The following are results from the TNA Impact Wrestling live event from Bethlehem, Pennsylvania. The event was held on Saturday, September 7, 2013.
-Manik defeated Sonjay Dutt and Zema Ion. For whatever reason, Manik didn’t have the X-Division Title with him.
-ODB defeated Gail Kim in Knockouts action.
-Magnus defeated Mr. Anderson via Pinfall. Decent match.
-AJ Styles defeated Bobby Roode. Excellent match that was given plenty of time. Crowd was strongly behind Styles in this one.
-James Storm & Gunner defeated Christopher Daniels & Kazarian via Pinfall to retain the TNA World Tag-Team Titles.
-Bully Ray defeated Samoa Joe via Pinfall to retain the TNA World Heavyweight Title. The finish came when the ref was bumped and Ray used his chain to pick up the pinfall victory.