Bischoff Priases Jim Ross, Doubts About WWE Stock, "Witch Mountain" DVD

— is questioning whether WWE can sustain their unusually high dividend yield, which was almost 13% as of Tuesday’s closing price. Writer Steven Mallas says WWE’s stock looks appealing, but WWE’s latest round of financial results reported earlier this month makes him cautious. “One thing about the earnings picture that I don’t like is that both revenues and earnings per share are down. Sure, cash flow may have improved, but when you combine timing issues with a drop in income and juxtapose that with WWE’s dividend yield, you’ve got to pause and really look at the situation. I mean, reporting a nearly 50% drop in per-share profit just doesn’t inspire a lot of confidence.”

— Dwayne Johnson’s “Race To Witch Mountain” film will be available on DVD and BluRay on August 4th.

— Yesterday, Jim Ross posted a new blog over at explaining why he still enjoys working for WWE after all the things Vince McMahon has put him through on and off camera over the years. Eric Bischoff posted a reaction on his Twitter page in response to the blog, praising Ross for his attitude and work ethic. Bishoff wrote, “Just read JR’s blog on He is a class guy that I have learned to like and respect. He’s doing what he loves to do. Good for him!”

** Backstage News on WWE’s Major “Rebuilding” Process: New Superstars, New Approach