VANCOUER, B.C. — Vancouver police have issued a public warning about a high-risk offender moving into the city who was at the centre of a high-profile abduction case in 2011.
Police say Randall Hopley, 53, still poses a risk of significant harm to the safety of young boys.
Hopley has served his entire six-year sentence for breaking into a home in Sparwood, B.C., in September 2011 and abducting a three-year-old boy only to return him four days later physically unharmed.
A National Parole Board decision released to The Canadian Press on Thursday says Hopley continues to be assessed as a high risk for sexual offending against children.
The Correctional Service of Canada called for a “structured release plan and zero tolerance” for Hopley should he not abide by his release conditions, the decision says.
Hopley pleaded guilty in 2013 to abducting the sleeping boy from a second-floor bedroom in his family’s home. He kept the child for four days before returning him physically unharmed after his parents made a public plea.
Const. Jason Doucette, spokesman for the Vancouver Police Department, said at a news conference that Hopley moved into the city Thursday.
Doucette said Hopley will be living in a residential correctional facility but wouldn’t reveal the location.
“It’s citywide and I would even say into other municipalities because we’ve got a great transit system. He may have an address today that may change tomorrow.”
Police taking it ‘very seriously’
The police want people to familiarize themselves with his photo and release conditions, and call 911 if he is in violation of them, he said.
The Parole Board documents say Hopley is bound by a 10-year supervision order in an effort to manage his risks and his conditions including not being in the presence of any child under 16 and abiding by a curfew.
Hopley is described as five-foot-nine, 150 pounds, with brown hair, hazel eyes and he often wears a beard.
Doucette said he understands the frustration the public must feel.
“We don’t get to choose where these federal offenders, who are deemed to be a high risk, where they get to live but I can tell you that Vancouver police takes these very seriously,” he said.
How long Hopley will remain at the facility will depend on decisions made by the Correctional Service of Canada as well as ongoing supervision and assessments, he said.
The police take a number of steps to minimize risk to the public including releasing Hopley’s information, Doucette said.
The Parole Board decision dated Oct. 25 says Hopley refused to take part in a psychological risk assessment, and he remains a high risk for sexual contact with “pre-pubescent children, mostly male between the ages of four and 10.”
“You appear to have little understanding of your offence cycle and do not demonstrate the ability to manage your own risk,” it says.
His sentence expires Nov. 12. The board ordered the 10-year supervision order be maintained. He remains under a lifetime firearms prohibition.
Hopley was also designated a long-term offender after various courts heard that he sexually assaulted young children while living in a foster home as a teen.