Child malnutrition fears as US opposes WHO breastfeeding resolution

The promotion of breastfeeding as a scientifically sound and cheap way to fight childhood malnutrition was dealt a blow after revelations US President Donald Trump’s administration successfully watered down a World Health Organization resolution.

The non-binding resolution put forward in May, was fairly straight-forward: encourage the practice of breastfeeding and put an end to deceptive marketing practices that encourage mothers to abandon breast-feeding in favour of formula milk.

But an Ecuadorian source told the New York Times that the small Latin American country was informed that if it didn’t water down the language, the US might withdraw military aid it had been providing in northern Ecuador to fight dissident Colombian guerrillas.

Breastfeeding rates | Around the world

Ecuador withdrew and a race began at the World Health Organization meeting to find a new patron for the resolution. Russia eventually passed a similar resolution, but with a key difference: it removed all but one reference to the 1981 International Code of Marketing for breast-milk substitutes which was adopted to make sure that baby-formula marketing from big companies would not discourage mothers from breastfeeding.

One such big formula company, Abbott Laboratories, was a major donor to Trump’s election campaign and his inauguration ceremony.

Trump took to Twitter in response to the news reports, criticising the New York Times and saying that his administration “strongly supports breastfeeding.”

The US position may seem another in a series of controversial moves by President Trump, but this is not new.

Back when the International Code of Marketing was introduced in reaction to dodgy marketing practices by Nestle in the developing world, the US was the only dissenting vote in the motion, which passed 118 to one.

There is a large amount of money at stake for manufacturers: the global market for formula was $70 billion (£52.8 billion), as of 2016, with China and Hong-Kong and Indonesia driving much of that growth.

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I've worked for years in Africa and, particularly in Ghana, there's more acceptance: they see the babies not exclusively breastfed get sick or dieProfessor Joy Lawn

One possible reason that Ecuador put forward the resolution in the first place is that one in four children under the age of five are chronically malnourished in the developing country of 16 million people.

To combat this, the Ecuadorian government recently launched the next phase of their ‘Misión Ternura’, a health program attempting to reduce chronic malnutrition of kids under five by 10 per cent and increase breastfeeding by 18 per cent by 2021. Globally, nearly half of all childhood deaths are attributable to undernutrition.

Dr Stacey Lockyer, a nutrition scientist with the British Nutrition Foundation said breast milk contains all the nutrients babies need for healthy development and also contains antibodies to protect them against childhood illnesses such as infections, sudden infant death syndrome and leukaemia.

“Adults and teenagers who were breastfed are less likely to become overweight and are less likely to develop type 2 diabetes or heart disease,” she said, ”Breastfeeding also has health benefits to mothers including reducing the risk of developing type 2 diabetes, heart disease, osteoporosis, breast and ovarian cancer and postnatal depression.”

Despite this, the Royal College of Paediatrics and Child Health says that in the UK only 34 per cent of babies are receiving some breast milk at 6 months compared with 49 per cent in the US and 71 per cent in Norway. The rates for exclusive breastfeeding, where only breast milk is being given, are even lower.

A review by UK medical journal The Lancet found that there were no countries in the world that had breast-feeding levels needed for the best health outcomes.  

Joy Lawn, Professor of Maternal, Reproductive and Child Health at the London School of Hygiene & Tropical Medicine, said if they did, it could save 800,000 lives around the world.

“I have worked for years in Africa and, particularly in Ghana, there is a lot more acceptance: they can see that the babies that aren’t exclusively breastfed get sick or die, ” she said.

“But when I was based in the US, the culture was completely different, you couldn’t even call it breastfeeding, you had to call it nursing.

Prof Lawn said a lack of maternity and paternity leave was also a factor.

“It’s really hard to continue to exclusively breastfeed once you are back at work, especially if there’s not that societal or structural support.”

World Breastfeeding Week begins on August 1.

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