Joe Galli & May Valentine opened the show, showing a segment from last week where Nick Aldis announced that Strictly Business was recruiting. The announcers then invited Mike Parrow to the announce desk to ask him about his career.
–Parrow talked about how he wasn’t seen in the NWA since the NWA 70th Anniversary and had to go to Japan to earn his way back to the NWA. He was angry that the management sent him away, since he watched people from all across the world, but didn’t get a shot in the NWA. He said that he was going to take everyone in front of him out, and every single person there should run in fear. Excellent promo.
–A recap of Thunder Rosa beating Britt Baker on AEW Dynamite aired. Rosa then cut a promo about wanting to win the NWA Women’s title back.
–Kamille was at the announce desk and asked where her video package was. Kamille said that she made the match that Rosa was in last week better by running in and spearing Rosa. She also talked about Adonis and Thom Latimer being a good team, but she wasn’t quite sure where Nick Aldis’ head was at because she and Thom aren’t going anywhere.
She said she wasn’t upset with Nick, and recognized that he was going to do the best thing for Strictly Business. May Valentine asked if she was taking it personally, and Kamille got increasingly upset, saying that she was just straight to business.
Mims defeated Jerimiah Plunkett
This was a solid, basic match once it got started. Mims and Plunkett botched something early on, but right after that, they got on track.
Plunkett trained Mims, so there was a bit of a built-in story for the match. Plunkett got the heat for most of the match, using heel tactics, which Velvet Sky pointed out with those exact words. Not a fan of Sky saying “That’s a real heel there. Getting the heat from the crowd.” What does that mean if this is real?
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Mims made a quick comeback, hitting some bodyslams and a huge belly-to-belly suplex. Mims then hit the Hook Up for a pinfall victory. Solid match.
The announcers informed us that Sal Rinauro was looking for a world-class wrestler to team with him to face Aron Stevens and Kratos.
–Nick Aldis was with May Valentine and Joe Galli and talked about the qualifications needed to challenge for the NWA World’s Heavyweight Championship. Aldis said there were several people in the running, but no one has separated from the pack yet. Aldis said that this afforded him the time to focus on advancing Strictly Business.
Aldis also called out May Valentine for her questioning of Kamille. He said that Latimer & Kamille are not a part of Strictly Business because they’re his friends, they’re members because they are elite-level athletes. As long as they remain elite, they will be members.
Galli then asked about Chris Adonis, and Aldis said again that he was not a member. He is on their radar, and he has had a good start, winning the NWA National Title, but the main thing that Aldis is looking for is consistency.
Aldis then spoke directly to the viewers who were happy NWA Power was back, and all the fans that support them, saying “You’re welcome.” Perfect heel line from Aldis here. Good promo, and a little intrigue built towards the next episode of NWA Power.
Final Thoughts:
This was a very easy 30-minute watch that featured a recap of all the events from the last few weeks of Power, and then a bonus match on top of it. It also advanced some characters in Mims and Parrow specifically. I’m not sure what the plan is going forward with Power Surge, but as a half-hour recap show with promos, it served its purpose well.