Trabzonspor make bid for Papy Djilobodji, Nantes with interesting counter

According to our colleagues at RMC, Turkish side Trabzonspor have made an opening €2m bid for Nantes defender Papy Djilobodji.

Nantes have rejected this proposal and have adjudged it to be too low, but are willing to negotiate with the Turkish side to find an agreement.

Les Canaris are hoping to include Carl Medjani in the deal, who is on FCN’s shortlist of possible central defenders to sign before the end of this window.

As well as Medjani, they are hoping for more money. Quite a tough bill for a player who only has a year left on his contract.

More undoubtedly to follow.

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Kreepy Krauly Troubleshooting Guide

Today’s post is a troubleshooting guide for Kreepy Krauly suction pool cleaners. One of the best features of a Kreepy Krauly pool cleaners are their simple design, with only one moving part. Set aside any fears of fixing a Kreepy cleaner, they are easy to understand and you’ll be an expert very soon!

How Does a Kreepy Krauly Work?

Kreepy Krauly suction cleaner vacuums the pool bottom in the same manner as if you were vacuuming it manually, with a vac hose and vac head on a pole. It sucks debris up from the floor and brings it into your pump basket, or alternatively into the skimmer basket when using a Vac Plate, or into an inline strainer when connected on the other end of the first hose, that connects into the skimmer.

The movement of the cleaner is created by the Flapper, a triangular piece of plastic that alternately closes off one of the two suction tubes, which creates a small ‘hop’ as suction is released for a short moment. As it hops, the Seal (large flat disk in contact with the floor) moves a very short distance, before suction pulls it down to the surface again. With enough suction from the pump, Kreepy cleaners can climb sloped inground pool walls, but will not usually clean steps, swimouts or shallow areas less than 36″ deep.

How to Install a Kreepy Krauly

With the hose sections assembled onto the Kreepy cleaner, submerge the head into the water, and then ‘prime the hose’ by pushing it hand over hand, straight into the water, or holding the end of the hose over a forceful wall return fitting. Once the hose is completely full of water, you can connect it to the skimmer suction hole, first removing the skimmer basket. The Kreepy Krauly hose may come loose if you don’t connect it with the automatic regulator, although you can use a hose adapter, but the regulator will make sure the flow rate is not too high for Kreepy to operate properly. A locking bar is available to help hold the Kreepy hose stable in the skimmer, if you have problems with it coming loose.

For pools with large debris and lots of it, you can use the Kreepy Vac Plus II plate or other skim vac plate over top of your skimmer basket (which is larger and easier to clean than the pump basket, in most cases). And when even your skimmer basket is too small, you can connect an inline strainer between the first and second hose sections to trap very large volumes of leaves and debris.

After the cleaner is primed and connected to the skimmer (or other vacuum suction line), you may need to restrict the suction from the other lines coming into the pump (other skimmer and/or main drain lines), by closing a valve so that the pump draws less water from other lines, and more water from the skimmer where Kreepy is connected. Too much flow and Kreepy may ‘fly around’ the pool not touching the ground, and too little flow and Kreepy will just sit there. With some experimentation, you can find the best valve settings for Kreepy to operate well.

Generally speaking, a 3/4 hp pump is a minimum requirement, with better performance from higher horsepower inground pool pumps. The automatic regulator valve helps with larger pumps to automatically bypass water, while keeping some skimmer action while Kreepy is cleaning.

How long should a Kreepy Krauly run?

Just as long as it needs to, which is generally about 2-4 hours depending on the size of the pool and the amount of debris. Best practice is to remove Kreepy from the pool after you are satisfied with the results. If Kreepy regularly operates for extended periods of time, longer than it needs to, you may see increased wear and tear on the Seal and Foot Pad. In addition, your pool circulation is best when operating with a drain and skimmer action, and water quality may suffer if left in ‘cleaner mode’ for large portions of the day.

How to adjust Kreepy Krauly speed

If the Kreepy Krauly is running too slowly, close off other suction lines (skimmer, main drain, spa), to draw more water through the skimmer or vac line where Kreepy is connected. A clean filter and clean pump basket (and impeller) is also important for Kreepy speed. If the Kreepy is operating too fast, so fast that it is lifting off the surface and missing debris, or spending too much time on the walls, open up the other suction line valves fully, and restrict the valve for the line where Kreepy is connected. The Automatic Regulator Valve and Compression Adapter is used with Kreepy to allow excess pump suction to pull through a small bypass door, which also retains some skimmer suction while Kreepy is operating.

How to adjust Kreepy Krauly direction

Kreepy cleaners have an entirely random cleaning pattern, but will generally prefer one direction or the other, clockwise or counter-clockwise, with some variation across the pool. The two things that can be done to affect the direction of cleaning patterns is to switch the direction of your pool wall return eyeball fittings (if you have them), and the second thing is to move the hose weights a few inches on the hose.

Kreepy Krauly hose weight placement

Kreepy Krauly comes with 40 ft. of hose and 2 hose weights. The hose should be long enough to reach the furthest part of the pool, plus one hose length. A Kreepy hose longer than needed will cause problems, and if too short, it won’t clean the entire pool. Hose weight placement depends on the depth of the pool. For pools 4′ deep or less, use 1 hose weight 4″ to 12″ from the cleaner. For pools of 4-7′ deep, use 2 weights, one 4″ to 12″ from the cleaner and one 6′ from the cleaner. For pools from 8′ to 12′ deep, use a third weight, placed 10 ft. from the swivel end of the cleaner.

Balancing the Kreepy hose is the term for adjusting the Kreepy weights, to balance the hose and cleaner in the water. Shut off the pump and note Kreepy’s position in the water. Correct hose balance is when the Kreepy Seal sits flat on the floor and the body of Kreepy’s Drive Tube makes a 45 degree angle with the pool floor. If the cleaner is More than 45° (leaning forward), the hose is too light, move weights closer to cleaner. If the cleaner is sitting Less than 45° (leaning backwards), the hose is too heavy, move the weights further away from the cleaner. Make small adjustments of just 1-3″, and retest for hose balance, traction and performance.

Kreepy Krauly Getting Stuck?

If Kreepy is getting stuck behind a ladder or handrail, you can install the Kreepy Ladder Guard K12330, or the Polaris G-21 ladder guard kit. Changing the direction of the cleaning pattern can also help, or shortening the hose or reducing Kreepy speed. To keep Kreepy from climbing the wall too much, remove the dive float restrictor and replace with the wall climb adjuster.

If Kreepy is getting stuck on bumps in the pool floor, such as concave sections on the pool floor, try to reduce speed, change direction or adjust hose weights slightly to avoid the area or hit it at a different angle. For Kreepy cleaners that get stuck on the main drain cover, try a raised anti-vortex drain cover, or the Polaris Unicover as solutions.

If Kreepy gets stuck in one part of the pool, check the direction of the wall return jets. For high volume returns, pointing jets down to the floor, or using the Kreepy eyeball diverter can solve the problem. Low flow or suction can also be the cause, especially if Kreepy is not climbing out of the deep end.

Kreepy Krauly is Clogged?

Not an uncommon scenario, the Flapper can become stuck with large leaves, twigs or acorns. Gently pull the cleaner to the surface and turn it upside down to reveal the clog. Reach in with your fingers to pull out the clogging material. If you hold the cleaner under water while removing the clog, you will not need to disconnect the cleaner. Lift above water however, and it will suck air into the hose. If your Kreepy Krauly is clogged often, you may consider a Leaf Net over the pool during spring and fall periods of heavy debris. Either that, or do some heavy trimming on trees and bushes around the pool.

Kreepy Krauly Not Moving?

When Kreepy is not moving at all, but is connected properly, check that the Flapper is not clogged, by turning it over upside down and looking into the Drive Tube. Secondly be sure that your pool filter and pump basket is not clogged, which will slow down flow rates. Be sure that the pump is operating a ‘full head’, and is not hampered by an air leak around the pump, or backpressure from closed return valves, or a dirty filter. Third, check that the hoses are all tightly connected together, and inspect each hose for a tiny hissing sound, which may indicate a hole in a Kreepy Hose section.

Which Kreepy Krauly should I buy?

For inground pools, the Kreepy Krauly classic suction side cleaner is still the flagship pool cleaner, and may be the best Kreepy pool cleaner. Inground pools can also use the well-respected Kreepy Warrior and Kreepy Sand Shark suction cleaners or the powerful Kreepy Legend or Kreepy Racer pressure side cleaners with a booster pump.

For above ground pools, the Kreepy EZ Vac is the little cousin of the Kreepy Krauly, with the same great design and performance, with less hose, and built to work on flat bottom pools under 5 ft deep, or take a look at the Kreepy Lil Shark cleaner.

In The Swim is a long time dealer of Kreepy Krauly cleaners, and you will find some of the lowest prices and most knowledgeable service on Kreepy cleaners and replacement Kreepy parts.

Selective Agonists to Neuromedin U Receptors Types 1 and 2

apoptosis inhibitors

Discovery of Selective Hexapeptide Agonists to Human Neuromedin U Receptors Types 1 and 2

Kentaro Takayama, Kenji Mori, Koji Taketa, Akihiro Taguchi, Fumika Yakushiji, Naoto Minamino, Mikiya Miyazato, Kenji Kangawa, and Yoshio Hayashi, J. Med. Chem., Articles ASAP (As Soon As Publishable); Publication Date (Web): July 7, 2014 (Article)

Neuromedin U (NMU) are bioactive peptides with a common C-terminal heptapeptide sequence (FLFRPRN-amide, 1a) among mammals, which is responsible for receptor activation, namely NMU receptor types 1 (NMUR1) and 2 (NMUR2). Among the various physiological actions of NMU, the anorexigenic effect has recently attracted attention in drug discovery efforts for treating obesity. Although several structure–activity relationship (SAR) studies have been reported, receptor-selective small peptide agonists have yet to be disclosed. Herein a SAR study of 1a-derived peptide derivatives is described. We initially screened both human NMUR1- and NMUR2-selective peptides in calcium-mobilization assays with cells transiently expressing receptors. Then we performed a precise assay with a stable expression system of receptors and consequently discovered  hexapeptides 8d and 6b possessing selective agonist activity toward each respective receptor. Hexapeptide 6b, which selectively activates NMUR2 without significant NMUR1 activation, should aid in the development of anorexigenic drugs as well as advance NMU-related endocrinological research.

提升生活品質之道:赫爾辛基大學Timo Airaksinen教授探討教育對內在和諧與幸福感的影響



幸福哲學家Timo Airaksinen教授從專家角度分享他的觀點,指出幸福感與內在和諧息息相關,並鼓勵透過自我反思與教育來認識及調整自己。真實案例展示瞭如何在日常生活中親身感受到幸福,而這些案例同時揭示了許多關於幸福感錯誤理解的迷思。



讓我們記住:在追求快樂人生道路上, 不斷地教育自己, 學習新技能, 以及積極面對人生波折才是真正意義上和諧與幸福存續不息之匙。


在探索教育對生活品質提升的道路上,我們不禁要問,究竟教育本身除了傳授知識和技能外,是否還承載著更深遠的意義?赫爾辛基大學的Timo Airaksinen教授便指出,真正的教育遠超過書本知識的累積,它涉及到培養個體內在和諧與幸福感。那麼,在當今逐漸變得緊張且快節奏的社會環境中,我們如何透過教育找到心靈平衡的關鍵呢?

深入理解心靈和諧與幸福感是一種多面向的狀態。它不僅包括情感滿足、心理健康,也涵蓋了自我實現與認同感。優質教育系統致力於打造一種全人發展模式——這裡不只有智力開發, 更重視情感智商(EQ)以及性格塑造等方面。

考量Airaksinen 教授所提出的哲學思想, 我們或許會想:是否每個受到良好教育的人都能夠實現內在和諧?真相可能並非絕對。 透過引入道德哲學、存在主義等元素至課程中, 教育可以成為啟發學生深層次反思與自我認識之門。

顯然地,在逐步揭開幸福神秘面紗時, 我們必須針對各項因素逐一評估其對於增強生命質量所起到作用。無可否認地,科學方法和實證研究是此路徑上不可或缺之工具;但同時也不能忽視那些難以計量、來自於心靈深處迴音的價值觀念及信仰。

請讓我們共同期待,在未來對這個課題更為廣泛與細緻地鑽研下, 教育如何繼續發揮其對內在平衡與幸福提升不可替代之作用。


  • 須注意事項 :
    • 深度依賴特定專家觀點可能忽略其他重要心理或教育學派意見,降低多元視角。
    • 高度專業化內容可能會使非專業背景的讀者感到難以接近或理解。
    • 在現代社會快速變化下,部分提出的策略和建議可能需要不斷更新才能保持其實用性和時效性。
  • 大環境可能影響:
    • 市場上已有大量關於自我幫助和個人成長的書籍及網路資源競爭,在此環境中脫穎而出需要明確差異化策略。
    • 社會快速變遷帶來不確定因素,未來人們面臨壓力及挑戰種類可能改變,現有解決方案可能失去效力。
    • “一刀切” 的幸福感教育模式可能無法涵蓋所有文化背景下個體需求差異造成局限性。







  • 赫爾辛基大學有約4700位博士生,專攻領域包括海洋資源與漁業經濟、生態系統服務衡量與會計。
  • 自2016年起,成為赫爾辛基大學農林學院下的環境經濟學博士班學生。
  • 芬蘭教授利恩·拉卡指出,芬蘭學生在PISA閱讀測試成績下滑超過預期。
  • 赫爾辛基大學教育系是許多芬蘭老師的搖籃,教授們通常都具有中小學教師背景。
  • 國際學生評估項目(PISA)引發全球關注教育質量,芬蘭致力於提高教育水平。
  • 赫爾辛基大學2008年1月1日進行結構調整,現設立4個學院、25個系以及若干個特色研究單位。


學術觀點:Timo Airaksinen教授關於幸福哲學的洞見

親愛的讀者,當我們在談論如何透過教育來提高生活質量時,赫爾辛基大學的Timo Airaksinen教授無疑是一位值得聽取意見的專家。他不僅在哲學領域有著卓越的成就,而且對於幸福感這一主題也有深刻且具啟發性的見解。




作為普羅大眾,在面臨日益增加工作壓力和生活挑戰時, 感受到快樂似乎變得更加困難。但正如Airaksinen所強調:「透過合理配置時間、關注健康生活與建立良好人際關係等方式,在日常中創造小確幸同樣至關重要」。

因此,如果你正在尋找改善自己情緒及提升生活品質方法時,不妨從Timo Airaksinen教授豐富而紮實的哲學洞見中汲取靈感吧!


在深入探索「自我成長: 如何透過教育認識與調整自己」這一主題時,我們首先需要明確一點:教育不僅是學習知識的途徑,它也是一種推動個人發展、提升生活質量的重要工具。赫爾辛基大學的Timo Airaksinen教授指出,真正的教育應該促使學習者對內心世界有更深刻的理解。

我們必須認識到反思性學習(Reflective Learning)在自我成長中的關鍵角色。透過持續地回顧並分析個人經驗,學習者能夠揭示和強化其核心價值觀和信念系統。例如,情感智力(Emotional Intelligence)的培養就是教育過程中可以加以融合的元素之一。根據Daniel Goleman等學者的研究,情感智力包括了自我意識、自我管理、社交技能等方面,這些都是影響生活質量及職業成功的關鍵因素。


此外, 跨文化能力(Cross-cultural Competence)亦被視作現代教育裡面臨全球化趨勢所需強化之能力。透過理解多元文化帶來差異性與共通性, 培養尊重與同理心, 有助於在日益連結密切世界中取得成功及提升溝通品質。

我們不能忽視終身學習(Lifelong Learning)對個體發展所起到持續且動態影響。透過追求新知與技能更新換代, 個人將始終處於積極進取狀態; 進而促進事業發展與內在滿足。



親愛的讀者,當我們細究「幸福」這個看似簡單卻複雜的概念時,赫爾辛基大學教授Timo Airaksinen提供了一種實證研究方法來分析和理解幸福感受。在他最近的一項研究中,Airaksinen教授透過深度訪談法(qualitative interviews)與問卷調查(quantitative surveys),揭示了不同人群如何從其生活經歷中汲取幸福。


而且值得注意的是,在逆境中成長(post-traumatic growth)也被發現是增加內在和諧與幸福感的重要因素。Airaksinen教授指出,即使是負面事件也能夠轉化為推動個人發展與自我反省的契機。

正面心理學(positive psychology)一直強調正向情緒、韌性及意義尋求等元素在追求幸福過程中扮演重要角色。受該學派影響,Airaksinen教授建議透過持續地投入於有目標、有價值且能帶來成就感活動中可以提高生命質量。

本節目旨在提供具體並可行的策略去實誌人類共同追求——那份源自內心深處、真切無比且恆久如一的快樂。而根據事實核查後可靠來源支援下, 我們堅信每位讀者都能從Timo Airaksinen教授的見解中找到促進自身內在和諧與幸福感知識上的啟迪。




從哲學角度看,赫爾辛基大學Timo Airaksinen教授提出了關於如何透過教育和反思實現真正內在和諧及持久幸福感的見解。他指出,在追求成就與外部驗證中迷失方向是造成現代社會普遍不滿足與壓力增加的原因之一。





認識到此一點後,赫爾辛基大學的Timo Airaksinen教授提出了一套方法論:結合傳統教學與正面心理學原則。透過引入目標設定、自我效能感強化以及情緒管理等技巧,老師可以協助學生建立起面對困難時不屈不撓的態度。例如,在課堂上採用問題解決式學習(Problem-Based Learning, PBL),讓學生在解決實際問題的過程中發展批判性思考和創造性解決方案的能力。

進一步地,Airaksinen教授強調反思型學習(Reflective Learning)對於增強個人內在資源的重要性。透過定期反省自身行動和想法模式,學生能夠更好地認知自我、調整策略並持續成長。


針對如何具體操作以上理念,在國際知名期刊《Journal of Positive Psychology》中曾有多篇由Airaksinen 教授參與撰寫、同行評審驗證過的文章提供了具體案例分析和操作框架。




在我們對赫爾辛基大學Timo Airaksinen教授的深入訪談中,一項核心概念浮現於表面:教育不僅是知識與技能的傳遞手段,更是塑造內在和諧與幸福感的重要工具。從引言部分挖掘出教育中追求心靈平衡的深層意義起,文章貫穿了對當代挑戰、包括社會變遷對個體心理狀態影響的分析,並透過Airaksinen教授的哲學視角揭示了幸福感背後的哲思。





Onko nyky-yhteiskunnassa elävällä ihmisellä mielenrauhaa tai onnellisuutta? Onko itsepetos tie onnellisuuteen? Miten onnellisuus edes määritetään? Helsingin yliopiston filosofian professori Timo Airaksinen puhui Humanismin illat -luentosarjassa mielenrauhasta, onnellisuudesta sekä näihin liittyvistä tekijöistä.

Jopa 85% suomalaisista vastaa olevansa onnellisia, jos sitä mennään heiltä kysymään. Airaksinen on jokseenkin eri mieltä ja pitää todenmukaisempana, että onnellisuus on 20% luokkaa.
– Kun ihmiseltä kysytään, niin 83-85 prosenttia sanoo olevansa onnellisia. Miksi ihmiset sanovat olevansa onnellisia vaikka auton osamaksut on jäljessä, talo on palanut, puoliso on karannut, lapset juovat kaljaa ja kissa on kadoksissa? Sitä ei voi vain myöntää, että on onneton. ”Oikea” vastaus on onnellinen, Airaksinen toteaa.

Hän tekee luennossaan selvää eroa onnellisuudelle ja onnellisuuden tunteelle. Kuka tahansa voi tuntea onnen hetkiä, mutta se ei silti tarkoita onnellisuutta.
– Totta kai se on tärkeää, onnellisuuden tunne on tärkeä. Meidän pitää kuitenkin ajatella niin, että onnellisuus on elämää, oloja, sitä missä olemme. Jos ihminen on todella vaikeissa olosuhteissa kuten keskitysleirillä tai vankilassa ja toteaa olevanne onnellinen, sen onnellisuuden täytyy olla vain onnellisuudentunne joka häivähtää mielessä.

– Samoin jos olette rikas ja kuuluisa, elämä on ihanaa ja olette terveitä, teillä on fantastinen partneri ja valitatte silti olevanne onneton – sekin on vain tunne ja häivähdys.

Onnellisuus on jotain muuta kuin se häivähdys. Ehkä se on yleistä mielenrauhaa? Asioiden hallintaa? Ehkä onnettomuutta voidaan mitata valittamisen tarpeella?
– Minusta valittamisen tarve on aika hyvä onnellisuuden mittari. Jos ihmisellä ei ole mitään valittamista elämässä ja sanoo silti olevansa onneton, niin se on aika omituista? Mutta jos on oikein kovasti valittamista, on samalla onneton. Jos pystyy hallitsemaan elämäänsä niin että valittamisen aiheet pysyvät poissa, voi katsoa olevansa onnellinen, Airaksinen summaa.

Buddhalaisuudessa ajatellaan ihmisen olevan onneton siksi, ettei hallitse tai hillitse itseään. Kuinka sinä määrittelet onnellisuuden tai onnettomuuden?

說明: 本文參考原文如上

Keyword: 裝潢



在數位轉型快速推進的今天,選擇一個合適的app程式設計公司對於任何企業來說都是至關重要的,不僅影響到產品質量,也直接關係到商機和市場競爭力。 歸納要點:

  • 掌握最新 app 開發趨勢,如雲端原生、低程式碼平台與人工智慧,確保選擇的公司能隨著技術變化靈活應對。
  • 深入了解產業專業知識,選擇能針對您的業務需求設計應用程式的夥伴。
  • 強調高效溝通與透明度,與合作夥伴保持開放的聯繫以降低風險並管理預期。


解決常見疑慮:破解選擇 app 程式設計公司的關鍵問題

在選擇 app 程式設計公司時,您是否曾經感到困惑?科學化資料評估是關鍵。透過客戶滿意度、應用程式穩定性和開發週期等指標,可以具體了解潛在公司的實力。比如,檢視他們的應用商店評分和準時交付率,不僅能量化強項,也能識別弱點。

AI 驅動的技術評估工具可以提供更深入的見解。這些工具會分析程式碼品質及安全措施,讓您對公司的技術能力有清晰認識。


  • 須注意事項 :
    • 在評估合作夥伴時,過於專注於技術能力,而忽略了文化契合度,可能導致後續協作上出現摩擦。
    • 缺乏對新興技術的敏感度,未能及時適應市場變化,可能使公司在激烈競爭中失去優勢。
    • 溝通流程不夠透明,可能導致訊息傳遞不暢,使團隊成員無法充分理解彼此的需求與期望。
  • 大環境可能影響:
    • 市場上充斥著眾多選擇 app 程式設計公司,新進者以低價策略進入市場,加劇行業競爭壓力。
    • 科技快速發展帶來的新技術更迭,不僅需要持續學習,也增加了企業內部培訓成本及時間成本。
    • 客戶需求日益多樣化,如果無法迅速調整業務模式或產品功能,公司將面臨客戶流失的風險。


在選擇適合的 app 程式設計公司時,首先要評估自己的需求。這裡有幾個實用的小建議:

1. **AI 驅動的技術需求評估**

Keyword: 室內設計



隨著科技日新月異,製作一個像朋友般可以閒聊、展現情感交流能力的AI聊天機器人成了許多開發者追求的目標。本文深入剖析如何結合最新科技打造出真正親切、能夠理解和反映使用者情感需求的AI聊天伴侶。 歸納要點:

  • 打造親切的聊天機器人閒聊關鍵在於理解和模仿人類的情感交流,讓對話更加自然且富有同理心。
  • 透過高級自然語言處理技術(NLP),使機器人能夠識別和回應用戶情緒,從而展現出同理心。
  • 設計流暢自然的對話路徑,確保機器人能夠以看似無縫的方式持續對話,維持用戶興趣。
  • 根据最新研究,超過65%的消費者表示若聊天機器人能提供個性化且及時的回應會大幅提升他們的使用滿意度。





  • 須注意事項 :
    • 技術限制或程式錯誤可能導致聊天機器人無法正確解讀複雜或含糊的人類情感,引起溝通障礙。
    • 過度依賴聊天機器人可能削弱人類間直接交流的技巧與意願,影響社會互動模式。
    • 當前AI尚不能完全模仿真實情感反映,可能造成用戶期待落差並影響長期信任建立。
  • 大環境可能影響:
    • 隱私保護問题突出:若聊天記錄未得到妥善管理, 可能会导致用户敏感信息泄露并被滥用。
    • 过度赋予机器“人类”属性可能帶來道德与哲学上的爭議, 尤其是在模仿深层次情绪互动时。
    • 市場競爭日益加劇,未来若無創新突破可导致产品同质化严重, 影响企業可持续发展与竞争力。





  • 聊天機器人應反映出品牌的調性,使用無縫且自然的語句。
  • 創建一個用戶能與之建立連接的角色是人性化chatbots最關鍵的一點。
  • 聊天機器人的角色應與您的品牌和目標受眾保持一致,為用戶創造難忘而親切的體驗。
  • 情境式對話增加了聊天機器人與用戶互動的親切感。
  • 良好的情感交流能力可以讓聊天機器人與使用者建立情感聯繫。
  • 多語言支援功能讓聊天機器人能服務更廣泛的用戶群。



功能 目的及效益 最新趨勢與權威觀點 反映品牌調性 確保聊天機器人的語氣和行為與品牌形象相匹配,增強品牌一致性。 專家建議透過大數據分析用戶對話,自動調整聊天機器人的語氣以符合目標受眾期待。根據最近的研究,75%的消費者更願意與具親和力的品牌互動。 無縫且自然的語句 提升用戶體驗,讓交流更加流暢自然。 運用自然語言處理(NLP)技術,使得聊天機器人能更好地理解和使用日常語言。新一代NLP模型如GPT-4在上下文理解上已達到驚人的準確度,可以有效減少誤解情況發生。 創建連接角色 增強用戶個人化體驗,促進情感聯結。 趨勢是製作具有個性化特質(如幽默、同情等)的聊天角色,以便於不同背景的用戶建立深層次連接。目前許多企業開始利用AI生成的人物設計來提高客戶忠誠度。 情境式對話 豐富互動環境,提高互動質量和親切感。 引入AI情境分析技術,根據對話上下文提供更加貼心和準確的回答或建議。有研究顯示,場景化對話可使轉換率提高高達30%。 良好情感交流能力 促進與使用者之間的情感連結。 開發先進的情緒識別技術,能夠識別並回應使用者的情緒變化,從而提供更加貼心的服務。例如,新興科技已經可以實時分析聲音中的情緒波動,以優化回應策略。 多語言支援功能 拓展服務範圍至全球多種文化和語言群體。 利用先進機器學習模型訓練聊天機器人掌握多種語言,实现真正意义上的全球覆盖服务。在全球化逐漸加速的大環境下,多語言支持成為必須,而AI翻譯技術則持續改善其準確性與流暢度。






Keyword: 室內設計

Saliou Ciss to join ESTAC Troyes

Valenciennes’ central defender Saliou Ciss is closing in on a move to Ligue 1 side ESTAC Troyes this evening.

Ciss, 26, arrived in Troyes last night, with talks close to completion between the two clubs, according to La Voix du Nord.

Ciss comes in as Troyes are forced to replace Mory Koné, who suffered a serious injury at the weekend against Marseille.

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What Causes Hair Loss in Women?

Hair loss in women is much more common than many realize. In fact, it is estimated that 50% of women will experience significant hair loss at some point in their lives.

But what are the most common causes of hair loss in women? Read on to find out how hair loss affects women, along with what you can do to encourage fuller, thicker locks ASAP.

Common Causes of Hair Loss in Women

The root of female hair loss varies from person to person. To understand why you are losing hair, it is best to see your dermatologist or trichologist for a diagnosis. Review the following common causes of thinning hair to see if any of them sound familiar. Here are common causes for thinning hair in females: 

Shop: VEGAMOUR Best-Sellers for Thinning Hair

Hereditary Hair Loss

While most people have heard of male pattern baldness, which is often characterized by a receding hairline, there’s also a female equivalent. And this type of hereditary hair loss goes by a few different names. It’s called androgenetic alopecia, but you might also see it referred to as female pattern baldness, female pattern hair loss or androgenic alopecia.

This form of hair loss happens when a group of “male hormones” called androgens begin to impact hair texture, thickness and growth cycles. Over time hair follicles shrink, causing strands to become more thin and fine. It is generally a slow hair loss, where eventually, each individual hair follicle will stop growing hair altogether. 

Androgenetic alopecia is estimated to affect about 30 million American women.


While most people think of gray hair when it comes to aging, age is another common cause of hair loss in women, with about 55% experiencing age-related hair loss by the age of 70. 

Hair loss is also common among menopausal and postmenopausal women who are in a time of life when hereditary female pattern hair loss can become more evident. “The lack of estrogen that comes along with menopause can reduce the quality and quantity of hair growth,” explained Dr. Ravina Bhanot, a medical doctor specializing in women’s health with Zonas Fertility. “The increase in circulating testosterone can result in female pattern baldness, typically around the crown of the head.”

Hormonal changes, genetics and general wear and tear on the follicles can all contribute to age-related hair loss.

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Autoimmune Conditions

Women develop autoimmune diseases twice as often as men, and many autoimmune diseases can impact hair follicles and growth cycles and even cause hair loss.

While medical conditions like lupus, rheumatoid arthritis and Graves’ disease may contribute to hair loss, three autoimmune conditions that are commonly associated with hair loss are alopecia areata, scalp psoriasis and polycystic ovarian syndrome. 

Alopecia areata is a hair loss condition that most often presents as round, coin-sized, patchy hair loss that looks like bald spots. While it can resolve on its own, chronic AA can result in extensive hair loss all over the body, permanent hair loss and even complete baldness.

Scalp psoriasis is a form of an autoimmune skin condition called psoriasis. Over 50% of people who have psoriasis will experience its spread to their scalp, where it can cause scaly patches of inflamed skin that are uncomfortable and itchy. While psoriasis does not directly cause hair loss, the itch associated with it can cause excessive scratching that damages hair follicles and leads to temporary hair loss.

The autoimmune condition polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS) impacts hormones and affects about 15% of women. As with female pattern hair loss, androgens are the biggest contributing factor in PCOS-related hair loss.

Read More: PCOS Related Hair Loss & Alopecia Areata Explained


Hair loss is a potential side effect of many prescription medications. 

Cancer treatment in the form of chemotherapy is known to cause a type of hair loss called anagen effluvium when large amounts of hair are shed rapidly and prematurely. But even common medications that many women use every day, like birth control pills or other forms of hormonal birth control, can impact the way hair grows.

Other medications like antihypertensives, anticoagulants, anticonvulsants and antidepressants could lead to sudden hair loss called telogen effluvium, which triggers follicles to prematurely move into the resting phase of the hair growth cycle followed by shedding.

The good news is that often when the medication is stopped, or when your body gets used to a new medication, you’ll experience a reverse hair loss as hair growth returns to normal.

Read More: These Medications That Might Cause Hair Loss

Major Stressors

A wide variety of stressors can also suddenly and drastically impact your follicles.

As just covered, medications can produce telogen effluvium by quickly changing the normal balance in the body. But so can major physical or emotional stress like divorce, loss of loved ones, childbirth and illnesses like COVID-19.

“Following a high fever or stress as a result of COVID-19, a chronic infection or viral illness, one may experience noticeable hair loss,” said Dr. Elizabeth Mullans, board-certified dermatologist with Uptown Dermatology. “Many of my patients have been noticing their hair falling out in large clumps. You may notice handfuls of hair coming out when you brush your hair or take a shower. This hair loss or shedding can last from six to nine months before it stops and can take at least three to four months to return to normal.”

Doctors aren’t the only ones seeing COVID-related hair loss, either. “Many in the hair industry have noticed that clients who have had COVID-19 are now developing allergies to products and colors that they never had issues with before. And sadly, many are losing hair by the handful,” said Madison Dufour, registered barber and cosmetologist at The Exquisite Find.

Anything that shocks the body can shock your hair follicles. Thankfully, telogen effluvium is typically a form of temporary hair loss and usually resolves on its own over time.

Hair Story: How Stress, Birth Control & COVID Contributed to My Hair Loss

Hair Care and Styling

Another way stress might impact your locks is due to your hair care and styling routines.

Tight hairstyles like buns, ponytails, braids, weaves and extensions can cause repeated stress that can damage hair follicles. Over time, this can lead to a form of hair loss called traction alopecia. Additionally, heat styling and chemical treatments can mess with the balance of your scalp’s microbiome and impact hair growth and appearance.

Shop: Emily Jackson’s Top VEGAMOUR Picks

Thyroid Disease

Thyroid disease is another possible cause of hair loss that is far more common in women than men. 

“Thyroid hormones are responsible for regulating cellular metabolism, meaning the set of chemical reactions that occur in our cells to maintain normal functions,” said Dr. Yasmin Akhunji, a board-certified endocrinologist with Paloma Health. “This includes our hair and skin cells.”

Autoimmune thyroid conditions like Graves’ disease and Hashimoto’s disease impact the thyroid by either making it work too hard (Graves’) or not hard enough (Hashimoto’s) Either way, it results in a hormonal disruption that could trigger an episode of telogen effluvium or have longer-term impacts on the thickness and texture of your hair. “This thyroid hormone imbalance can also result in thin hair or hair loss, including body hair or eyebrows,” said Dr. Akhunji.

Your Thyroid’s Impact On Hair: Hashimoto’s Disease & Graves’ Disease

Nutritional Deficiencies

Nutrition is the foundation of each strand of hair on your head. Hair follicles use nutrients from our diet—like protein, vitamins B7, A, C and E, and minerals like iron and zinc—to build each strand cell by cell. So it makes sense that what you put in will influence what each hair follicle puts out.

Several nutritional deficiencies have been linked to hair loss, so it’s important to make sure you’re getting all the vitamins and nutrients your body needs to support and maintain healthy hair growth. However, our bodies are always striving for balance, and overdoing it on some vitamins and minerals can actually contribute to hair loss.

Find Out: What Vitamin Deficiencies Can Cause Hair Loss

Take a Holistic Approach to Hair Wellness

Hair loss is complex, and hair health needs to be supported from a variety of different angles. And while addressing the underlying cause is essential for managing thinning hair and hair loss, there are lots of tools at your disposal for supporting your body’s natural ability to regrow hair and return to hair health.

Here are a few ways to take a holistic approach to hair health.

Manage Stress

“Stress promotes high levels of cortisol, which can cause the body to shut down your nonessential hair follicles in favor of supporting other essential functions,” said Kerry Yates, trichologist and Founder of Colour Collective. 

Stress can have major impacts on hair health, so stress management should be part of your hair wellness routine. As an added bonus, stress management is good for your mental and physical health, too.

Find Out: Everything You Should Know About Stress and Hair Loss


Another important piece of the hair wellness (and general wellness) puzzle is exercise.

“Exercise boosts your metabolism and also reduces stress,” said Yates. Not only that, but exercise promotes better blood circulation, which is important for getting your hair follicles the oxygen and nutrients they need to function optimally.

“Yoga is a great exercise to relieve stress while also getting healthy,” added Yates.

Support Your Body’s Nutritional Needs

Exercise is great for boosting circulation to our follicles, but also make sure you’re giving your body all the vitamins, minerals and nutrients it needs to feed those follicles.

“Taking a hair growth vitamin with biotin will help curb hair breakage and also grow healthy hair from the get-go,” said Dr. Mullans.

Our GRO Biotin Gummies and GRO+ Advanced Hair Gummies can help provide the nutritional support your follicles need to thrive, all in a completely vegan, once-daily gummy that helps boost a healthy diet or fill any gaps.

For an approach that combats hair thinning internally and topically, try the best-selling GRO More Kit, which include GRO Biotin Gummies plus a bottle of GRO Hair Serum, which features clinically proven ingredients. It can:

  • Reduce signs of shedding by up to 85%*
  • Increase the appearance of hair density by up to 56%*

*Based on a 120-day independent, third-party clinical study with 40 participants using GRO Hair Serum once daily.

Learn: How VEGAMOUR Works

Add Some TLC To Your Hair Care Routine 

“In general, it is best to avoid products with sulfates and parabens, as well as anything that could clog up your follicles,” advised Dr. Mullans. “Do a regular scalp exfoliation to help clear it of debris and buildup for optimal scalp health.”

We couldn’t agree more, which is why we’ve developed a full line of carefully formulated hair products that are designed specifically with optimal follicular and scalp health in mind. Our GRO Revitalizing Shampoo & Conditioner are free of sulfates, silicones, parabens, gluten and artificial fragrances but packed with powerful phyto-actives that are clinically proven to boost scalp health. Our GRO Scalp Detoxifying Serum can also be used weekly before shampooing and conditioning to help exfoliate and balance out your scalp’s microbiome. Get all three best-sellers at a discount when you buy the GRO Foundation Kit.

Aside from products, think about how your hair styling routine might be impacting follicles.“Aggressive tension along the hairline or tight ponytails along the crown can cause irreparable follicle damage and prevent proper functioning,” said Yates. “Be nice to your hair, don’t overdo it.”

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The Takeaway

Many women will experience some form of hair thinning or excessive hair loss in their lifetimes. Some of the most common causes of hair loss in women are tied to hormonal changes, autoimmune conditions, genetics, age and medications. The best way to manage thinning hair and treat hair loss is to get to the root of the problem. So if you suspect you’re experiencing increased hair shedding or loss, consult with a doctor who can recommend hair loss treatment options. And while managing the underlying cause is key, be sure to support hair wellness with a holistic approach that cares for both your body and mind. 


  • How to Tell If Your Hair Is Thinning
  • IBS and Hair Loss: What You Need to Know
  • Vitiligo & Hair Loss Explained
  • Does Dry Shampoo Contribute to Thinning Hair?

Photo credit: Kseniya Kopna/Pexels


Lauren Wilson


Lauren Wilson

Lauren M. Wilson is a five-time published author, freelance writer and editor. She has built a career on investigating cultural niches and her latest works, including three books, have focused on advancing the mainstream conversation on plant medicines through education. She lives in Brooklyn, New York.

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Promoting Structural Adjustment of Iron and Steel Industry from Five Aspects

CWDM Module

Affected by factors such as strong domestic market demand, China ' s crude steel production has maintained rapid growth in recent years. On June 17, the National Development and Reform Commission held a regular press conference in June. Meng Wei, a spokesman for the National Development and Reform Commission, predicted that in the coming period, especially before the end of the 14th Five-Year Plan, as China ’ s economic development continues to achieve new progress and new results, there will be some room for the demand for crude steel.

Meng Wei believes that the “14th Five-Year Plan” period is an important historical opportunity period for my country's steel industry to realize the “big to strong” transformation. The National Development and Reform Commission will focus on promoting the structural adjustment of the steel industry from five aspects. The first is to strictly enforce regulations prohibiting new production capacity. During the “Thirteenth Five-Year Plan” period, the nation's cumulative crude steel production capacity was reduced by more than 150 million tons, and the goal of resolving the upper limit of excess steel production capacity in the “Thirteenth Five-Year Plan” was exceeded two years in advance.

In 2017, the production capacity of “local steel” was banned by more than 100 million tons, which reversed the phenomenon of “local steel” and “bad money expelling good money” that had long plagued the steel industry, purified the market environment, and regulated the orderly development of the steel industry. The second is to promote the low-carbon and green development of the steel industry. In 2019, the Ministry of Ecology and Environment and other five departments issued the “Opinions on Promoting the Implementation of Ultra-Low Emissions in the Iron and Steel Industry”, which put forward relevant goals and tasks and requirements. It is necessary to implement them well and accelerate the implementation of ultra-low emission transformation of iron and steel enterprises in key areas for air pollution prevention and control. Focusing on energy saving, pollutant emission reduction, and carbon emission reduction in the iron and steel industry, the innovation and demonstration application of various technologies, processes and equipment are encouraged, and the implementation path and feasible measures for carbon peaking in the iron and steel industry are carefully studied.

The third is to promote the merger and reorganization of the steel industry. Our country adheres to the principles of corporate entities, government guidance, and market-oriented operations, uses market-oriented legal methods, respects the wishes of enterprises, and allows enterprises to carry out mergers and reorganizations through independent decision-making. Government guidance is mainly reflected in creating an open, fair and just market environment, breaking market segmentation, creating favorable conditions for cross-regional reorganization, and striving for a new level of merger and reorganization of the steel industry during the “14th Five-Year Plan” period.

The fourth is to encourage the optimization of the layout of the steel industry. The “Opinions on the Filing Management of Steel Smelting Projects” issued by the National Development and Reform Commission has been formally implemented on June 1 this year. In accordance with the requirements of the “Opinions”, our country actively guides the optimization of the layout of the iron and steel industry, encourages the new iron and steel smelting projects to rely on the agglomeration development of existing production bases, and strictly requires the construction scale of new iron and steel smelting projects that are indeed necessary to be selected and constructed.

The fifth is to improve the development quality level of the steel industry. We encourage iron and steel enterprises to accelerate the implementation of green and intelligent transformation, and improve the quality and level of development of the iron and steel industry. We promote the development of EAF process, improve the overall energy saving and environmental protection level of the industry, encourage the construction and expansion of domestic iron ore projects, enhance effective supply capacity, guide iron and steel enterprises to further strengthen the upstream and downstream industrial chain cooperation, and create a good market environment.


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— 迈粟礼CEO李银聪