AJ Styles Sends A Warning To Owens & Zayn Ahead of Their Match

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WWE Champion AJ Styles is set to defend his WWE Title against Kevin Owens & Sami Zayn in a 2-on-1 Handicap Match this Sunday at the Royal Rumble PPV Event. AJ Styles recently sent a tweet on his match against Owens & Zayn. Below is the tweet sent by AJ Styles on his match at this Sunday’s Royal Rumble PPV:

Representing @WWE as THE Champion is not something I take lightly. I fight for that position, I earn it every week. So any man or two men or three or four who want to take it away will get the beating they deserve. Get ready for Sunday, it’s going to be #Phenomenal. #RoyalRumble
— AJStyles.Org (@AJStylesOrg) January 25, 2018


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