Mickie James vs. Natalya set up for next week's WWE Raw

Mickie James’ return match looks to be set for next Monday’s episode of Raw.

After more than a year out of action, James returned to Raw and took part in a backstage interview on last night’s show. It set up James vs. Natalya for Raw next Monday.

James said during the interview that she has championship gold on her mind. She was then interrupted by Natalya and Lana. Lana called James delusional and said James may be one of the best in-ring competitors — but Natalya is the best in-ring competitor. Natalya called herself the Serena Williams of WWE.

James responded by accusing Natalya of riding her family’s coattails. James told Natalya she’ll see her next week.

WWE then tweeted after the segment: “#SeeYouNextWeek. Sounds like @MickieJames will return to the ring against @NatbyNature NEXT MONDAY on #WWERaw!”

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It was announced prior to last night’s Raw that James would be returning on the show. She suffered a torn ACL during a house show match in June 2019 and underwent surgery last July to repair the injury.