French park trains clever crows to pick up litter

Traditionally seen as harbingers of death or symbols of evil, crows are often considered to be pests, but a French park has taken advantage of their innate intelligence and trained the birds to pick up litter.

Six crows have been taught to patrol a popular historical theme park in the western Vendée region and clear up, collecting cigarette ends and other rubbish in return for food.

When a bird deposits a cigarette butt or a piece of rubbish in a box, a tasty morsel of food is dispensed as a reward. Some crows have already started work and others will begin on Monday.

The trained birds are rooks, which are considered “particularly intelligent” members of the crow family, according to Nicolas de Villiers, head of the Puy du Fou park. 

“In an affectionate, supportive atmosphere, they like to communicate with humans and establish a relationship through play,” he said. “The goal is not just to clear up, because visitors are generally careful to keep things clean, but also to demonstrate that nature itself can teach us to take care of the environment.”  

The rooks are quick workers, able to fill a bucket with rubbish in less than 45 minutes, Mr Villiers said.

A park falconer hatched the idea of putting them to work. Christophe Gaborit, who is accustomed to training birds of prey, said: “They were motivated by the reward and they soon understood how the game worked.”

Crows have long had a negative image. The collective noun for a group  is a ‘murder’. To the Celts, the black-feathered carrion eaters symbolised evil. Many people still believe they are a bad omen. They can damage crops by eating seeds and grain. They are noisy and have been known to attack cars and wrench off windscreen wipers.

Yet crows are highly sociable and so intelligent that some biologists say they are as smart as the average seven-year-old child.

They make tools, tearing strips from leaves and using them to winkle bugs out of tree trunks. Experiments have shown them to be capable of solving relatively complex puzzles. They will bend wire to fashion hooks, even if they have never encountered wire before.

In Aesop’s fable, “The Crow and the Pitcher,” a thirsty crow drops stones into a jug of water to raise the level enough to take a drink. 

Scientists tested whether crows are really clever enough to do this by placing them in a room with a worm in a tube of water just below pecking distance, with a small pile of pebbles nearby. The crows dropped the pebbles into the water until the worm came within reach. 

They avoided objects that would float in the water and those too large for the container, demonstrating a grasp of volume displacement acquired by children between the ages of five to seven.

Frédéric Jiguet, an ornithologist at the Paris Museum of Natural History, said crows are capable of recognising individual human faces. “I captured a series of crows in a park, tagged them and released them. They didn’t like it. Many weeks later, I returned to the park with colleagues, and the crows I had tagged attacked me but ignored the others.”

He said the term, “bird-brained” was a misnomer as what matters is not the size of an animal’s brain, but its size in relation to the size of the animal. By that standard, the brains of many birds are comparable to those of primates.

Mr Villiers said visitors to his theme park, the second most visited in France after Disneyland Paris, were entranced by the crows’ performance as cleaners. He said it was like seeing a fable acted out, with “nature teaching mankind one of life’s lessons”.