Custom Manufacturing: Processes, Benefits, and Applications

Most people perceive manufacturing as a production line filled with automated machines making thousands and millions of replicas of the same product. However, custom manufacturing exists to handle manufacturing needs beyond just copy-and-paste commodities.

Custom production as an innovative approach encompasses procedures such as designing, engineering, and manufacturing products tailored to a customer’s preference or taste. Its examples often vary from build-to-order (BTO) parts, low-volume production, one-offs, and mass customization.

In this article, let’s explore the meaning of custom manufacturing, how it differs from mass production, and why you should choose it for production solutions.

What is Custom Manufacturing?

Custom manufacturing is an efficient process product developers and engineers use to create unique parts in fewer quantities to meet clients’ specifications. The process requires working closely with the end users to design and develop the product. Therefore, custom manufacturing often takes a more hands-on approach and requires advanced expertise.

In addition, customized manufacturing technology revolutionizes your perspective on production and design by allowing you to match precision with personalization. This process is often regarded as just-in-time manufacturing since it involves creating parts just in time to meet the specified ship dates.

Differences Between Custom Manufacturing vs. Mass Production

A major challenge most business owners encounter in product manufacturing is choosing between custom manufacturing and mass production since these approaches offer varying benefits and limitations.

Custom manufacturing allows you to create products on a small scale and within short periods according to each customer’s unique specifications. This approach is the opposite of traditional mass production, which often involves large volume production of identical items. Customized manufacturing focuses on reducing waste and equipment and ensuring quick inventory turnover.

As a branch of lean manufacturing, custom manufacturing relies on customer orders instead of traditional sales forecasting. With custom manufacturing, your manufacturing partner will have to work with you through every step of the process. The production process begins with a meeting where you discuss your needs, then transition to the design process once they believe they can deliver them.

Furthermore, mass production differs from custom manufacturing because it has production lines with specialized machinery to manufacture larger quantities of commodities faster. Custom manufacturing involves operations in production areas with machine tooling or equipment capable of accommodating design variation and customization. This is because custom manufacturing focuses on producing customized items based on client’s preferences.

Why Choose Custom Manufacturing for Production Solutions?

Custom manufacturing for production solutions offers an extensive range of benefits. This section will discuss different reasons why you should choose custom manufacturing.

Quality Control

Custom manufacturing allows businesses to control the quality of their products. As a result, businesses can implement adequate supervision at production stages, including product design. Custom manufacturers use specific materials, machining expertise, and strict quality checks to ensure precision in every step of the production process.


Custom manufacturing would be ideal for new products or small businesses if they need to test certain products like electronic housing or butterfly knife. Custom production allows you to order the precise amount of product you need and gradually scale up the number of products as your business grows. Therefore, you have the products you need when you want them and don’t have to worry about quantities.

Streamlined Solutions

Custom manufacturing allows businesses to charge a premium and offer customers uniquely designed products that match their demands, tastes, and preferences. Manufacturers provide products with a high degree of flexibility with distinct shapes, dimensions, materials, and particular functions.

The custom production also ensures the parts meet the individual specifications the customer provided. However, customers are often compelled to pay more for customized products that best meet their needs than those produced in mass.

Excellent Customer Relationships

Through a series of open dialogue and adapted insights into customer needs, custom manufacturing helps reinforce customer relationships. Due to the interactive nature of the process, businesses can gather relevant information about the needs, wants, and desired services of different customers.

Product manufacturers that maintain active customer interaction tend to meet client’s needs by making products that meet their requirements and tastes. Hence, the customer drives more value and satisfaction because their clients acknowledge their concerns.

High Flexibility and Adaptability

Customized manufacturing allows organizations or businesses to enjoy faster agility and responsiveness in transforming consumer tastes and an unpredictable supply environment. As a result, this facilitates quick modification in product designs, raw materials, and features, enabling manufacturers to respond faster to consumers’ ever-dynamic tastes and trends.

Cost Efficiency

Custom manufacturing makes necessary adjustments to tailor the manufacturing process to meet user needs. This tailored solution economizes money on surplus stock and inefficient production.

Furthermore, this process can implement efficient management of resources by preventing unnecessary expenses on incompatible elements and materials.

Various Processes Involved in Custom Manufacturing

Custom manufacturing meets the specific requests and specifications using different production processes. We’ll explore these custom manufacturing processes below.

Additive Manufacturing

Additive manufacturing is a widely used custom manufacturing technology that creates complex parts by building one layer over another. Custom manufacturers often use additive manufacturing techniques to make customized products. Aside from the process being guided by a CAD model, it allows fine-tuning and modifying any design.

To create a molded plastic part, for instance, you would have to make a mold that will be a master pattern for the product. However, these molds are often costly and only suitable for a particular product. Additive manufacturing facilitates the production of a nearly unlimited volume of unique products using the same machine.

These additive manufacturing technologies include:

  • Stereolithography (SLA)
  • Selective Laser Sintering (SLS)
  • Fused Deposition Modeling (FDM)
  • Polyjet
  • Binder Jetting
  • Fused Filament Fabrication (FFF)
  • Selective Laser Melting (SLM)
  • Multi Jet Fusion (MJF)
  • Direct Metal Laser Sintering (DMLS)
  • Electron Beam Melting (EBM)

Subtractive Manufacturing

Subtractive manufacturing techniques cut material from a workpiece to form the desired shape instead of adding material to build the product. These processes offer various benefits, such as extensive material compatibility and the flexibility to produce machined parts with complex geometries.

Aside from the efficiency of this process, it can offer machined parts with excellent surface finish without necessarily performing post-processing like polishing or grinding. Subtractive manufacturing processes like reaming can make holes with smoother edges in parts than other processes.

Typical subtractive manufacturing techniques include:

  • CNC machining – milling, drilling, turning, routing, reaming, boring
  • Electric Discharge Machining (EDM)
  • Plasma Cutting
  • Water Jet Cutting

Considerations to Choose the Right Custom Manufacturer for Your Project

Choosing the proper custom manufacturer with the right equipment and expertise to meet the needs of your project can be challenging. But it would be best to partner with a manufacturer that can maintain a long-standing relationship with you and precisely to your specifications. Here are some helpful tips for choosing the ideal custom manufacturer.

Examine the Kind of Products They Manufacture

The type of products prospective custom manufacturers produce is one of the critical things you have to consider when determining the right partner. You might need only a particular product now; however, it would be best to partner with a manufacturer that can handle a wide variety of products if you choose to expand your product lines in the long run.

Partner with a manufacturer that works with an extensive range of materials and has innovative tools to handle your project. It guarantees flexibility and saves costs in the long run, eliminating the need to partner with numerous manufacturers for different products.

Consider Brand Reputation

To be much safer side, ensure the prospective custom parts manufacturer’s brand has a good reputation in the industry even though it doesn’t concern your end users. Make your findings and read reviews of past and returning clients. It saves you from unwanted complications by providing insight into their production quality and customer service.

Additionally, ensure their compliance with industry standards, especially in labor and environmental regulations.

Evaluate Craftsmanship and Quality of Materials

Regardless of how remarkable marketing strategies seem, none of it will matter if the materials and craftsmanship of your prospective custom manufacturer are substandard. Hence, inspect their samples thoroughly and compare them to industry standards. Ensure the materials are of superior quality and the specifications are consistent with the product designs.


Although customized manufacturing offers the opportunity to reduce upfront costs, your customers will ultimately be the ones to put up with the cost of your expenses. As a result, you must consider the target product price points and brand position when choosing a custom manufacturer. Ensure the prices you receive match your expected profit margin and that their minimum order quantity (MOQs) won’t be exceedingly high.

Lead Time

Lead time is another critical factor when sourcing for a custom manufacturer because it determines how long your prospective partner will take to manufacture and ship out your orders. Moreover, you’d prefer a manufacturer capable of guaranteeing the desired turnaround times without compromising product quality.

Which Typical Industries Need Custom Manufacturing?

Custom manufacturing offers innovative solutions such as unique, tailor-made commodities that match customer requirements in different industries, including:


The military sector utilizes custom manufacturing to create specialized equipment, vehicles, weaponry, communication systems, and other defense technologies that match the unique demands of the military.

Aerospace Components

Manufacturers in the aerospace sector utilize custom manufacturing to fabricate precision-engineered parts for spacecraft, satellites, aircraft, and other systems. In addition, turbine blades, propulsion systems, avionics, and structural elements are typical aerospace components created with custom manufacturing.


Custom manufacturing is essential in the electronics industry for manufacturing specialized circuit boards, sensors, semiconductor components, and other electronic devices according to customer preferences.

Medical Device

Manufacturers depend on custom manufacturing to produce specialized medical devices and instruments in the healthcare or medical sector. It is also a reliable technique for creating patient-specific orthopedic implants and prosthetics tailored to individual patient needs.

Automotive Industry

Automotive manufacturers use custom manufacturing to produce different vehicle components and systems, including chassis parts, engines, transmissions, electronic components, and interiors.

Your Trust Custom Manufacturing Partner – WayKen

At WayKen, we take pride in being your trusted custom manufacturing partner. With years of experience and a professional team, we offer comprehensive solutions for your unique requirements. From prototyping to part production, our expert team ensures precision and quality at every step of product production.

Whether you require custom CNC machining, 3D printing, vacuum casting, or rapid injection molding, we have the expertise to bring your ideas to life efficiently and cost-effectively. Partner with WayKen for custom manufacturing solutions that exceed your expectations. Contact us today!


Custom manufacturing is a reliable means to achieving custom parts for your business. It provides endless benefits, including better quality control, greater customization, and optimized production, which can increase sales and earn you a competitive edge.


What are the types of custom manufacturing?

Prototyping and production are the two categories of custom manufacturing. Prototype or mock-up manufacturing involves producing a model or sample for testing, analyzing, and modifying it to fit its purpose perfectly. On the other hand, serial production involves making large quantities of a product for commercial purposes.

What are the common challenges of custom manufacturing?

Custom manufacturing can be time-consuming because you have to source suitable materials, partner with a reliable manufacturer, and liaise with them to deliver on time. Custom manufacturing also requires highly skilled and versatile experts to handle varying production requirements.

Is custom manufacturing better than mass production?

Both approaches offer varying pros and cons, and determining the one that suits your project better depends on factors such as product complexity, flexibility, lead time, costs, and economies of scale.

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  • 更换碳粉盒:若使用激光打印机,检查碳粉盒是否需要更换。如果鼓组件出现问题,也需要进行更换。



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  • 修复打印机故障:扫描完成了,点击“一键修复”选项,它就会开始下载并安装与你的打印机相匹配的驱动程序。



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  • 确保网线连接牢固,没有松动或损坏。如果是无线连接,确认打印机已正确连接至Wi-Fi网络。

  • 关闭路由器和打印机的电源,等待几分钟后再重新启动。

  • 登录打印机的Web界面(通常可以在打印机手册中找到登录方法),检查其IP地址配置是否正确,并且与电脑位于同一子网内。







  • 确认打印机连接无误后,打开打印机卫士,点击立即检测,软件将自动检测打印机状态,包括驱动程序。

  • 如果检测到打印机驱动异常,点击右上角的一键修复

  • 等待异常驱动修复完成后,尝试重新打印一个测试页,确认打印机是否已经恢复正常工作。



  • 点击开始菜单,搜索“控制面板”,然后选择“设备和打印机”。

  • 在列表中找到你的惠普打印机图标,右键点击打印机图标,选择“查看打印队列”。

  • 在打印队列窗口中,如果看到打印机处于暂停状态,可以点击“打印机”菜单,选择“取消所有文档”后重新发送打印任务。



  • 根据打印机型号的不同,可能需要打开前盖板或顶部盖板。

  • 确认墨盒或硒鼓是否正确安装到位,没有松动。如果是激光打印机,还需检查是否有卡纸情况。

  • 如果发现墨盒或硒鼓已空或损坏,及时更换新的耗材。

  • 有些型号的打印机在更换耗材后需要进行重置操作,具体步骤请参考打印机的用户手册。



  • 按下打印机上的电源按钮,将其完全关闭。

  • 让打印机静置几分钟,以确保所有组件都完全断电。

  • 重新接通电源,开启打印机,并观察是否恢复正常工作。







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  • 检查打印机的网络连接,确认其已连接至局域网的Wi-Fi或有线网络。

  • 在电脑上,点击网络和共享中心,查看当前网络连接的名称和设置。

  • 确认电脑和打印机是否连接至相同的路由器或网络。



  • 在电脑上,进入控制面板,点击网络和共享中心

  • 选择更改高级共享设置,确保“网络发现”和“文件和打印机共享”已打开。

  • 保存更改并尝试重新搜索打印机。



  • 首先,下载打印机卫士客户端,根据提示完成安装步骤。





  • 打开打印机卫士,进入网络安装模式,点击搜索添加,软件将自动搜索已共享的打印机。如果您知道打印机的IP地址,也可以通过搜索IP地址连接到打印机。

  • 选择搜索到的网络打印机,点击下一步,确认打印机型号。

  • 确认无误后点击一键安装,等待打印机驱动安装完成后,说明网络打印机已添加成功。

  • 最后尝试打印一份测试页,确保打印机能够正常工作。



  • 打开控制面板,选择Windows Defender 防火墙

  • 点击启用或关闭 Windows Defender 防火墙,将网络类型下的防火墙设置为“关闭”。检查是否可以搜索到打印机。

  • 如果能搜索到打印机,调整防火墙的例外设置,允许网络发现和打印共享。

  • 注意:禁用防火墙后务必尽快重新开启以保证电脑安全。



  • 打开电脑设置,选择更新和安全,点击疑难解答

  • 在右侧找到其他疑难解答,点击进入,选择打印机并运行疑难解答工具。

  • 按照提示完成诊断和修复过程。







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Botanical Ring Bed – Grey

Designed to complement fashionable home interiors, Botanical pet beds feature neutral grey tones and tropical leaf prints. With box beds, a mattress and a ring bed, the range provides variety for pets who enjoy curling up or sprawling out, whilst offering supreme comfort during resting periods. Each bed has a one-piece construction for ease of machine washing, and the 100% recycled fill offers unrivalled cushioning characteristics. The Botanical range is available in various sizes to suit different breeds and sleeping styles.       

  • Cover: 100% polyester
  • Fill: 100% polyester fibre layer
Washing Instructions 
  • Machine Washable at 30 degrees. Do not bleach or tumble dry.
Size Information
  • 45cm dia.

Before ordering please ensure your chosen size is right for your dog. For guidance please see our Size Guide.

Please note: The images should not be used as a specific size representation, please make sure to refer to the size and measurement details to determine which size is suitable for your pet.


FEATURE | AS Monaco reaffirm their title challenge with PSG draw, as their revised project comes full circle

“We could have never had the same project as PSG. Here, it is nice, but too small.” Whether Vadim Vasilyev, AS Monaco vice-president, was being entirely honest about Les Monegasques’ ambitions is open to debate. Nevertheless, their on-field expectations were very much aligned with their rivals’ in Sunday night’s showdown in Paris. Since the steely Vasilyev made those comments to Canal + in 2014, Monaco have evolved from nouveau-riche, cash-splashing outfit to freewheeling gunslinger through footballing pragmatism, philosophical overhaul and a bitter divorce to become French football’s premier captivation.

Their professional and confident display in the well-deserved draw with champions PSG at the Parc des Princes exemplified Monaco’s exponential progress this season and the shift in power that has characterised this Ligue 1 campaign. A vehement press and willingness to push forward had Leandro Jardim’s charges in the ascendancy for much of the cagey encounter.

An undeserved PSG second-half lead, courtesy of an Edinson Cavani penalty, was crucially erased by the superb Bernardo Silva in injury time to keep Monaco atop of Ligue 1 as they emerge as one of the European game’s most enthralling attractions. Although it may have been a while coming, they are only just getting started.

Christmas 2011; AS Monaco, Champions’ League finalists just seven years earlier, are bottom of Ligue 2. A shock final day relegation from Ligue 1 and a solitary win from their first 18 games in the second tier had left the seven time French champions staring at the gaping trapdoor to the semi-pro National. However, with the festive period came salvation.

Just six months after QSI’s acquisition of PSG, Russian businessman, Dmitry Rybolovlev, listed (at the time) as 93rd on Forbes’ billionaire list, bought two thirds of the principality club and promised a return to both national and continental glory. By the end of the season, Monaco sat eighth; a year later, under the guidance of Claudio Ranieri, they were Ligue 2 champions and back where they belonged.

Promotion back to the top-flight initiated a summer spending spree of more than £140 million. Radamel Falcao, James Rodriguez, João Moutinho, Anthony Martial, Éric Abidal and Jérémy Toulalan all joined the Ranieri-Rybolovlev revolution on the French Riviera for an assault on Ligue 1’s finest.

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However, despite a brace of draws with champions PSG, a superb 80-point haul and a second place finish, the following summer brought uncertainty. The revolution faltered. James Rodriguez’s glittering World Cup saw him swept up, inevitably, by Real Madrid. Falcao, his infamous ACL injury limiting him to just 17 league outings, also wanted out, while the club’s hierarchy decided Ranieri had taken the team as far as he could.

Almost overnight the philosophy of the club dramatically altered tact. The seemingly modest off-season additions of Aymen Abdennour, Tiemoué Bakayoko and a loan move for Bernardo Silva provided stark contrast to the James/Falcao whirlwind of the previous year. Rybolovlev knew he could no longer afford such an aggressive transfer policy due to what was billed as “the most expensive divorce in history”. As far back as 2008, Rybolovlev and former wife Elena had been embroiled in a bitter legal battle to settle their separation, which endured into May 2014 before a settlement was reached in 2015, concluding in Rybolovlev losing vast swathes of his estimated $8 billion fortune.

Monaco’s backing was no longer without limits. La Provence reported last year that their 2016-17 budget would drop to €145 million, compared to €500 million for PSG and €235 million for Lyon. With the ‘Monaco project’ now at a crossroads and Vasilyev, installed as vice-president and CEO, he told L’Equipe in September 2014: “There were two possible roads to go down. The first was to spend big, that’s what we did at the beginning.

The second, now, is to build a project for the long haul. Yes, it takes longer, it is less glorious, we will be talked about less in the press, people will be worried, there are no longer stars and there is less glamour… but we believe in it.” Vasilyev’s spin aside, Monaco had little choice but to overhaul their philosophy, morphing from the ultimate buying club into the ultimate selling club.

Now under the stewardship of former Sporting Club coach Leonardo Jardim, young prospects with high sell-on potential define Les Monegasques’ model. A summer 2015 exodus saw Layvin Kurzawa, Aymen Abdennour, Anthony Martial, Yannick Ferreira-Carrasco and Geoffrey Kondogbia vacate the principality for a combined fee of more than €150 million. Vasilyev even overtly played down the club’s size and standing in the continental arena: “Look where our players left to: Real and Manchester United. We should be proud that our players are going there. I believe in our project but we are not at the level that those clubs are at.”

This is true. Monaco are often derided for sparse crowds at the Stade Louis II, their average attendance is the lowest in Ligue 1 at around 8,500, but given that Monaco itself is a state of just 37,000, this is hardly surprising. The club’s inherent footballing infrastructure fails to lend itself to a “super-club” identity. Monaco, in European terms, are simply not a ‘big’ club and likely never could be.

Fallout from the Rybolovlev divorce was followed by UEFA’s attempt to introduce Financial Fair Play, further restricting the club’s ability to move freely within the transfer market. Rybolovlev himself reaffirmed the shift in model to Le Parisien last October that “for two seasons, the club is self-financing and retains high performances. I am pleased to see that the strategy is working and that AS Monaco has positive accounts.”

Financial pragmatism bred footballing expediency. A mediocre third place finish in 2014-15 came virtue of the meanest defence in Ligue 1 and in spite of a goal tally of just 51. A poor start to the following campaign had Jardim under pressure and the availability of Nice’s Claude Puel was then allegedly sounded out by club officials over dinner. Vasilyev, however, repeatedly reiterated that Jardim was the right man for the job. Vasilyev’s faith would turn out to be well placed.

The failure to reach the Champions’ League group stages last season severely limited the club’s scope in the rapidly closing summer window, the loses of Kurzawa, Martial and others being direct consequences. Anthony Martial’s sale to Manchester United proved to be a particularly sore point for Jardim, leaving him frustrated and with no time to arrange an adequate replacement, no small factor in the side’s sluggish start.

As a result, ousting Villarreal to make the last 32 in this campaign could be seen as the most important result of both the Rybolovlev reign and Jardim’s career. Monaco were able to keep their exciting young squad together, rejecting a number of serious offers from the continent’s elite. Youthful exuberance has turned into the bold intensity of a compelling and effective unit that, coming into the game with PSG, sat at Ligue 1’s summit, averaging three goals a game while comfortably topping their Champions’ League group with a game to spare.

If PSG’s stuttering transition under Unai Emery has taught the rest of Ligue 1 anything, it is that the Parisians’ midfield can pressed into mistakes. Montpellier and Guingamp proved as much in comfortable wins before Christmas, following Jardim’s example from Monaco’s 3-1 triumph over Les Parisiens’ at the Stade Louis II back in the autumn.

Sorely missing the in-form Marco Verratti, throughout the first period PSG struggled to play out of their half. Monaco’s striking partnership of Falcao and Valère Germain were able to get close enough to the deep-lying Thiago Motta to cut him off from his centre backs, forcing Thiago Silva in particular to play risky, longer balls. Options were similarly limited for PSG’s full-backs, Thomas Meunier and Kurzawa, much to the delight of the narrow Monaco midfield four who hassled, pressured and pickpocketed their way into some dangerous turnovers.

Unusually for Monaco however, a lack of conviction, saw despite their territorial advantage, few genuine openings created, contributed to by a surprisingly reserved PSG display, who were both unable and uninclined to commit men, most notably Kurzawa and Meunier, in attack. The guile, grace and dogged determination of arguably the league’s best player this season, Bernardo Silva, caused Emery’s side a number of issues. Silva and the mercurial 21-year-old Frenchman, Thomas Lemar, both regularly tuck inside with and without the ball to form a formidable and dynamic foursome alongside the rangy sentinel Bakayoko and the tireless Fabinho.

The latter’s usually pitch-perfect passing game was more than a little off-key on the night which left Germain (14 goals for high-flying Nice last term) and a rejuvenated Falcao (12 in 16 league games this year) with little to feed off. Width would then normally come in the form of the marauding Djibril Sidibé and powerful Benjamin Mendy from full-back areas, but this was largely where Monaco fell short; delivery from crosses ranged somewhere from average to woeful for long stretches, Mendy being the main culprit.

Sidibé’s 80th minute tug on Julian Draxler as he attacked a cross during a rare PSG sortie forward finally broke the cycle of play. Cavani coolly converted from the spot. Having seemingly accepted a point, exchanging Germain for Moutinho to move to 4-4-1-1 just four minutes earlier, Monaco and Jardim were forced to take more chances, throwing on the trickery and pace of Kylian Mbappé in response. Nevertheless, it was the waspish Bernardo Silva who rescued a much deserved point, cutting in from the left after a succession of corners to fire through the crowd and past an unsighted Areola for what was a potentially title-winning equaliser.

Whether or not Vasilyev was right that Monaco will never truly able to follow in PSG’s footsteps is somewhat irrelevant in this special 2016-17 campaign. Monaco’s meandering path, their captivating group of young guns and an all-action style has led them to the top of French football with the Ligue 1 title and Manchester City in their sights. A small club? Perhaps. Potential trophy winners? Absolutely.


Automatic Large Qt6-15 Fly Ash Hollow Concrete Paver Building Ce

——QT6-15 Block Making Machine——


1. This equipment is mechanical hydraulic PLC controlled synthesis technique equipment. Its characteristic is high efficient, easy-operated and easy-maintained. Block molding mainly by hydraulic, machinery as sideline, vibrate and press to finish molding blocks.

2. The design and manufacture of this machine accordance with the requirement and standard of

3. A high degree of automation, intelligent electronic control, automatic process is controlled by advanced PLC(Programmable Controller), input and store of process data and touch screen for blocks, it have ideal of flexible Human Conversation Interface.

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Main technical parameter
Model QT6-15 Automatic block making machine
Qty/mould 6pcs/mould (hollow block 400*200*200mm)
Molding cycle 15-25s
Rated pressure 16MPa
Main vibration Platform vibration
Vibration frequency 2800-4500 r/m
Power 28.75Kw
Pallet size 900*680mm
Dimension 7100*1500*3000mm
Factory Area 1500m2








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——Packing and shiping——



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Our company is located in Qingdao city Shandong Province and our factory has three manufacturing bases that cover an area of 50 acres and a plant construction area of 100,000 square meters.


We cooperate with SIEMENS for Motors and PLC intelligent control system, Schneider electrical equipment and YUKEN for the hydraulic operations to insure our machines have the highest quality standrads with a stable working status.


We have more than 50 technician to ensure superior installations and after sale service to assist customer to install the machine and perfrom the proper training abroad.


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How Often Should You Use a Hair Mask? Karseell Experts Explain

Discover how often to use a hair mask for optimal hair health. Learn from Karseell experts about the benefits of Karseell collagen hair mask and how it can transform your hair.

Karseell Collagen Hair Treatment Rated 4.99 out of 5 based on 606 customer ratings

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In the quest for healthy, vibrant hair, the use of a hair mask is an essential step in any hair care routine. However, a common question arises: how often should you use a hair mask? Karseell experts are here to clarify this for you and explain the benefits of incorporating the Karseell collagen hair mask into your regimen.

The Importance of a Hair Mask

Hair masks are intensive treatments designed to nourish and repair your hair. They penetrate deeply into the hair shaft, providing essential nutrients and moisture that regular conditioners might not reach. For anyone dealing with dry, damaged, or color-treated hair, using a hair mask can significantly enhance hair health and appearance.

Frequency of Use

The frequency with which you should use a hair mask depends on several factors, including your hair type, its current condition, and your styling habits. Here’s a general guideline:

Fine or Oily Hair: If you have fine or oily hair, it’s advisable to use a hair mask once every two weeks. This prevents the hair from becoming too heavy or greasy while still providing necessary hydration.

Normal to Medium Hair: For those with normal to medium hair, using a hair mask once a week is optimal. This frequency allows your hair to absorb essential nutrients without risking overload.

Dry or Damaged Hair: If your hair is dry, damaged, or chemically treated, you might benefit from using a hair mask 1-2 times a week. The Karseell collagen hair mask is perfect for this purpose, as its nourishing ingredients help to repair and rejuvenate your hair.

The Benefits of Karseell Collagen Hair Mask

The Karseell collagen hair mask is specifically formulated to provide deep repair and conditioning. Here’s why it stands out:

Intensive Moisture: Infused with collagen and argan oil, this hair mask delivers intense hydration, helping to restore moisture balance and elasticity.

Repair and Strengthen: Regular use of Karseell’s hair mask can help repair damage from heat styling and environmental factors, strengthening your hair from within.

Enhanced Shine: The nourishing properties of the Karseell collagen hair mask will leave your hair looking shiny and healthy, promoting a vibrant appearance.

Suitable for All Hair Types: Whether you have straight, wavy, or curly hair, this mask is designed to cater to various hair types, ensuring everyone can enjoy its benefits.

How to Use the Karseell Collagen Hair Mask

For the best results, apply the Karseell collagen hair mask after shampooing. Here’s a simple application method:

Apply Generously: Take a generous amount and evenly distribute it through your damp hair, focusing on the ends.

Let It Sit: Allow the mask to sit for about 10-20 minutes. For deeper conditioning, consider covering your hair with a shower cap.

Rinse Thoroughly: After the time is up, rinse your hair thoroughly with lukewarm water.

Style as Usual: Enjoy your beautifully nourished hair!


Incorporating a hair mask into your routine can dramatically improve the health and appearance of your hair. The Karseell collagen hair mask is an excellent choice for those seeking deep nourishment and repair. For more details and to purchase, visit Karseell’s product page.

Transform your hair with Karseell and enjoy the benefits of a well-nourished mane!