dashwood At "Honor Reigns Supreme"

Former WWE Superstar Emma made her official Ring Of Honor (ROH) debut at the ROH: Honor Reigns Supreme event on Friday evening, and was announced as the final participant in the Women Of Honor Tournament to crown the first-ever ROH Woman Of Honor Champion.

ROH brought in the former WWE Superstar under her real name, Tenille Dashwood.

Check out videos and social media coverage of Tenille “Emma” Dashwood’s ROH debut at last night’s ROH: Honor Reigns Supreme below.

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