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What Causes Sudden Hair Loss? 8 Possible Causes

It’s common (and even normal in some cases) for people to lose hair, but it can be pretty scary when it happens suddenly. Strands constantly clogging up your shower drain and patchy hair loss that’s impossible to hide can dent your confidence and even trigger mental health issues.

Keep reading for possible causes of your hair loss woes. Plus, find out what products you can use to encourage thicker looking hair.

What Does Sudden Hair Loss Mean?

Generally, most people lose an average of about 50 to 100 hairs per day. However, if you notice more hair loss than the average on your comb, pillow or in the shower drain, then it could be considered sudden hair loss.

Everyone’s hair goes through a stage of growth that lasts about five to seven years. It then lays dormant for a while and, eventually, falls out. However, not every hair on your head runs on the same cycle (or we’d all struggle with complete baldness every few years).

Losing up to 100 hairs a day might sound like a lot, but if you compare that to the number of hair follicles you have on your head (approximately between 100,000 and 150,000), you gain perspective. And with normal hair shedding, the loss isn’t permanent. Instead, each lost hair is replaced by a new hair shaft.

If you’re concerned about excessive shedding or you’ve noticed unusual types of hair loss, always seek advice from a doctor who can diagnose your condition.

Types of Sudden Hair Loss

Philadelphia-based board-certified dermatologist Dr. Erum Ilyas told VEGAMOUR, “There are two types of hair loss that patients describe as ‘sudden,’ and they’re usually alopecia areata and telogen effluvium. Even though alopecia areata and telogen effluvium provide slight variations on the concept of sudden hair loss, they can often be distinguished from other types of hair loss based on symptoms and speed.”

Here’s more about these causes of sudden hair loss:

Alopecia Areata

Alopecia areata is an autoimmune condition that can trigger long-term, patchy hair loss and hair shedding. Alopecia is the medical term for balding, and alopecia areata is when the body attacks hair follicles anywhere on the body. Those who live with this cause of hair loss are often in good health, and it can develop at any age.

“Alopecia areata is ‘sudden’ for the simple fact that patients rarely describe a prelude to the hair loss or a specific event that triggered it to occur,” explained Ilyas. “Alopecia areata is most often recognized as hair loss in patches or circles. Often patients will comment that there were little to no symptoms that made them aware the loss of hair was about to occur. Distinct bald spots are noticed either directly by the patient, a family member or a hairdresser. It can be shocking to patients simply because they had no idea the hair was missing.”

Find Out: Want Thicker, Fuller Looking Hair? Try This

Telogen Effluvium

“Telogen effluvium is a type of stress-induced hair loss,” said Ilyas. “Rapid shedding starts to occur about three to six months after a stressful event, whether it be physical, mental or emotional. Although this can feel rather sudden in that there is a rapid increase in shedding, the reality is that there is a process that the hair is cycling through, and shedding is closer to the midpoint.

“In other words, the stressful event triggers a change in the pattern of hair growth. Hairs enter the resting phase early and then re-enter the growth phase. The old hair is retained in the follicle until the new hair from the next growth phase physically pushes the old hair out of the follicle, making way for new growth.” 

Telogen effluvium isn’t permanent hair loss. It’s temporary hair loss, and using products that promote healthy hair growth can help. To get your hair thinning situation under control, it’s crucial to consider how you treat your hair.

Cancer Treatment

If you’re going through radiation therapy or chemotherapy, you could experience hair loss. “Anagen effluvium related to chemo can be considered sudden. However, it is anticipated and expected, so we generally don’t see patients panicked with regards to this,” said Ilyas.

Other Causes of Hair Loss and Thinning

The causes of hair loss that aren’t considered sudden are wide and varied. Here are some other reasons why you might lose or experience thinning hair.

Androgenetic Alopecia

Androgenetic or androgenic alopecia is more commonly known as female pattern baldness or, in men, male pattern baldness. It is considered to be a genetic condition. Note that female pattern hair loss and a receding hairline aren’t as common in females as in males, but check in with a health care professional if you’re concerned.

Women can also experience hormonal hair loss are they go through pregnancy and menopause.

Thyroid Disease

An underactive thyroid (hypothyroidism) and an overactive thyroid (hyperthyroidism) can cause hair loss. Your thyroid plays a part in developing new hair, so if you have thyroid problems, your hair could suffer.

If you’re experiencing excessive breakage or weak, dry and brittle hair alongside other medical conditions and suspect your thyroid as the cause, book an appointment with your health care provider for a thorough examination.

See: 5 Ways Hormones Impact Your Hair

Poor Scalp Health

If you live with flakes or irriation on the scalp, it’s likely to impact hair health.

Massaging the scalp and using our GRO Scalp Detoxifying Serum can help clear away debris and support a healthier looking scalp.

Traction Alopecia

Traction alopecia is the constant pulling and tugging of hair. In other words, when you constantly pull your hair into tight braids or a slick hairstyle. If your hair falls out because of how you’re styling your hair, it’s time to introduce some less-harsh styles into your repertoire. You could also use gentle hair ties release the tension.

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Nutritional Deficiencies

An unhealthy diet can seriously impact a healthy head of hair. So as part of your hair wellness routine, make sure you’re eating foods packed with iron, biotin, vitamin A, vitamin E and more. 

How to Address Severe Hair Shedding

If you are experiencing rapid hair loss, assess your current situation. Are you working through a lot of changes? Have you had a sudden shock? Is the loss an expected side effect of medical treatment?

“If you experience sudden hair loss, please contact your dermatologist. Accurate diagnosis is key to avoiding excess or inappropriate therapeutic intervention,” Dr. Ilyas advised.

Additionally, taking a holistic approach to your health and your hair can help calm down a sudden hair loss situation. Over time, your hair will thrive once again by taking steps such as reducing stress, using gentle, nurturing hair products, eating a balanced diet and attending regular appointments with your medical professional.


  • What Causes Hair Loss in Women?
  • Does Stress Really Cause Gray Hair?
  • How to Tell If Your Hair Is Thinning
  • Why Is My Hair Thinning at Age 20?

Photo credit: Greta Hoffman/Pexels


Sophie O’Kelly


Sophie O’Kelly

Sophie O’Kelly is a well-being writer with over a decade of experience working with international beauty and fashion brands. She recently qualified as a mental health therapist, teaches yoga in her spare time and writes about the psychological and physical importance of solid and ongoing self-care. She currently lives in London, England.

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Leicester make €10m offer for Loïc Rémy

According to L’Équipe, Chelsea have received a €10m offer from Leicester for Loïc Rémy.

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The Foxes have made the most effort in terms of trying to sign the player but the Frenchman is worried that he will not be given playing time consistently, immediately at that club.

Rémy needs regular playing time in order to have a shot at Didier Deschamps’ EURO 2016 squad, and therefore from a personal point of view a loan move to Newcastle is more favourable.

Swansea and Crystal Palace are interested but have yet to concretely position themselves.

Transparent anti-fogging coating with self-healing property

Researchers report on the facile preparation of a high-transparency zwitterionic anti-fogging poly(SBMA-co-IA) coating with self-healing property.

Hydrophilic anti-fogging coating has become a research hotspot due to its good anti-fogging performance and easy preparation. In a new work, a zwitterionic anti-fogging coating with anti-fouling and self-healing properties was prepared by (Methacryloyloxy)ethyldimethyl-(3-sulfopropyl) (SBMA) and Itaconic acid (IA).

Improved antifogging performance

The antifogging performance of the coating has been improved due to -COOH from IA. A high light transmittance (over 95%) could be observed after anti-fogging tests. The reseachers used amide bonds to connect the coating to the glass slide, which greatly improved the water resistance and durability. The coated glass could maintain anti-fogging property after being immersed in water for 7 days or stored for over 200 days. Results showed that the anti-fogging coating has a good self-healing function and oil stain resistance. The contact angle of the coated glass slide is 8.17°, and shows a good super hydrophilicity. According the the developers, the new anti-fogging coating provides great potential for applications in medical, food industry, transportation etc.

The study has been published in Progress in Organic Coatings, Volume 165, April 2022.

Keyword: 400G QSFP-DD AOC

Stoic Journaling: A Path to Clarity and Self-Discovery

Are you in search of a practice that can bring you clarity and introspection? Look no further than journaling, inspired by the Stoic philosophy of Marcus Aurelius and other influential thinkers. In this article, we will delve into the art of journaling like a Stoic, inviting you to embark on a transformative journey of self-discovery and intellectual growth.

Defining Stoicism

Stoicism is a philosophy that teaches individuals to cultivate inner peace, virtue, and resilience. It encourages us to focus on what is within our control and accept things beyond our power. Stoicism provides valuable insights and practical principles that can be integrated into a journaling practice.

Solitude and Reflection

Every morning, before the world awakens and distractions flood your day, carve out a moment of solitude – as Marcus Aurelius did. Find a space where you can be alone with your thoughts and engage in undisturbed introspection. It’s in these quiet moments that the mind can delve deep into your inner world and connect with the essence of Stoic philosophy. Grab a cup of coffee/tea, find a comfortable spot, and bring your journal and a book that resonates with you.

Writing for Yourself

Marcus Aurelius wrote “Meditations” primarily for his own benefit, not to impress others. Similarly, your journal is a personal sanctuary for your thoughts, emotions, and reflections. Write without inhibition, expressing your true feelings and exploring your philosophical inquiries. Let go of any concern about external judgment and focus on the therapeutic and self-reflective nature of the practice.


Contrary to what some may claim, you do not need fancy tools or expensive apps to start a meaningful journaling practice. All you require is a humble piece of paper and a simple pencil. The true value of journaling like a Stoic lies not in the material possessions surrounding it but in the thoughtful and reflective process itself. Unburden yourself from the pressure to acquire the latest journaling accessories and focus on nurturing a habit of introspection.

Virtue and Resilience

Aristotle, another influential philosopher, believed that virtue is developed through consistent practice. By making journaling a habit, you cultivate a mindset of intellectual activity and reflection. Aim to journal every day if possible, but even three to five times a week can make a significant impact. Over time, this consistent engagement with your thoughts will shape your character and lead you to act in virtuous ways.

Moreover, Stoicism emphasizes the development of inner strength. Align your journaling practice with these principles by reflecting on your actions and areas for improvement. Explore how you can respond to challenges with resilience, embracing Stoic teachings as guiding principles for your daily life.

Reflect on the Present Moment

Stoicism encourages us to focus on the present moment and accept things beyond our control. Use your journal as a tool to practice mindfulness and gratitude. Write about the beauty of the present, the lessons learned from adversity, and the things you are grateful for. This practice will help you develop a stoic mindset and find contentment in the present.

Study and Apply Stoic Philosophy

Engage with the wisdom of Stoic philosophers like Marcus Aurelius, Epictetus, Seneca, Zeno of Citium, and Cleanthes. Incorporate their teachings into your journaling practice by reflecting on their ideas, quoting passages that resonate with you, and exploring how their principles can be applied to your life.

Practical Examples:

To get started, here are some practical examples of journaling prompts inspired by Stoicism:

  • Reflect on a recent challenge you faced and explore how you can approach it with greater resilience and acceptance. Consider what aspects of the situation were within your control and how you responded to them. Identify any areas where you could have acted in alignment with Stoic virtues such as courage, wisdom, or justice. Reflect on how you can improve your response in similar situations in the future.
  • Write about a virtue you admire and would like to cultivate within yourself. Explore what that virtue means to you and how you can embody it in your daily life. Reflect on specific actions or habits you can adopt to nurture that virtue and the potential impact it can have on your character and relationships.
  • Practice negative visualization by imagining the loss of something or someone you hold dear. Write about your emotions and thoughts during this exercise. Reflect on how this contemplation can help you appreciate and value what you currently have in your life. Consider how it can contribute to your overall sense of gratitude and contentment.

Handling Challenges

Journaling can serve as a powerful tool for navigating challenges using Stoic principles. When faced with adversity, write about the situation objectively, describing the events and your initial emotional response. Then, reflect on the aspects of the situation that are within your control and those that are not. Explore how you can shift your perspective, focus on what you can influence, and find opportunities for growth and learning within the challenge.

Further Resources:

    1. “The practicing Stoic” by Ward Farnsworth
    2. “A Guide to the Good Life: The Ancient Art of Stoic Joy” by William B. Irvine
    3. “The Daily Stoic: 366 Meditations on Wisdom, Perseverance, and the Art of Living” by Ryan Holiday and Stephen Hanselman
    4. Online communities and forums dedicated to Stoicism, where you can connect with fellow enthusiasts and engage in discussions on Stoic philosophy and journaling practices.


    Consider this article not as a step-by-step guide, but as a call to action! Embrace the practice of Stoic journaling and embark on a transformative journey of self-discovery. Through the integration of Stoic principles into your journaling practice, you can find clarity, solace, and strength within yourself. Let your journal be a conduit for profound ideas and personal growth as you navigate the challenges of life with Stoic wisdom.