WWE NXT Results – June 21st, 2017

  Tonight’s NXT show saw a fun main event between Kassius Ohno and Aleister Black. It was also the debut of a new superstar, but it’s one of those debuts of a person that we’ve already seen a few times before, so… huh. I guess that’s not much of a debut at all now is it? Let’s take a look at the results of the latest NXT show, which started with Ember Moon returning to the ring after an injury.
Ember Moon vs. Peyton Royce –
  The match was all Ember for most of the beginning stages of the match. She kicked Royce around as Billie Kay was screaming and hollering at ringside. This was Moon’s first match back since she was injured in that battle royal from a month ago. They sort of continued the storyline where The Eclipse is a dangerous move that should be banned. Moon went for the Eclipse pretty early on, but Peyton tried to reverse it into a Fisherman Suplex, but Moon shoved her down to the mat. With the referee distracted, Billie Kay shoved down Ember Moon as well.

  Peyton did get some offense in on Moon, this included a Widow’s Peak that actually almost got her the victory. Finally though, Peyton ran shoulder-first into one of the posts. Ember then began to build her momentum back up, and she hit a cross body for a near-fall. Moon eventually dove onto Kay, which took her out of the remainder of the match, then she hit The Eclipse on Royce for the win. The announcers made it clear that she is back. If she doesn’t get injured again, it does seem possible that she could be beating Asuka soon for the championship, but we’ll have to wait and see
Winner: Ember Moon
  Kassius Ohno was backstage when Hideo Itami suddenly appeared to apologize again for his actions. Ohno, in so many words, basically said that he accepts his apology. He also said that it’s easy to get frustrated when you don’t live up to people’s expectations. Was that supposed to be sincere? I don’t blame Itami in the slightest if it was. Anyway, Ohno promised to defeat Aleister Black later in the show.
The Ealy Brothers vs. Eric Young & Alexander Wolfe –

  Y’know, believe it or not, the Ealys were not victorious here. Must’ve just been an off night for the brothers. But indeed, Eric Young and Alexander Wolfe repeatedly tagged in and out of this match as they both dominated the Ealys. The match did not go very long, and it was the two SAnitY members absolutely destroyed their opponents before getting the victory with a neckbreaker. I’m not sure what purpose this match served, because they just went to the back and were never seen again, but I suppose that the faction is still very powerful after all.
Winners: Eric Young & Alexander Wolfe
  They replayed the ending from last week’s NXT episode where Asuka and Nikki Cross brawled all around Full Sail University while their match was ruled a no contest. The two of them will fight each other in a Last Woman Standing match for the title next week.

  We also saw a re-aired vignette hyping up the debut of Sonya Deville (formerly Daria Berenato from the most recent season of Tough Enough.) She made her NXT re-debut right after the commercial break.
Sonya Deville vs. Rachel Evers –
  Sonya came into the ring with her gloves and her hood, she definitely looks like a real MMA fighter that you don’t want to mess with. The announcer built her up as this scary newcomer with a 3-1 MMA record. Unfortunately for her, Full Sail was only interested in Evers who isn’t even signed to a contract yet somehow. The daughter of Paul Ellering did not fare well here, and she tapped out to a double wristlock submission after only three minutes or so. Sonya wins! Now please, don’t debut her for a 400th time! Please let this be her official NXT roster member debut. I guess we’ll see, I still expect for them to re-introduce the Velveteen Dream again. Remember that guy?
Winner: Sonya Deville
  In the backstage area, Bobby Roode was very arrogantly taunting everybody in sight as he took part in a photoshoot. This was the wrong time then for Roderick Strong to show up, but he arrived with his newborn son and his wife as well. Roode taunted them and told Strong’s wife to get with him once she decides to be with a real man. That was enough for Strong, he went after Roode and caused a huge brawl that had to be separated. Bobby promised that Roderick can have a title shot at “anytime, anywhere.” In two weeks, the two of them will finally face off for the NXT Championship on the 400th episode of the series.
Aleister Black vs. Kassius Ohno –
  I was looking forward to this one, and it wasn’t anything amazing like I expected, but it was still very good. I suppose that if this match were saved for a Takeover show or something like that, then these two would have an instant classic. That’s not taking away from anything here though, because these two still provided an excellent main event.
  This match had a ton, and I do mean a ton of holds. For a good portion of the beginning, they both worked over each other’s arms. They also put each other in headlocks aplenty. Luckily, things did pick up once Ohno went outside for a moment, and Black bounced off of the middle rope, flipped in the air, and landed in the ring sitting down. After a quick break, we got MORE HOLDS! Ohno started to slap him around for a bit, but Black caught Ohno’s fist with ease before he could get in a big punch.
  They both ran around for a bit and traded shots back and fourth. They actually went back and fowards with each other quite often as the match went on, likely as a way to showcase both wrestlers without one being overshadowed. At one point, Black literally flipped onto Ohno with a double foot stomp. Ohno mocked Black’s in-ring meditation deal before being kicked in the back of the head by Black. Aleister got a near fall there. Ohno then hit a forearm on Black, but he was not harmed in any way by the move. He gave Kassius a knee to the chest. Ohno gave his all in the last few minutes of the match and he set up his rolling elbow. Sadly for him, he was caught with the Black Mass kick and was pinned by Good Ol’ Al.
Winner: Aleister Black
  Black won the match and immediately went back into his meditation as the show went off the air. So what have we learned? Bobby Roode and Roderick Strong will be facing each other in two weeks! That’s exciting, and the inevitable title match has been built up nicely for Strong. We’ll see if he can win the big one after all. Plus, next week Asuka will face Nikki Cross again, and that could be interesting. We’ll find out what happens on the 399th edition of the show. Until then, I’ll see you NXT time!

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