Mexico City — As many as 45 bodies have been discovered in clandestine burial sites in Mexico, officials said late on Monday. An estimated 30 cadavers were found in one spot in the northern state of Sonora and 15 were buried under the patio of a multifamily house on the outskirts of Guadalajara in Jalisco state.
Dozens of bodies found in Mexico hidden graves, with volunteers’ help
The Sonora state prosecutor’s office said in a statement Saturday that it had sent forensics experts to accompany a volunteer search group that helped discover what was estimated to be 27 sets of human remains in a field near the city of Cajeme. Late Sunday, the volunteer group, Guerreras Buscadoras (Warrior Searchers), said it had found three more sets of remains.Clandestine burial sites have often been used by drug cartels in Mexico to hide the bodies of executed rivals or kidnap victims.
The Warrior Searchers group is comprised of mostly women who organize their own digging teams for missing relatives. CBS News’ Haley Ott met another volunteer search team last year in western Mexico, who said that, like the Warrior Searchers, they felt compelled to come together to try and find their missing loved ones in the face of officials’ inaction — or inability to keep up with the demand created by a dizzying murder rate.In response to the search groups’ pleas for help, Mexico’s central government has established a task force to help find more of the missing, and the Sonoran prosecutor’s office was adamant that, “the Warrior Searchers are not alone in their hope of finding their loved ones,” saying staff from the office were “accompanying them.” The “disappeared”Almost 40,000 people in Mexico have simply vanished. Known as desaparecidos, or “the disappeared,” some are abducted, others are caught in the crossfire of the cartel-related violence that permeates Mexican society. Many are presumed dead, but without bodies, their families are left without answers.Groups like the Warrior Searchers and the “Colectivo” that CBS News met in Nayarit, often act on tips about where burial grounds are located and then walk through fields plunging metal rods into the earth to detect the telltale odor of decomposing bodies. It’s gruesome work, but María, a mother and Colectivo member who watched as her son was snatched off a street in their hometown, never to be seen again, told CBS News it gave her a sense of purpose and helped her deal with her loss.”We feel like a family, because no one understands the pain that we’re living,” she told CBS News.Murder in MexicoThe recent increase in violence in western Mexico has been largely attributed to the fracturing of previously stable cartels.