Preview: English Pound
October 15, 2007
Raw hops the pond this week to visit Birmingham, England in what promises to be a bloody good show. But while the Superstars will be hopping the pond, their rivalries will remain firmly entrenched.
Chief among them: Randy Orton vs. Shawn Michaels and Triple H vs. Umaga.
Michaels stunned Orton when he returned from spending months on the sidelines and put him to sleep with Sweet Chin Music. What else does HBK have in store for the Legend Killer? And do his plans include Orton’s newly-won WWE Championship?
Meanwhile, last week, Umaga continued relentlessly punishing Triple H long after the bell had sounded in their Handicap Match pitting The Game against the Samoan Bulldozer & WWE Champion Randy Orton. After adding injury to insult, can Umaga really hope to leave Europe without feeling the wrath of The Game?
Two other Superstars who will be taking their rivalry across the pond are Hardcore Holly and Cody Rhodes. So far, the veteran Holly has bested the upstart Rhodes in two hard-fought, closely-contested wars. With the third time be the charm for Cody Rhodes?
In other action, Beth Phoenix made her Raw debut last week as Women’s Champion and ushered in the self-proclaimed “Era of the Glamazon” only to be embarrassed by former Champ Candice Michelle in a Six-Divas Tag Team Match. The Candy-coated Diva pinned one of the Glamazon’s tag partners to secure the victory and prove that she is still a force to contend with. Will the freshly-crowned Women’s Champion continue to devour her opponents? Or was last week’s hiccup a sign of things to come?
**SPOILERS** FULL RESULTS for tonight’s RAW from Englad Taped Yesterday Afternoon