

這篇文章探討如何掌握最新的模具生產趨勢,以提升企業的生產效率,是每位業界人士必讀的重要指引。 歸納要點:

  • 整合AI、雲端及大數據技術,建立智慧模具生產系統以優化流程並降低故障率。
  • 導入全流程的模具生產管理系統,利用數據分析識別瓶頸,實現精益生產。
  • 應用智慧化技術如機器視覺和協作機器人,提高自動化程度與生產效率。




  • 須注意事項 :
    • 模具生產系統的智慧化升級需要高昂的初期投資,對於中小型企業來說,可能造成財務負擔,加劇技術落後的風險。
    • 數據驅動決策依賴於準確和即時的數據收集,但在實際操作中,數據質量和整合問題可能導致錯誤判斷,影響生產效率。
    • 儘管提升模具生產效率的方法多樣,但缺乏針對特定行業或產品的定制化解決方案,使得一些通用策略無法有效執行。
  • 大環境可能影響:
    • 隨著智慧製造技術的不斷發展,新進競爭者利用更先進的科技迅速崛起,可能會搶佔市場份額並壓迫傳統企業的生存空間。
    • 全球供應鏈的不穩定性使模具生產過程面臨原材料短缺和價格波動等外部威脅,影響長期規劃與成本控制。
    • 快速變化的客戶需求和市場趨勢要求企業不斷創新,如果未能及時適應或預測這些變化,將面臨市場被淘汰的風險。







  • 透過雲端、物聯網(IoT)和人工智慧(AI)技術提升模具生產管理效率。
  • 結合先進設計軟體與機器學習,自動化流程以提高品質。
  • 運用模流分析技術預測潛在問題,優化模具設計。
  • 導入智能快速換模系統,以滿足高效率、安全的生產需求。
  • 利用製造執行系統整合設備,實現自動化及信息化管理。
  • 數字化過程將人員、設備和資源連接,提高生產靈活性。



技術 描述 優點 挑戰 雲端技術 將模具生產數據存儲於雲端,便於隨時訪問與分析。 提高數據存取靈活性,減少設備維護成本。 依賴穩定的網路連接,資料安全性需保障。 物聯網(IoT) 通過感測器連接機器與系統實現即時監控和數據收集。 提升運作透明度,有助於及早發現問題並解決。 需要基礎設施升級,初期投資較高。 人工智慧(AI) 利用機器學習算法自動化流程與質量檢測。 節省人力成本,提高生產精確度和效率。 模型訓練需要大量數據支持,且不斷更新以保持準確性。 模流分析技術 使用模流分析來預測潛在的設計缺陷及流體行為。 幫助優化設計方案,降低修正成本和時間消耗。 需要專業知識進行有效操作和解讀結果。 智能快速換模系統 引入自動化換模裝置,以縮短模具切換時間並提升安全性。 增強生產效率,使小批量多變品種生產成為可能。 安裝及維護要求專業技能,需要持續培訓人員。



1. **預測性維護

Keyword: 室內設計

Seconds Purple Bevel Edge with Thick Base Candle Jar – 300mls


This is a very strong, thick glass jar and complies with ASTM 2179 AND 2147 testing methods. (Ensures glass is able to withstand heat and has no cracks or fractures)

Measurements: Height 10.5cm, Width 8.8cm, Base: 1.7cm Thick.

Approximate Volume: 300mls

Finish: Purple inner spray*

We recommend 4mm Cotton Wicks for this jar.

* As theses candle jars have undergone a water soluble paint finish, (rather than a solvent finish) they are more prone to scratching, so please take care when handling the jars. Washing, soaking and immersing the candle jars in soapy water will soften and deteriorate the finish. Use only a DRY – soft cloth (microfibre is best) to remove dust, prior to filling. The water soluble paint finish performs just like coloured glass during burning.

Chelsea contact PSG for Marquinhos

According to RMC, PSG President Nasser Al Khelaifi has today received an enquiry from Chelsea for Brazilian defender Marquinhos.

The Qatari President simply responded by saying, “don’t even bother making an offer” according to transfer window guru Mohamed Bouhafsi.

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了解如何選擇合適的頂樓隔熱材料對於提升居住環境舒適度以及長期節能具有重要意義。 歸納要點:

  • 頂樓隔熱新趨勢:納米隔熱塗料與真空隔熱板,提供極薄且高效的隔熱效果,顯著提升居住舒適度。
  • 預算規劃要考量屋頂面積、材料選擇與施工複雜度,分階段施作能有效控制成本並調整效果。
  • 選擇低導熱率和抗紫外線性佳的材料,如保麗龍、玻璃纖維及聚氨酯,以確保出色的隔熱性能。




- **空心磚結構隔熱**

Keyword: 裝修



在「網路行銷公司收費怎麼算?公開透明的定價策略解密」一文中,我們揭露了如何根據最新市場趨勢和客製化需求來確定網路行銷服務的價格,對於追求高效率且成本有效的業主來說至關重要。 歸納要點:

  • 最新趨勢:動態定價模型讓網路行銷服務的收費更加靈活,根據市場供需和客戶特性即時調整。
  • 深入要點:專案複雜程度、技能類型和時效性是影響客製化網路行銷服務費用的關鍵因素。
  • 具體資訊:提供多元計費方式,包含按小時、按專案以及基於績效的計費模式,以滿足不同需求。
  • 透明度與信任:了解計費方式和影響成本的因素有助於建立服務提供商與客戶間的透明度與信任。







  • 須注意事項 :
    • 過於透明的價格策略可能會限制企業在價格調整上的彈性,面對成本變動時難以迅速作出反應。
    • 高度客製化服務可能造成運營成本上升,若無法有效控制成本,最終可能侵蝕利潤率。
    • 多元計費模式可能增加內部管理複雜度及顧客溝通成本,需要投入更多資源於教育顧客和培訓員工。
  • 大環境可能影響:
    • 行業競爭者可能模仿或推出更具創新性及吸引力的定價策略與服務包裝,在某些細分市場中取得先發優勢。
    • 環境快速變動下(如法規變更、技術突破),固守現有定價模型和服務框架可能快速失去市場份額。
    • 過度依賴精準定位和個性化需求分析可能會面臨數據保護法規收緊等風險,影響到服務推廣及實施效率。




而當我們探討定價模式時,事情又變得更加有趣了。有沒有發現比起一成不變的套餐收費方式, 靈活調整價格似乎更能反映出服務提供者對客戶需求深度洞察後所作出努力?無論是大企業還是小型創業公司, 他們都希望獲取最切合自身預算與需求範圍內最有效益解決方案。

所以,在考量哪家網路行銷公司值得合作時, 別忘了評估他們是否能夠提供針對性強、靈活調整且具針對性高效果策略和服務。記住:合適自己才是最好。



  • 網紅(Nano Influencer)可累積宣傳資產,對品牌有實質宣傳貢獻。
  • 根據EMV指標,品牌可給予有貢獻粉絲等值的回饋與認可。
  • 忠實消費者更願意提供真誠的心得反饋。
  • 行銷公司服務費用沒有統一標準,受多種因素影響。
  • 行銷服務包括SEO、社群媒體行銷、內容製作和廣告投放等。
  • 網路行銷費用通常按月或季計算,平均價格落在三到五萬一個月。

在這個數位時代,不論是小型企業還是大品牌都越來越重視網路行銷的力量。從Nano Influencers到各種社群平台的運用,以及專業的SEO策略都成了推動品牌向前的重要工具。在決定投入預算之前了解市場上行銷公司收費模式及所提供服務的性質與範圍變得至關重要。每家公司提出的報價可能差異很大,但最終目標都是希望能夠創造出雙贏情境:既能增加品牌曝光度也能讓消費者感受到被重視且得到良好的服務或產品体验。


服務類型 特點 主要受眾 效益指標 SEO優化 提升網站在搜索引擎的排名,增加可見度 所有希望提高網路能見度的品牌或個人 關鍵字排名、網站流量增長 社群媒體行銷 透過社群平台建立品牌形象與互動 追求品牌認知與客戶忠誠度的企業 粉絲數成長、互動率提升 內容製作 創造有價值且吸引目標客戶的內容 需要強化品牌訊息與教育市場的業務 內容觀看次數、分享和轉發量 廣告投放 在不同平台上投放針對性強廣告以達到銷售目標 追求快速銷售轉化和曝光的公司或產品 廣告點擊率(CTR)和轉換率(CVR) Nano Influencer合作 與小範圍影響力人物合作做宣傳 尋找更具成本效益宣傳方式的中小企業 達到宣傳效果與粉絲互動增加



Keyword: 室內設計

Shrink Heat Sealing Machine For Bottle BSF-6030X+BS-5540M

BSF-6030X semiautomatic sleeve sealing machine is a type of economic one among BSF series, simple operation, push the products manually or pneumatically, sealing the film and the products enter the shrink tunnel automatically, and used PE film to pack products.



BSF-6030X adopts the imported air-cylinder, assure stable pushing and sealing.

Adopts specially designed sealing cutter, results in perfect sealing line, avoid the film sticking the cutter

The covered cylinder setting enhance the convenience for the operator; with rear pressing device assure even light product without any shifting

The front frame is adjustable according to different product sizes



1. BSF-6030X semiautomatic sleeve sealing machine is applied to heat shrinkable film such as PE, PVC, etc.

2. The machine used for packing beverage, beer and mineral water, etc. with or without a tray; also suitable for shrink wrapping products such as electric appliances auto spares, furniture, and floor board, etc.

3. To use in the place where there is enough space, such as factory, and warehouse etc.


BS-55 series shrink tunnel is designed in hot-wind & upper-cyclone structure, intelligence temperature control and AC variable speed regulation. There are two optional conveyors, including Teflon belt type and roller type.



Intelligence temperature control

Strong turbine motor.

Stainless steel mesh type conveyor and roller type conveyor are available.

Power saving and high efficiency (over 15% power saving)



1. TF-6540SA semiautomatic sleeve sealing machine is applied to heat shrinkable film such as PE, PP, etc.

2. The machine is used for many industries, such as printing, pharmacy, floor, chinaware, beverage, beer, etc.

3. To use in the place where there is enough space, such as factory, and warehouse, etc.

Preview: Montpellier vs Monaco (24/09/15)

Struggling Montpellier take on Monaco at the Stade de la Mosson on Thursday evening. The hosts head into this match bottom of the table, having lost all but one of their opening six games. Even at this early stage of the season, Montpellier find themselves six points adrift in the relegation zone, with their solitary point coming from a goalless stalemate against Troyes in Week 4.

Monaco, too, have been far from impressive this campaign, winning two of their six league outings so far. They head into this contest on the back of consecutive home defeats; however, their away form makes for better reading, having picked up seven points from a possible nine on the road.

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Sulzer appoints new Head of Electro Mechanical Services

Jim Mugford has been appointed President and Global Head of Sulzer’s electromechanical services business. Jim will be responsible for driving Sulzer’s strategy, growth and profitability for electromechanical services worldwide and creating synergies with the company’s turbo services and pump services businesses.

Having joined Sulzer in 2012, Jim has restructured and improved the company’s Canadian turbo and pump services operations, grown the U.S. electromechanical business and restructured and integrated the North American pump services business into Sulzer’s Rotating Equipment Services division.

Sulzer’s electromechanical services offer world-class support to users of rotating equipment in oil and gas, power generation, mining and general industrial markets. As the leading independent global maintenance provider, Sulzer intends to drive innovation in this business with the introduction of new service products and platforms.


In-ear or Bone Conduction Headphones? The Best Swimming Headphon

This has also triggered a series of discussions about swimming headphones. Are swimming headphones really necessary? Among so many brands, which one is more trustworthy? How to choose an affordable and durable swimming headphones under a limited budget?

In order to provide you with a more comprehensive reference, I specially selected 5 popular swimming headphones at different price points for detailed testing. 


Which Type is Better, Bone Conduction or In-ear Headphones?

Over the past few years, I invested a lot of time in reading materials and summed up a wealth of knowledge about swimming headphones. In this process, I found that the price difference of swimming headphones is large and the market is relatively vague. So before all that, let’s get to know how bone conduction headphones works, which type of headphones should we choose, and why should we choose it for swimming use.

Bone Conduction Headphones for Swimming


  1. Waterproof design: Bone conduction headphones areusually waterproof and can be used in water without compromising the performance of the headphones. This makes them an ideal choice for swimmers, whether in a pool or open water.
  2. No blockage of the ears: Bone conduction technology allows sound to be conducted to the inner ear through the skull without passing through the ear canal. This means that the ears are not blocked and swimmers can maintain awareness of their surroundings while listening to music, enhancing safety.
  3. Stable wearing: Bone conduction swimming headphones usually adopt an ear clip or headband design to ensure that they remain stable when exercising in the water and are not easy to fall off. This is especially important for users who engage in intense water activities.
  4. All-weather use: Since they do not rely on the ear closure effect, bone conduction headphones are also suitable for activities other than swimming, and can be used for other outdoor sports such as running and cycling.
  5. Comfort: Since they do not need to be inserted into the ears, bone conduction swimming headphones are usually more comfortable and are not prone to ear fatigue or discomfort.


  1. Higher price: The advanced nature of bone conduction technology and waterproof design make this type of swimming headphones relatively expensive. For consumers with limited budgets, price may be a factor to consider.
  2. For music lovers with high requirements: If you are a music lover with high requirements for sound quality, bone conduction swimming headphones may not provide a sufficiently satisfying audio experience.

In-ear Headphones for Swimming


  1. Lightweight design: In-ear headphones are usually lightweight and comfortable to wear.
  2. Sound quality performance: Since the in-ear design can better isolate external noise, these headphones usually provide better sound quality performance, allowing users to enjoy clearer music or sounds.
  3. Stable wearing: The in-ear design can fit the ear more firmly, avoid falling when exercising , and provide a more stable wearing experience.


  1. Poor adaptability: The in-ear design may not be suitable for all users, as some people may feel uncomfortable or do not like to use earbud-type headphones in their ears.
  2. Cleaning and maintenance: After swimming, special attention may be required to clean and maintain the in-ear swimming headphones to ensure a long service life.
  3. May affect auditory perception: The in-ear design may isolate external sounds, which may be considered an advantage in some cases, but may become a disadvantage when auditory perception needs to be maintained.
  4. Adjustment required: Some users may need to spend some time adjusting the position of the headphones to ensure the best wearing condition. This may have some impact on the user experience at the beginning.

After understanding the differences between different styles of swimming headphones, let’s check into some of the more popular swimming headphones on the market.


5 Best Swimming Headphones Recommendation

Recommendation 1: Nank Runner Diver2

Rating: ✨✨✨✨✨

Reason for recommendation: An all-around flagship with the best value for money.

  • Price: $111.99
  • Tech and sound: Nank Runner Diver2 usesNank 3rd ResoVibe™Technology to present balanced and excellent sound quality. The low frequency has a strong sense of rhythm, the mid frequency is transparent and clear, and the high frequency has excellent ductility, with amazing sound quality. 
  • Comfort: It adopts a seahorse fluid design structure to provide swimmers with extreme wearing stability and resistance. It remains stable even when swimming vigorously. The shell is wrapped in aviation-grade silicone, which has excellent touch feel, skin-friendlyness and breathability, and will not cause discomfort when worn for a long time.
  • Product premeters: What’s more, this headset has super IP68 waterproofing, a Bluetooth 5.3 chip that performs well, and a battery life of up to10 In addition, Nank Runner Diver2 is also equipped with 32GB of memory. Totally a perfect waterproof bone conduction headphones.

Nank Runner Diver2 performs well in terms of materials, wearing comfort, sound quality technology, and other configurations. It far exceeds most headsets of the same level and can be said to be the leader in the same price range. Definitely a must-buy.


Recommendation 2: Sony Walkman NW-WS413

Rating: ✨✨✨✨

Reason for recommendation: Great glob brand influence. Nice choice for swimming and water sports enthusiast.

  • Price: $99.99
  • Tech and sound: The Sony Walkman NW-WS413 boasts impressive waterproof capabilities, making it a reliable companion for underwater activities. Sound quality is decent, with clear vocals and balanced mids, but bass response could be improved. The ambient sound mode is a useful feature for maintaining awareness of surroundings.
  • Comfort: The ergonomic design ensures a secure and comfortable fit, even during intense workouts. However, some users may find the earbuds a bit bulky for extended wear.
  • Product premeters: IP68 waterproof rating, up to 12 hours battery life, 4GB internal storage (expandable via microSD).

The Sony Walkman NW-WS413 is a solid choice of waterproof headphones for swimming. You may notice that it does not support Bluetooth connection, so it’s more of an MP3 player headphones, and this might be a flaw. But overall, if you are seeking reliable waterproof headphones, it offers a good balance of features and performance for its price point.


Recommendation 3: Lenovo Creative Outlier Free Pro

Rating: ✨✨✨✨

Reason for recommendation: Budget-conscious users seeking a balance of features and affordability.

Price: $123.49

  • Tech and sound: The Creative Outlier Free Pro offers a decent audio experience with a focus on clarity and detail. While bass response might not be as pronounced as some competitors, it delivers balanced sound overall. The open-ear design allows for situational awareness, making it suitable for various activities.
  • Comfort: The lightweight and ergonomic design ensures a comfortable fit for most users. However, extended wear may cause discomfort for some due to the pressure points around the ear area.
  • Product parameters: IPX8 waterproof rating, up to 10 hours battery life, 8GB internal storage, Bluetooth 5.3.

The Lenovo Creative Outlier Free Pro presents a compelling option for budget-conscious consumers seeking bone conduction headphones. While it may not excel in every aspect, you can’t deny that it is an affordable winner in the field.

Recommendation 4: Shokz OpenSwim Pro

Rating: ✨✨✨

Reason for recommendation: Premium quality and good after-sales service.

  • Price: $179.95
  • Tech and sound: Equipped with Shokz’s self-developed Premium Pitch2.0™ 360° surround sound technology, and comes with waterproof earplugs, which improves the headphone sound quality experience. Although there are some deficiencies in high-frequency performance, the overall sound quality is still good.
  • Comfort: It is made of silicone and titanium alloy as the main materials, which is not easy to break and has excellent bending performance. Weighing only 30 grams, it is very suitable for sports wear and has excellent comfort without causing foreign body sensation.
  • Product premeters: Standard waterproof grade IP68, 9hours of battery life, and built-in 32GB storage space.

The Shokz OpenSwim Pro is a game-changer for aquatic workouts. Truly a must-have for any serious swimmer seeking an immersive and enjoyable swimming experience. The price of it is a bit high, but worth the quality. If you have a flexible budget and are looking for high-end devices, this is a good choice.


Recommendation 5: Mojawa RunPlus

Rating: ✨✨✨

Reason for recommendation: Daily use, suitable for leisure and entertainment.

  • Price: $99.99
  • Tech and sound: MojawaRunPlus is equipped with its 4th Gen Maglev-BassM Actuator, which improves low-frequency dive. However, distortion is still prone to occur at higher volumes, and songs that are slightly more exciting can be a bit harsh.
  • Comfort: The overall design of Mojawaheadphones is lightweight and does not put excessive pressure on the ears when worn. Its longitudinal cabin design gives the earphones good stability, but the ear may feel uncomfortable after long-term use, and the touch screen could be a bit difficult to control after getting wet.
  • Product premeters: Bluetooth 5.2 and a 10-hour battery life. 32GBMp3 storage.

The Mojawa RunPlus delivers premium sound, exceptional comfort, and long-lasting battery life, all at a affordable price. The screen of it to control the headphones is quite intelligent, but it can also cause unintenden activation, this should be taken into account.


Through the above actual evaluation, it can be seen that Nank can be said to be the most excellent among many swimming headphones. It not only performs well in waterproof performance and comfort, but also has excellent performance in sound quality and battery life. Still, if you have specific request or a different budget, feel free to compare more and choose the favourite ones!


With the scientific knowledge, actual evaluation and actual use experience sharing of swimming headphones that mentioned in the post, I hope these contents can help you understand this product field more deeply. No more wating, go get the most suitable waterproof headphones for yourself!