Amid growing fears that Democratic political leaders are not taking seriously the possibility that President Donald Trump could refuse to yield power if he loses in the 2020 election, progressive critics are voicing concern over Trump’s retweet over the weekend of a post calling for two years to be added to his first term as “pay back for time stolen” by the Mueller investigation.
Written by right-wing Liberty University head Jerry Falwell, Jr. and boosted by the president Sunday evening, the tweet stated Trump “should have 2 yrs added to his 1st term” as “reparations” for the recently completed Mueller probe.
“It may seem nuts,” Adolph Reed, Jr., professor of political science at the University of Pennsylvania, said of Falwell’s tweet in an email to Common Dreams, “but I do think this is worth paying attention to.”
“The Trump administration,” said Reed, “obviously is contemptuous of procedural democracy, as are Republicans in Congress and elsewhere.”
From Reed’s perspective, “the Republicans’ decades-long campaign to demonize and undermine popular and democratic institutions, suppress voting, forge a political alliance based on the most dangerously reactionary and irrationalist elements of the society and committed to eliminating all restraint to capitalist class power is particularly chilling.”
“The confrontation between the House Democrats and the Trump administration over access to his tax returns and the executive branch’s requirement to honor congressional subpoenas,” said Reed, could prove far more consequential in the long run than “the daily theater of palace politics.”
In a column on Monday, Esquire‘s Jack Holmes echoed Reed’s alarm at the president’s apparent endorsement of a two-year term extension: