When Jericho-HBK Feud Will End, Y2J Takes Shot At Creative Team?, SD Rating, J.R.

The Sun conducted an interview with Chris Jericho. The headline of the article reads Jericho: It ends at No Mercy. In the interview, Jericho strongly insists that his feud with Shawn Michaels will end at No Mercy next Sunday. He also warned fans not to expect a “classic bout.”

“I think it’s going to be a great ending to one of the best feuds, one of the best angles, of all time — that I can guarantee,” Jericho said. “Whether it will be match of the year, match of the decade, match of the century or even match of the night, that’s not as important to me as putting a real nice exclamation point on the end of this story that we’ve created.”

Jericho said the creative team doesn’t give him a script telling him what to say (practically all of the WWE stars’ promos are scripted word-for-word). “Nobody ever gives me a piece of paper and tells me to say what’s on it. That is not how it works. The best characters are extensions of your own personality — and nobody knows what I would say in the ring better than I do,” Jericho said. “Sometimes they’ll give ideas of what they want me to say and I have to make it mine.”

Quite like his memorable angle with Trish Stratus a few years ago, his angle with Michaels has been generally brainstormed by the actual participants instead of the WWE creative team. The article notes that a major part of the success of the program is due Jericho & Michaels coming up with the material themselves instead of relying on the WWE writers to feed them lines. Jericho also added that the angle wasn’t concocted “in an office.”

“We weren’t just throwing ideas against the wall, we had a plan. And that’s one of the reasons why the angle has been so memorable. It wasn’t just manufactured in an office. It came from our experiences and our lives,” Jericho said.

You can read the article in its entirety at the following link.

— The final edition of Smackdown on The CW last Friday night drew a solid 2.4 rating on the fast nationals, reports www.f4wonline.com. The final number will be released later this week.

— Jim Ross has posted the foreword for the upcoming biography of wrestling legend Dan Hodge on his website, which you can read at the following link.

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