Destiny has a long-held tradition of holding back some of its coolest bits just for PlayStation owners. Destiny 2’s upcoming Curse of Osiris DLC is no different.
This December, PlayStation 4 owners will get to play on a new Crucible map set in Titan’s cool New Pacific Arcology – the area which looks like the futuristic spaceship from WALL-E, although now filled with Hive monsters.
Sony has said the map will be available “only on PlayStation”, although Destiny’s exclusives are typically timed to appear on other platforms… eventually.
Officially announced last night during PlayStation’s Paris Games Week press conference, Curse of Osiris will debut the legendary Warlock in a new storyline. There will also be new “raid content”, a new patrol area to explore on Mercury, and a third social space – Destiny 1’s Lighthouse, which will be new for anyone who didn’t make it there in Destiny 1.
Stand by for more on Curse of Osiris very soon.