Top ROH Star To MMA, RVD DVD Update, Batista TV Appearance

— According to the Wrestling Observer Newsletter, Ring of Honor’s Bryan Danielson is looking to pursue a career in Mixed Martial Arts when his ROH contract expires in May. The American Dragon has been training five hours a day at the Xtreme Couture in Las Vegas, and plans to continue his training in Thailand this summer.

— In his latest blog over at the WWE Universe website, former WWE & ECW champ Rob Van Dam provided fans with new information regarding the release date of the upcoming “RVD TV: Volume 1” DVD. Van Dam wrote, “The release date for RVD TV DVD Vol 1 has been moved to May 2 officially, so don’t go wait in line at Best Buy yet.” To read the full blog, visit

— A few months back, Batista taped an episode for reality TV show “Head Case,” which airs on the Starz premium cable channel. The Starz website says the episode will air on Friday, 5/15 at 10PM eastern. The show is hosted by Hollywood therapist Dr. Elizabeth Goode.

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