TNA Destination X Results 3-9-2008

Destination X: LAX vs. Motor City Machine Guns vs. Rock & Rave Infection [#1 Contender Match]

All three teams in the ring now and we have a bell. Homicide and Sabin start the night off. Lock up and an arm drag by Homicide, one by Sabin. Side headlock by Sabin. He hits the ropes, shoulderblocks Homicide. Two quick one counts. Homicide hits an overhead release suplex to slow end the first set. Sabin to the ropes, floats over, roll-through and a snap dropkick to the face of Homicide. Shelley tagged in now.

Quick work and Hoyt tagged in. Kick to Homicide, and now Hernandez tagged in. Hernandez snuffs Hoyt, who tries a suplex. No dice. Hernandez hangs him up in a delay for a good minute. All of the other combatants are fighting around the delayed suplex. Fans going nuts as Hernandez completes the move.

On the apron. Rave hits a side slam on Shelley on the apron. Hernandez then hits a huge plancha from the ring to the outside on Hoyt, and tears off his shirt in celebration. Fans are pumped! Sabin in with Shelley double teaming Rave now and hit a double kick. Shelley tagged in. More double-teaming on Rave. However Rave reverses with two big boots followed by a headscissors to Sabin. Rave to work on Shelley who reverses with a boot to the guy, then springs off the rope and hits a Jawjacker. Two count for Shelley.

Rave tags in Homicide who snap suplexes Shelley. Quickly tags Hernandez. Homicide hits two suplexes in succession then the third he sends Shelley into the arms of Hernandez who catches him and powers him down. Quick tag back to Homicide who slingshots in. Two count on Shelley.

Hoyt jumps in and is the new legal man. Hoyt working the crowd with his air guitar hits a fall away slam on Shelley. Rave tagged in who knocks Sabin off the apron first. Then does a little air guitar himself. More quick tags back to Hoyt who boots Shelley, then finally applies a neck wrench to slow the pace.

Shelley reaching for a tag but no luck. Hoyt and Rave go for a double clotheslines but just as they are about to hit Shelley. Hernandez flies in over the ropes and double clotheslines Rock and Rave. Hernandez is cleaning house now. Rave attacks him from behind, goes to the ropes, flies toward Hernandez but gets caught. Powerbomb. Shelley awaits Hernandez as he taunts the crowd. He gets a superkick. Hoyt in and slams Shelley. Sabin flies in and DDTs Hoyt. Homicide in and DDTs Sabin. Rave in, sends Homicide to the ropes and he flies through to the outside onto 3 people. Hernandez in the ring hits a Border Toss on Rave and scores the pinfall in the empty ring for the victory. Your Winners: L.A.X.

RVD/TNA Close to Deal
Destination X: Jay Lethal [c] vs. Petey Williams [X-Division Championship Match]

The two square off and we have a bell. Lock up and Lethal with the rear waist lock. Petey breaks out and shoulderblocks Lethal down. Lethal with an arm drag into an arm bar. Petey gets free with an arm drag. Goes for an insiguri but Lethal ducks. Reversals into a few cradle combinations that flow into a waist lock by Lethal who rolls up Petey for only two. Lethal goes for a Lethal Combination, hits the first half but couldn’t finish it. Petey tries a Canadian Destroyer but Lethal breaks free. We have a break..

Lethal hits a dropkick that sends Petey out to the arena floor. Lethal gets back inside the ring and is sent into the ring post by Petey Williams. Williams gets a two count. Lethal on his knees fighting back with punches. Lethal to the ropes, flies over and sunset flips Petey who reverses by rolling outside of the ring. Petey quickly leaps back in with a knee to the face and a two count.

Petey suplexes Lethal holds onto the arm and slaps on a Tequila Sunrise-like submission maneuver. Lethal battles free with elbows and tries to Bulldog Petey over the top rope but Petey counters as Lethal hits the outside floor. Petey then slingshots into a hurricanrada on the outside on Lethal. Rocka Khan looks on approvingly.

Petey in the ring with Lethal now and catches some right jabs to the face. Lethal follows with a few flying elbows. Hip toss take over, into the cartwheel, into the dropkick to the chest of Petey. Two count for Lethal. Crown yells “TWO!” Petey caught in a pancake and Lethal hits a reverse suplex into a pin for two.

Petey with a mule kick to the gut of Lethal. Petey drop toe hold on Lethal across the ropes. Petey hits a Hesitation Dropkick. Then hits a Hurricanrada into a side-Russian legsweep. He calls for the Destroyer. Petey tries a kick, boot is caught. Lethal catches Petey for Lethal Combination but cannot hit it. Petey powerbombs Lethal, goes for a Destroyer. Lethal reverses into a Full Nelson Release Suplex. Pin attempt and nearly hits three.

Lethal with a side roll Petey reverses into a Sharpshooter in the center of the ring. Lethal tries to crawl to the ropes. Petey reaches back and grabs the arm too. He tries to turn it quickly into a Canadian Destroyer. Lethal somehow gets out and turns it into the Lethal Combination. Lethal goes to the top ropes wasting time. Steiner runs in and shoves Lethal off the ropes as Rocka Khan distracts the referee. Petey up, kick to the guy, and hits the Canadian Destroyer. Petey covers…1….2….SoCal Val pulls the referee out by the leg. Petey goes outside and yells at Val. Rocka Khan now chases her back up the ramp. Sonjay Dutt runs out and gets in between Val and Khan. Inside the ring Petey goes to pick up Lethal but gets cradled for a pin..1..2..3. Your Winner: Jay Lethal

RVD/TNA Close to Deal

Destination X: Eric Young & Kaz vs. Rellik & Black Reign

Kaz locks up with Rellik to start. Kaz climbs the ropes in the corner while locked up and steps over to the apron upon breaking. He springs in, into a school boy for a two count. Rellik now with kicks to the calf. Kaz hits a deep arm drag on Rellik into an arm bar.

Black Reign tagged in and gets caught with an insiguri by Kaz. Kaz calls for a tag and Eric Young reluctantly accepts. He is in against Black Reign now. They circle the ring and Reign charges Young who moves. Reign into the corner. EY floats over, and lands a right hand. Young with a kick below the belt. Kaz tagged back in and waist locks Reign, rolls him up into a pin, he German Suplexes a charging Rellik into a pin while still pinning Reign. Two count on the double pin.

Rellik tagged in now, mounts Kaz and lands punches, then bites Kaz, and applies a Cobra Clutch. Rellik then takes that straight into a Cobra Clutch Suplex. Two count for Rellik and tags in Reign. They double-team Kaz. Boot by Rellik and a Neckbreaker by Reign. Two count. Quick tag back to Rellik.

Rellik with another Cobra Clutch. Rellik with another Cobra Clutch Suplex but Kaz lands on his feet this time and dropkicks Rellik. Kaz reaching for the tag and EY ropes off the apron and up the aisle in fear. Kaz off the ropes and into Rellik but caught in mid air and hits a Spine Buster. Two count for Rellik.

EY returns to the apron and tries to rally the crowd for Kaz. He is now all of a sudden reaching for a tag. Tag made. Young leaps in the ring and yells. Rellik sits up and stares at Young who runs out of the ring and straight to the back. Rellik powerslams Kaz into the ring. Reign and Rellik double teaming Kaz with a slingshot Pancake maneuver. Rellik pins and gets two. Reign tagged in. Kaz sent to the ropes, leaps over both Reign and Rellik who telegraph the back body drop, and then double clotheslines him. Kaz now yelling “ERIC!”

Suddenly, some superhero music hits and Eric Young comes back out with a cape and a mask dressed like a super hero. Young leaps in and dropkicks everyone. Super Eric is about to get double teamed but moves and Rellik clotheslines Reign, but quickly hits a knee lift on Young on the recoil. Super Eric picks up Reign in a DVD and then lays Rellik atop Reign and hits a Double Death Valley Driver, and scores the pinfall for the victory. Your Winners: Kaz & Super Eric

RVD/TNA Close to Deal

Destination X: Awesome Kong [c] vs. ODB vs. Gail Kim [Women’s Championship Match]

All three women square off and we have a bell. Km makes the first move for Kong who tosses her off. ODB and Kim both try to double team Kong but cannot even whip her. Instead Kong hits a meeting of the minds on the two challengers.

ODB goes to work on Kong with kicks and a dropkick. She tries to send Kong over the ropes, while she is doing so Kim climbs the ropes and legdrops Kong across the ropes. Kim springs in and rolls up ODB for two. ODB trips Kim and gets a two count. ODB bridges out of a pin and into a fireman’s carry. Kim floats over and gets a two count. Kim to the top ropes and instead of flying toward ODB she changes gears and leaps at Kong on the outside but Kong catches her in mid air. ODB then flies over the ropes onto both Kong and Kim.

ODB chops Kim who leaps up on the ropes and floats backward. She sends ODB into the opposite corner. Waistlock by Kim, standing switch. ODB with a belly to back suplex. Kim with knees to the gut of ODB. ODB hits a Fallaway Slam. Kim hits a Spear on ODB.

ODB sent outside the ring. Kong back in and clotheslines Kim down. Kong sends Kim to the corner. Kim slides outside to the apron as Kong charged. Kim whipped to the ropes, tries a Maivia Hurricane but gets caught by Kong who goes for the Spinning Back fist but it is blocked. Kim droves her knees to the face of Kong.

ODB back n now as Kim is sent into the ringpost shoulder first, then falls outside of the ring. Kong with a Choke Toss on ODB and taunts the crowd. Kim back in as Kong sets up a powerbomb. Kim springs off ODBs back and kicks Kong then Kim tries a succession of fists. ODB chops Kong, turns to Kim gets a punch, chop by ODB, turns to Kim gets a fist. Kong is woozy. ODB takes a drink. Kim takes the flask and downs some too. They both do the ODB power up taunt. They each take a turnbuckle and double missile dropkick Kong. Kim goes for the pin, ODB breaks it up. ODB for a pin, Kim breaks it up. Kim and ODB face off and shove one another. Kim clotheslines ODB.

Kim goes for a Cross Body Block on Kong. Caught in mid-air. ODB drops to all fours behind Kong who trips over her. Two count for Kim as ODB breaks it up. Kong with a Spinning Backfist on ODB, followed by a flapjack on Kim. Kong to the second rope and hits a splash on Kong. Pin attempt broken up by ODB. Kong and ODB face off. ODB with a chop on Kong who is not fazed. Kong hits an Implant Buster on ODB. Kong to the second rope again for a splash and leaps. ODB rolls out of the way. ODB powering up and chops Kong, bounces off the ropes and shoulder blocks Kong who is woozy. ODB hits a Thesz Press on Kong off the ropes., two count for ODB. ODB to the ropes and Raisha Saied trips her up. ODB grabs her head and yanks her in but Kong clocks ODB and hits the Awesome Bomb. 1..2..3. Your Winner: Awesome Kong

RVD/TNA Close to Deal

Destination X: Team 3D vs. Shark Boy & Curry Man [Fish Market Street Fight]

Before the match begins we have the Team 3D weigh in.

D-Von steps on first and weighs in at an acceptable range. Brother Ray now steps on very slowly and weighs in at an acceptable range. Johnny Devine gets a bag of ding dongs and gives them to Team 3D but quickly Curry Man and Shark Boy double roll-up Team 3D and get two. Curry Man takes it to D-Von while Shark Boy stomps Ray. Curry Man struts and charges D-Von who is in the corner and hits a flying back smash. Double team on Ray, back body drop. Double drop kick to follow on Ray as he falls outside of the ring.

Team 3D starts to exit up the ramp but Shark Boy and Curry Man go after them. Curry Man rams Ray into the display of fish face first. Curry Man then slaps Ray with it across the back. Shark Boy has a small fish as well and he is clocking D-Von. Curry Man has a fishing rod in the ring now. He puts a ding don on the line and dangles it in front of Ray. Ray sees it and puts it in his mouth. Now they do a whole reeling in the fish skit.

Ray now raking the eyes of Curry Man outside the ring. Curry Man takes a fishing net and nets Ray. Curry Man then takes a large fish and clocks Ray with it. Curry Man charges Ray, buy Ray back body drops him into one of the trays of fish. Ray is just flinging every fish he can find at Curry Man. Then he starts throwing fish into the crowd. Who promptly toss them back.

Ray takes a catfish and takes a bite out of it and spews it at the announce team. Team 3D set up a table and are about to powerbomb Curry Man through it until Shark Boy makes the save. Johnny Devine then clocks Shark Boy with the Kendo Stick. Devine nets Shark Boy outside. Inside the ring now and Team 3D has a fish and drives it into the crotch of Curry Man. Curry Man in a Tree of Woe. They clock him in the crotch with a wooden oar and a fishing rod.

Crowd going nuts chanting, “We want tables.” Team 3D climb opposing ropes. They fly and Curry Man moves. Shark Boy now sneaks to the top rope and flies in with a double clothesline. Shark Boy cleans house. Back body drop on Brother D-Von. He Thesz Presses Brother Ray and lands rights. D-Von up and charges Shark Boy connecting with a clothesline. Curry Man tries to mount an offensive but D-Von hits Final Curtin.

Team 3D goes for the WAZZZAP headbutt. Shark Boy clocks D-Von with a fish from behind so he falls off. Curry Man and Shark Boy then hit the WAZZZAP instead but with a fish. Shark Boy hits a Neckbreaker on Ray and a two count. Curry Man and Shark Boy set up Team 3D in opposite corners. Meeting of the minds in the middle of the ring and the two hit simultaneous X-Factor Faceplants on Team 3D. Two count for Curry Man and Shark Boy. Simultaneous Spinning DDTs for Shark and Curry and they get two counts once more. Climb and pummel in either corner for Shark and Curry. Ray shoves Curry Man to the outside floor and gets Shark Boy on his shoulders. They hit the Doomsday Device and get a two count.

Devine tosses in a trash can but Curry Man gets it and clocks Ray twice. Devine has powder and is going to hit curry from behind, he turns and ducks. Powder into the face of Ray. Shark Boy hits a Stunner and Curry Man sends Devine outside through a table. D-Von grabs Curry Man to whip him to the ropes, Curry Man reverses and 3D sets up for a 3D but Curry Man picks up D-Von for it and a blinded Ray continues with his part of hitting 3D on his own partner. Shark Boy gets the cover for the victory. Your Winners: Shark Boy & Curry Man

RVD/TNA Close to Deal

Destination X: Booker T w/ Traci vs. Robert Roode w/ Payton Banks [Strap Match]

Referee straps the two together after quite a while of Roode disallowing it. Roode slides outside and the two are in a tug o war. Booker yanks him back in and here we go. Booker with punches and kicks.

Booker now choking Roode with the strap. Booker hits an explosive kick out of nowhere. Roode tries to mount an offensive in the corner with punches and knife-edge chops. Booker blocks one and turns it around into punches and chops of his own in the opposite corner. Booker to the corner and tries to float over but Roode lets him leap back and then hits a Russian Legsweep on Booker.

Knee drop by Roode and a two count. Roode and Booker exchange b lows in the center of the ring. Booker T whips Roode to the ropes and knocks him down. Suplex by Booker. Two count for Booker. Booker sends Roode into the corner and on the recoil he hits a Spine Buster.

Booker with a kick to the guy and goes for the Axe Kick but Roode moves and hits a DDT. Goes for a quick pin but only two. Booker tries to set up a Book End. Roode fights out and in the process shoves Booker into the referee. Outside the ring Payton Banks gets attacked by Traci Brooks and steals her handcuffs. Traci tosses it into Booker but he misses the catch as Roode low blows him. Roode gets the handcuffs and clocks Booker. Goes for the pin and scores the three. Brooks on the outside has a shocked and sad look on her face. Your Winner: Robert Roode

As a stipulation of the match Banks can now administer 10 lashes of the strap to Traci Brooks. Security is called in to retain Booker T who is trying to stop it. It is the old ECW Atlas security team. They pull Booker T out of the ring forcibly. Traci gets in the ring and assumes the position. Banks whips her three times before Traci falls to her knees. Four, and five. She spits in the face of Roode who is taunting her. Six, and Seven now. Eight. Roode whispers something into Banks ear. Banks whips number nine in her ear and then hits ten quickly thereafter. Brooks now takes the strap and is threatening Payton. Roode gets in and takes it out of her hands and chokes Traci, but just pushes her down to her back. He threatens to hit her with the strap but turns to walk away, then turns back and straps her once. Sharmell then hits the ring with a strap and straps Roode a few times who retreats. Banks then gets some lashes and leaves. Atlast security hits the ring and Sharmell hits them, then the referee and slides out and slaps David Penzer. Jim Cornette comes out and tells her to stop. She pauses then straps Cornette. Atlas restrains her and takes her out

RVD/TNA Close to Deal

Destination X: Rhino vs. James Storm [Elevation X Match]

Storm is introduced first and he climbs the Elevation X structure and brings a 6-pack of beer up with him. Rhino is introduced next.

Rhino starts climbing the structure and slips on the way up. Storm climbs down. Rhino is standing in the middle of the X. Storm is walking away. Rhino takes one of the beers and throws it at Storm. Then throws two more at him narrowly missing. Throws a fourth and misses him again, then flips him the bird. Rhino climbs down after Storm.

Rhino attacks Storm in the aisle and sends Storm into the railing back first. Rhino pulls out a table and puts it in the ring. He goes for a second but Storm attacks him from behind. Rhino takes the other table into the ring as well. Then he tosses a trashcan into the ring. Finally he tosses Storm into the ring.

Table propped up in the corner. Storm sends Rhino into it but he puts on the breaks. Rhino belly-to-belly’s Storm in the ring. Sets up another table in the middle of the ring. He calls for the Gore. Jaclyn jumps in the ring and yanks Rhino’s hair. Jackie climbs up the structure to escape Rhino. Rhino now climbing up after her. She makes her way toward the middle of the structure. Rhino makes it to the top. Storm climbs up after Rhino. Jaclyn climbs down the opposite side now. Storm is up atop the structure with Rhino now.

Rhino in the center of the X Storm puts his hand out for a shake as Rhino inches closer. Rhino dares Storm to come to the center. Rhino now straddling the platform in a seated position. Storm throws punches. Storm gets poked in the eyes by Rhino. Rhino now in a crawl position, and now to his feet. So is Storm. They exchange blows and Rhino dangles, now handing onto one of the floors of the structure.

Both men exchange some punches. Rhino back to a seated- straddle position. Storm now sitting off the edge of the structure. Storm is trying to stall by hiding underneath the platform of the structure beneath Rhino. Storm takes a beer and takes a sip. Rhino looks around and gets to his feet. He starts to step to one side of the X and he points to where he thinks Storm is and the fans cheer. Rhino reaches around and Storm moves. Rhino instead pulls off the wooden platform of the structure and reaches down. Storm stands up and throws a punch at Rhino then slips and straddles a bar of the structure. Storm is now hanging down. Rhino stomping Storm with kicks to the gut. He kicks a few more times and Storm releases, and falls through the table below, ending the match. Your Winner: Rhino


Destination X: Christian Cage, Samoa Joe, Kevin Nash vs. Kurt Angle, A.J. Styles, Tomko

The Unlikely Alliance, Joe, Cage, Nash get 5 minutes at a one man advantage thanks to the finish of the Cage/Angle steel cage match from IMPACT. Cage with repeated blows to AJ who tries to flip off the ropes at Cage but misses. Cage hits an elbow and a two count.

Cage and Tomko ion now as Cage chops Tomko. Tomko charges Cage in the corner but Cage moves. Tomko hosts up Cage in a gorilla press slam but he floats over. Tomko immediately hits a powerslam. Two count. For Tomko. Cage attacking Tomko in his own corner. AJ charges in but gets speared by Cage.

Joe in now and unleashes blows to the face of Tomko. Nash tagged in. Slams Tomko and then drops the elbow. Two count for Nash. Quick tag back to Cage. Tomko backs Cage into his corner and tags in Styles. Styles whips Cage to the corner, charges but gets an elbow to the face. One minute left for the advantage. Styles climbs the ropes and hits Spiral Tap on Cage. Nash jumps in and hits a Chokeslam on Cage. Tomko runs in and takes out Nash then takes the punches to Samoa Joe who gets off a snap slam on Tomko as he goes to the ropes. The countdown to Kurt Angle’s entrance is on..3..2..1.. Joe is waiting for him up the aisle. Here comes Angle.

Angle charges and they battle. Back in the ring Angle sends Joe out of the ring to the mat. Cage climbs the ropes, Angle charges him, Cage shoves him off and Cage hits a Frogsplash. Two count. Cage charges Angle who is near the ropes. Angle catches him and Belly to Belly’s Cage over the ropes to the outside mat. Angle spits in the face of Joe now.

A.J. in the ring now and applies a rear chinlock to Cage to slow the pace. Cage goes rope to rope and hits a dropkick on Cage. Tags in Tomko now who delivers b lows to the face of Cage. Cage tries to tag in one of his teammates. Tomko halts him then hits a Fall Away Slam on Cage. Two count.

Angle applies an Ankle Lock on Cage now. Cage rolls through and turns it into a pin but gets just two. Angle tries an Angle Slam. Cage floats over. Angle reverses that into a maneuver of his own. And AJ slides in and ultimately ends up double clotheslining Cage. Nash is in. He Snake Eyes’ Angle. Takes out Styles. Nash whips Tomko to the ropes and Big Boots Him. Nash goes for the Jackknife on Angle and hits. AJ flies in and springboard dropkicks Nash’s knee.

Samoa Joe in now and so is Tomko. Joe cleans house. He hits a running knee lift on Tomko. AJ flies in but Samoa Joe catches him and Powerbombs him down. AJ in the corner and Joe tries a Muscle Buster. Angle slides in and low blows him. AJ hits a Pelle Kick. Angle hits an Angle Slam on him. Two count. Christian Unprettier on Angle. Styles tossed to the outside. Chaos going on in the ring. Tomko Lariat’s Joe and screams in celebration, but Joe gets up and quickly slaps on the Rear Naked Choke. Tomko taps out. Your Winners: Samoa Joe, Kevin Nash, Christian Cage

RVD/TNA Close to Deal