The official YouTube account of WWE has released a video previewing additional episodes of E!s Total Divas.
Highlights include the crew partying in Las Vegas, John Cena, Daniel Bryan and The Bella Twins jet-setting together, Brie referencing various Twitter users labeling Nikki as “fat,” John asking Nikki to meet his family, Cameron acknowledging her small bust, Nikki feeling threatened by Eva Marie, Natalya appeared sexually frustrated with Tyson Kidd, Eva Marie taking off her engagement ring for a business meeting with Fandango, JoJo having a rough start in WWE, Stephanie McMahon threatening to terminate Eva Marie’s contract, Naomi getting physical with Jey Uso and Nikki being hauled in an ambulance.
During last night’s premiere episode, former WWE Diva Maria Kanellis posted numerous messages on Twitter slamming the twin duo’s real-life characters—she has claimed multiple times in recent weeks that Nikki and Brie prevented her from returning to the sports-entertainment organization earlier this year through political means. This drew a great negative reaction from fans on the social media outlet. Her boyfriend, Ring of Honor wrestler Mike Bennett, posted a statement on Twitter on Monday defending her right to speak out.
“Funny that the same people who complain about what’s wrong w wrestling, are the same ones who blast someone when they speak out against it,” Bennett wrote. “Nobody gets anywhere by going w the crowd. stand up for what u believe in, or just keep ur mouth shut and follow blindly.
He continued, “I respect someone who has the balls to speak up,and if that makes them bitter and jealous. What does it make the ones who r afraid to speak.”
Kanellis added, “Family, fancy, friends, dogs, morals, and career are all things I will ALWAYS protect. No one has the right to do damage to my future.”
See shots of Nikki Bella in lingerie from the show