打印机无法打印怎么处理 4种方法教你解决




  • 检查并紧固打印机到电脑间的USB或其他类型的数据线。

  • 通过浏览器直接输入IP地址访问打印机设置页面,查看其网络状态信息。同时,在电脑端尝试重新添加打印机。







  • 访问打印机卫士官方网站下载最新版本的软件,并按照提示完成安装。

  • 打开打印机卫士,点击“立即检测”按钮开始进行全面检查,包括对打印机驱动状态的检测。

  • 如果发现驱动程序版本较低或存在问题,会提示打印机驱动异常,点击一键修复

  • 等待完成驱动更新后,需要重启电脑让更改生效。再尝试打印一个测试页检查打印机是否恢复正常运作。



  • 打开打印机,检查墨水或碳粉的剩余量。

  • 如果墨水不足,按照打印机说明书的步骤更换新墨水盒。

  • 在更换后,打印一页测试文档,确认打印功能正常。



  • 打开“控制面板”>“硬件和声音”>“设备和打印机”。

  • 右键单击出现问题的打印机图标,选择“查看打印队列”。

  • 在弹出窗口中,取消所有正在等待或正在处理中的打印任务。

  • 如果上述步骤未能解决问题,考虑重启打印机服务:在搜索栏输入“services.msc”,找到“Print Spooler”服务,停止后再启动即可。







Keyword: 打印机维修

Ducky World Yeowww! Mo Betta Fish Catnip Cat Toy – Purple

Your cat will be one happy cat with this Ducky World Yeowww! Mo Betta Fish Catnip Cat Toy in Purple!

  • 100% filled with organically grown catnip
  • Durable cotton twill body
  • Crinkle fabric tails
  • All handmade
  • Made in the USA!

Why We Love It:

The Ducky World Yeowww! Mo Betta Fish Catnip Cat Toy will have your kitty swimming to purring for more! Yeowww! fills all their toys with premium 100% organic catnip that is grown without the use of pesticides and is stuffed to the max using only the leaves and flower tops for a premium blend with a strong aroma that will last and last. Made of a durable cotton twill body right here in the USA. Crinkle fabric adds a fun little crunch to the experience. The outer fabric is strong enough to take all the scratching, biting, and batting your cat can give. This hand-stuffed fish toy is bright and fun and has no cotton fillers or dangerous plastic pieces. Treat your cat to only the best with this Yeowww! toy!


打印机如何取消打印任务 取消打印任务详细指南




  • 按下Win + R键打开“运行”对话框,输入control并回车以打开控制面板。

  • 在控制面板中选择“硬件和声音”,然后点击“设备和打印机”。

  • 找到您正在使用的打印机图标,右键点击它并选择“查看正在打印的内容”。在弹出的窗口中可以看到当前所有的打印作业列表。

  • 右键点击想要取消的任务,在弹出菜单中选择“取消”。如果要一次性取消所有任务,则可以右键点击空白处选择“取消所有文档”。



  • 按下Win + R键打开“运行”对话框,输入services.msc并回车以打开服务管理器。

  • 在服务列表中找到Print Spooler,右键点击Print Spooler服务,选择停止来停止该服务。

  • 停止服务后,您可以前往C:WindowsSystem32spoolPRINTERS目录下删除所有打印队列中的临时文件。

  • 回到服务管理器,重新启动Print Spooler”服务。



  • 按下Win+R组合键调出运行对话框,输入cmd后回车进入命令提示符环境。

  • 输入wmic printer get name并回车,这会显示系统中所有已安装打印机的名称。

  • 输入以下命令来取消指定打印机上的某个任务(请替换PrinterName为您的打印机名称,JobID为要取消的任务ID):
    net stop spooler
    del %systemroot%System32spoolPRINTERS*.*
    net start spooler

  • 其中net stop spooler用于停止打印服务,del %systemroot%System32spoolPRINTERS*.*用于删除打印队列中的所有文件,net start spooler用于重新启动打印服务。

  • 如果想一次性取消所有打印机的所有打印任务,可以直接执行上述命令。







  • 访问打印机卫士官方网站下载最新版本,下载完成后,双击安装包按照提示进行安装。

  • 打开打印机卫士,进入主界面点击立即检测,软件将开始自动扫描打印机。

  • 如果发现有可更新的驱动程序,点击一键修复,软件会自动下载最新的驱动程序。

  • 安装新驱动程序后,重启电脑以确保更改生效。







Keyword: 复印机维修

Les Meilleurs Masques Capillaires pour Réparer et Nourrir les Ch


Les cheveux abîmés peuvent être le résultat de divers facteurs tels que la chaleur, les produits chimiques, la pollution et même les conditions climatiques. Ils peuvent devenir ternes, secs et fragiles, ce qui les rend difficiles à coiffer et moins attrayants. Pour restaurer leur santé et leur éclat, l’utilisation de masques capillaires est essentielle. Dans cet article, nous allons explorer les meilleurs masques capillaires pour réparer et nourrir les cheveux abîmés, ainsi que des conseils sur leur utilisation pour obtenir des résultats optimaux.

Pourquoi Utiliser un Masque Capillaire?

  • Hydratation: Les masques capillaires fournissent une hydratation intense, empêchant la sécheresse, qui est souvent la cause principale des cheveux abîmés.
  • Réparation: Ils aident à réparer les cheveux en profondeur, réduisant les fourches et la casse, et favorisent la régénération des cellules capillaires.
  • Nourrissant: Les ingrédients riches en nutriments revitalisent les cheveux et favorisent leur croissance, leur apportant force et vitalité.
  • Protection: Certains masques créent une barrière protectrice contre les agressions extérieures, comme la chaleur et la pollution.

Les Meilleurs Masques Capillaires

Voici une sélection de masques capillaires parmi les meilleurs sur le marché, chacun ayant des propriétés uniques pour cibler les différents types de dommages capillaires :

  • Masque à l’Huile de Coco: Riche en acides gras et en vitamine E, il pénètre profondément dans la tige capillaire pour réparer les cheveux abîmés. L’huile de coco est également connue pour ses propriétés antibactériennes et antifongiques, offrant une protection supplémentaire.
  • Masque au Beurre de Karité: Excellent pour hydrater et nourrir, ce masque est idéal pour les cheveux secs et crépus. Le beurre de karité est riche en acides gras essentiels et en vitamines A et E, qui aident à revitaliser et à adoucir les cheveux.
  • Masque à l’Avocat: Contenant des vitamines A, D et E, ainsi que des acides gras oméga-3, ce masque aide à revitaliser les cheveux ternes et à améliorer leur élasticité. L’avocat est un excellent choix pour les cheveux fins à normaux.
  • Masque à la Banane: Naturellement hydratant, il aide à renforcer les cheveux tout en les rendant brillants. Les bananes sont riches en potassium et en vitamines, ce qui en fait un super aliment pour vos cheveux.
  • Masque au Miel: Un excellent humectant qui attire l’humidité et laisse les cheveux doux et brillants. Le miel possède également des propriétés antibactériennes et est idéal pour apaiser le cuir chevelu.
  • Masque à la kératine: Conçu spécifiquement pour les cheveux abîmés par les traitements chimiques, ce masque aide à restaurer la kératine naturelle des cheveux, leur redonnant force et brillance.
  • Masque à l’huile d’argan: Connue comme l’or liquide, l’huile d’argan est riche en antioxydants et en acides gras, nourrissant et protégeant les cheveux tout en les rendant plus faciles à coiffer.

Comment Appliquer un Masque Capillaire?

  1. Laver vos Cheveux: Commencez par un shampoing doux pour nettoyer vos cheveux en profondeur. Cela permet de débarrasser les cheveux de la saleté, des résidus de produits et de l’excès d’huile.
  2. Appliquer le Masque: Répartissez uniformément le masque sur les cheveux, en insistant sur les pointes, qui sont souvent les plus abîmées. Utilisez un peigne à dents larges pour aider à répartir le produit de manière homogène.
  3. Temps de Pose: Laissez agir le masque pendant au moins 20 à 30 minutes, ou selon les instructions du produit. Pour un meilleur résultat, vous pouvez envelopper vos cheveux dans un bonnet de douche ou une serviette chaude pour aider à la pénétration des ingrédients.
  4. Rincer: Rincez abondamment à l’eau tiède, puis appliquez un après-shampoing si nécessaire. Évitez l’eau chaude, car elle peut dessécher les cheveux.

Fréquence d’Utilisation

Pour des résultats optimaux, utilisez un masque capillaire une fois par semaine. Cependant, les cheveux particulièrement abîmés peuvent bénéficier d’une application plus fréquente, jusqu’à deux fois par semaine, surtout après des traitements chimiques ou une exposition excessive au soleil.

Conseils pour Choisir le Bon Masque

  • Identifiez vos besoins: Évaluez l’état de vos cheveux. Sont-ils secs, abîmés, fins ou crépus? Choisissez un masque qui cible spécifiquement vos préoccupations.
  • Lisez les ingrédients: Optez pour des masques contenant des ingrédients naturels et évitez ceux contenant des sulfates et des parabènes.
  • Tenez compte de votre type de cheveux: Les cheveux épais et bouclés peuvent nécessiter des masques plus riches, tandis que les cheveux fins peuvent bénéficier de formules légères.

Alternatives Naturelles

Si vous préférez des solutions DIY, voici quelques recettes de masques capillaires maison :

  • Masque à l’Huile d’Olive et au Citron: Mélangez 2 cuillères à soupe d’huile d’olive avec le jus d’un citron. Appliquez sur les cheveux et laissez agir pendant 30 minutes avant de rincer.
  • Masque à l’Avocat et au Yaourt: Écrasez un avocat mûr, ajoutez 2 cuillères à soupe de yaourt nature et appliquez sur les cheveux. Laissez poser 30 minutes puis rincez.
  • Masque au Miel et à l’Huile de Jojoba: Mélangez 2 cuillères à soupe de miel avec 1 cuillère à soupe d’huile de jojoba. Appliquez sur les cheveux et laissez agir pendant 20 minutes avant de rincer.


Investir dans un bon masque capillaire peut transformer vos cheveux abîmés en une chevelure saine et éclatante. Que vous choisissiez un produit commercial ou une recette maison, l’important est de faire preuve de régularité et de soins. N’hésitez pas à essayer différents masques pour trouver celui qui convient le mieux à vos besoins spécifiques. Prenez soin de vos cheveux et ils vous le rendront bien!

Blanket Newborn Baby Girls for Bath and Travel

Basic Info.

Model NO.

80%CO20%Pl Treey Jersey -100%Co

Age Group

Anti-Pilling, Wearable

Baby Blanket

Knitting Method
Stitch Knitting

Printing Pattern

Home, Travel, Airplane, Picnic, Bath, Hotel

Transport Package


Y and P


HS Code

Production Capacity

Product Description

Dalian Duojia Trade Co., LTD established in 2003. It is a professional children’s wear company which combines of design, research, production and sales. The main products mainly include knitted children’s wear, matching with woven wears, woolen wears and so on.

Products are mainly sold to Italy, Spain, Canada and many other countries. Our company pursues the business philosophy of “customer first, reputation first, integrity and pragmatic, the pursuit of excellence”. The famous Italian brands IDEXE, CHICCO, Spain- MAYORAL and Canada-Gold Tulip/Amouire/All Navy have been established a long time cooperation with our company.

With high quality fabric and accessory at home and abroad, sincere service for customers, carefully design each product, deeply trusted and praised by customers, our company has already became the appointed supplier for some internationally renowned brands. The company’s annual capacity of kinds of baby clothes is about 3 million pieces. The annual export earnings is about 9 million US dollars.

Dalian Duojia Trade Co.,Ltd owns two professional garments factories which are Yingkou Yijia Garment Co., Ltd and Dandong Huijia Garment Co., Ltd. There are more than 400 experienced sewing workers now. Factories focus on “people-oriented”, all staff follow strictly the concept of “sincerity first”. With experienced professional technical personnel, international advanced equipment, closed production process and strictly product quality control system, we can guarantee the high quality of products.

Dalian Duojia Trade Co., Ltd wish to cooperate with foreign customers sincerely. We’ll provides high quality products and best service. We hope we can open co-existence, co-prosperity and win-win business model and create a better future together.


12 条基于风险的 API 安全控制指南

在当今互联的世界中,API(应用程序编程接口)充当着应用程序之间无形的桥梁。然而,权力越大,责任也越大!保护这些 API 的安全至关重要,以防止潜在攻击者对数据或用户信息的隐私造成威胁。本文将介绍基于风险的 API 安全控制,帮助构建更可靠和防篡改的 API。

1. 左移安全设计实践的威胁建模

在建筑项目的蓝图阶段识别结构缺陷比后期修复更有效。威胁建模的目标是尽早发现并修复 API 安全缺陷。


考虑一个处理用户付款的电子商务 API。开发人员可以建立威胁模型,帮助识别 SQL 注入或中间人攻击等潜在威胁,并更快地实施对策。

2. API 发现和编目

API 就像一个信息丰富的图书馆,了解可用的 API 和它们如何处理数据至关重要。


创建一张表,列出每个 API 及其用途,帮助安全分析与管理。

3. API 网关和服务网格部署

API 网关类似于城堡的大门,负责流量的身份验证和速率限制。服务网格则提供微服务之间的安全通信和细粒度控制。


利用 Kong 等网关实施安全策略,只允许经过身份验证的请求。

4. 持续监控和分层安全防御

有效的 API 安全需要实时监控,利用 SIEM 工具跟踪 API 违规行为。


仪表板监控异常流量,如未知 IP 地址的大量请求,并及时发出警报。

5. 身份验证和授权控制

API 安全应采用多层防护措施。


使用 OAuth 2.0 进行安全身份验证和角色基础的访问控制。

6. 短期代币:降低风险

短生命周期的 API 令牌就像临时通行证,限制了潜在攻击者的机会。


令牌在 10 分钟后过期,减少了被攻击的风险。

7. 消息输入验证

输入验证确保只有合法数据能进入系统,防止 SQL 注入等攻击。



8. 通过 DLP 保护敏感数据



在 API 响应中屏蔽敏感数据如密码和信用卡信息。

9. 永远不要对 API 秘密进行硬编码

硬编码 API 凭据是糟糕的安全实践,应使用安全管理工具存储。


使用 AWS Secrets Manager 存储 API 密钥,而不是直接在代码中。

10. 保密措施



所有 API 通信都应使用 HTTPS。

11. 每个 API 速率限制



对每分钟的用户请求进行限制,以防止 DOS 攻击。

12. API IP 允许和拒绝列表

通过允许或拒绝特定 IP 地址访问 API,提高安全性,防止未授权访问。


将对敏感 API 端点的访问限制为仅来自其自身网络 (ORG) 内的 IP 地址。

这些设计模式旨在构建分层的安全深度堆栈,协同工作以增强整体保护。了解 API 的风险后,您可以评估并选择最有效的控制措施,从而最大化安全优势。

原文链接:A Guide to Security Controls for Risk-Based API Protection

Keyword: kimi api

How 3D Printing Can Preserve And Restore The Past

3D scanning in combination with 3D printing now makes it possible to create all sorts of physical objects. This technology has become so advanced that it helps to preserve or restore historic artifacts that no longer exist. Let’s take a closer look at how 3D printing is currently being used to help protect and even recreate the vanishing past.

How Does 3D Printing And Scanning Work?

3D printing requires 3D data. Data can come from your own design in the form of a CAD file or it can be collected by scanning an actual physical object which can be used to reverse engineer a copy of the original.

Most scanning systems use a laser beam which reflects off the target object’s surface and back to a sensor that collects two related and important bits of information:

  1. How long did it take the beam to bounce back? Since the speed of light is known very precisely, the time it takes to return tells the sensor how far away that particular point is.
  2. At what angle did it return? Knowing the angle tells the computer the position of the point in space.

Some systems also record color, reflectivity and other qualitative surface features. Every system depends on millions of points of data, called a “point cloud”. With modern computers and software, it’s possible to manipulate this cloud in lots of interesting ways.

How Can 3D Printing And Scanning Preserve The Vanishing Past?

Museum curators, historians and archeologists have long known of, and fought against, the ravages of environmental decay upon mankind’s priceless cultural treasures.   Weathering and acid rain can be controlled inside of museum spaces but the ravages of war, neglect and vandalism are not so easy to defend against. Monuments, statues, tapestries, friezes and bas-reliefs all help to tell the story of our past, and they are all at risk.

Thanks to 3D scanning and 3D printing, many museums of antiquity are now digitizing their entire collections, with the hope of preserving the past in some more permanent form. An online digital platform Threeding.com is working with many museums and private collectors in Europe to scan their collections of Egyptian, Greek, Roman and Ottoman art.

What If The Real Thing Is No Longer Available For 3D Scanning?

In too many cases, original artifacts have been lost or destroyed before they could be digitally cataloged. Are they gone forever? Maybe not. Two university students – one from Germany and one from Spain – created the website Rekrei. Here, they use photogrammetry to reproduce a past that was never scanned in the first place. Photogrammetry is a technique for making a 3D digital file using 2D photographs as the raw information. The founders of Rekrei set-up an online platform and then crowdsourced – asked people on the internet to send them any photographs they had of precious artifacts lost from the Mosul Museum in Iraq when it was ransacked by Islamic State fighters. Thousands of people from around the world who had visited that museum and who had photos responded.

As with a scanning laser, these various photos showed the artifacts in question from many different angles and distances, providing the necessary data for calculating the exact dimensions and proportions of the originals.

These pictures were digitally scanned, with the data overlapped to create a complex point cloud. This new cloud was fed to a printer to make a replica of an Assyrian lion statue from 860 BC and the statue of a priest from ancient Persia, among many others.

What Does This Mean For You?

There are many ways that 3D scanning and 3D printing technologies are being used to preserve and recreate the past. It is exciting to see how these technologies will continue to be developed. In the future, these same techniques can and will be used to reproduce missing pieces from classic automobiles, busts of beloved family pets, or anything else for which photographic evidence exists.

We love the potential of 3D printing and we believe that transformative technology like this will bring even more changes to the prototyping and low-volume manufacturing industries, making it even faster and easier to create new ideas while replicating past ones.

Mamadou Sakho: “PSG? Why not, but afterwards.”

French central defender and Liverpool exile Mamadou Sakho spoke to Canal Football Club this evening about the possibility of returning to PSG.

“Since I started this incredible adventure abroad, in terms of football but also in terms of my family, because when I see my children speaking English I think it is a glorious thing that I have been able to give them. I think I have a few more wonderful years to experience abroad first. And PSG, why not, but afterwards.”

He was also asked if he would join Marseille’s new project:

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“I think Marseille have a very good team. Bafé (Gomis) and Pat (Evra) are friends of mine. But my answer to this might remind certain people about a song. When there is PSG, Sakho is with them.”

DATRON’s M8Cube the Next Generation High-Speed CNC Machining Sys

DATRON M8 versus DATRON M8Cube

For over 10 years, DATRON has had a very successful history with installations of their M8 gantry-style machining systems. This revolutionary machine had an install base of nearly 1,000 machines and was responsible for making DATRON an industry leader in high-speed cnc machining systems. DATRON’s talented research and development team in Germany, in close cooperation with their install base of M8 customers developed a comprehensive wish list for the next generation of machines. In autumn of 2012, the introduction of the new M8Cube answered all the hard work of these collaborated efforts.

When the machine was first introduced to me in the summer of 2012, Matthias Reck, Director of Research and Development at DATRON AG told me, “We were successful at developing a machine with half as many parts, improved ergonomics, better accuracy, faster rapids and feed rates and that’s structurally stronger than the prior M8 model”. The main reasons for this achievement was changing to a new control system and using direct drive AC brushless motors. Additionally, the gantry was completely redesigned with a stronger Z Axis to secure larger horsepower, high-frequency spindles while providing more stiffness for the higher power drive motors. This achieved greater acceleration and deceleration rates producing faster cycle times. The stronger design along with the new control software allowed them to also develop an optimization filter they call “PerfectCut”. This optional software function creates a powerful look-ahead combined with sophisticated algorithm calculations that can improve three- dimensional contour machining by as much as 30% compared to the previous control software. In some sample parts, cycle times were cut almost in half compared to the already impressive M8 cycle times.

Winner of the Red Dot award in 2013, this revolutionary new design not only had a new improved appearance but as well, an easier user interface for the operator. Improvements such as an elongated touch sensitive LCD panel for improved interaction and readability. Additionally, a chip-proof keypad located directly below the display offers better reliability and functionality. A more rugged and self-contained door, hinges upward without having the operator stepping backwards, like found on previous models. The cabin interior has more light to better see your work pieces. An integrated, three-color LED indirect lighting system for indicating machine status is built directly into the gantry that replaces the need for an external light stick. Vacuum ports molded directly into the polymeric table allow for quick and easy installation of modular vacuum tables. With thanks to our customers and design team, the new M8Cube is a much improved machine to use and operate.

The stronger, faster and more accurate M8Cube cnc machining system now has opened up many new applications that were not as attainable with the older M8 Model. Having the possibility for a heavier spindle and larger tool capacity with HSK tooling are two important factors for a broader market appeal. New applications in three-dimensional molds such as thermoforming, heavier and deeper machining operations found in electronic housings and tighter accuracies required in applications such as waveguides are a few examples that make the M8Cube a much more diverse solution in general machining facilities or job shops. Many existing M8 customers have added or replaced their older machines with the new M8Cube for the increased capabilities but more importantly, to reduce manufacturing costs from the faster cycle times and improved ease of use.

For me personally, I am very proud to be working with an organization that has such a strong commitment to research and development. This is the main reason why DATRON AG has been voted a “Top 100 Company” in Germany for innovation. An honor and recognition for this size of manufacturer in a leading country of machine tool producers is truly remarkable. The involvement of the existing M8 customer base along with the talented team of designers and engineers at DATRON have succeeded in making this next generation machine tool, the M8Cube cnc machining system, a monumental successor.

Bill King
President of DATRON Dynamics