Indiana mayor considers running for DNC chair: report

The mayor of South Bend, Ind., is considering a run for the chairmanship of the Democratic National Committee (DNC), Politico reported Wednesday.

Pete ButtigiegPete ButtigiegScaled-back Pride Month poses challenges for fundraising, outreach Biden hopes to pick VP by Aug. 1 It’s as if a Trump operative infiltrated the Democratic primary process MORE, 34, has reportedly gotten phone calls from DNC members both in Indiana and nationally.

“I think he’s doing more listening than talking, primarily. My understanding is he’s listening and thinking about it,” a top Indiana Democrat reportedly said.

Buttigieg was the subject of a New York Times column over the summer that asked whether he would be “the first gay president.”


He would face a crowded field in the DNC race. Rep. Keith EllisonKeith Maurice EllisonThe Hill’s Coronavirus Report: Kansas City Mayor Quinton Lucas says country needs to rethink what ‘policing’ means; US cases surpass 2 million with no end to pandemic in sight Officer charged in Floyd’s death considered guilty plea before talks fell apart: report Minnesota AG Keith Ellison says racism is a bigger problem than police behavior; 21 states see uptick in cases amid efforts to reopen MORE (D-Minn.), South Carolina Democratic Party Chairman Jaime Harrison and New Hampshire Democratic Party Chairman Ray Buckley have all formally launched campaigns. And Labor Secretary Tom PerezThomas Edward PerezClinton’s top five vice presidential picks Government social programs: Triumph of hope over evidence Labor’s ‘wasteful spending and mismanagement” at Workers’ Comp MORE is expected to launch his entrance into the race this week.

Buttigieg demurred when asked if he had national ambitions.

“I’ve been talking with a number of fellow local and state leaders from around the country about the future direction of the Democratic Party,” he reportedly said.

“I am staying focused on South Bend, but I do care deeply about where our country is headed. It’s clear the party needs to connect better with communities like my hometown, where working people are looking for economic fairness and for leadership that focuses on our shared values.”

Buttigieg is a Harvard graduate, a Rhodes Scholar and a lieutenant in the Navy Reserve.

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