The relationship between Impact Wrestling and NJPW will continue to grow as another NJPW wrestler comes to Impact next Thursday.
On Impact this week, a video aired announcing that El Phantasmo will make his Impact Wrestling debut on next Thursday’s episode of Impact. El Phantasmo is a member of Bullet Club and part of NJPW’s junior heavyweight division. He’s a two-time former IWGP Junior Heavyweight Tag Team Champion and has also formerly held the Revolution Pro Wrestling British Cruiserweight Championship.
“Member of the Bullet Club, two-time Super J-Cup winner – @njpwglobal’s @elpwrestling is coming to IMPACT NEXT WEEK! #IMPACTonAXSTV,” Impact Wrestling tweeted.
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El Phantasmo won the Super J-Cup in 2020 and 2019
NJPW’s Juice Robinson & David Finlay made their Impact debuts this February. In March, Robinson & Finlay defeated The Good Brothers (Karl Anderson & Doc Gallows) to win the Impact Tag Team titles. Robinson & Finlay retained the titles against Anderson & Gallows at Impact Wrestling’s Rebellion pay-per-view this past Sunday.
NJPW wrote about El Phantasmo’s appearance on next Thursday’s Impact:
After FinJuice captured their Tag Team Championships and retained against the Good Brothers last week, IMPACT Wrestling will now see more of NJPW’s best, this time from the junior heavyweight division. Former two time IWGP Junior Heavyweight Tag Team Champion and back to back Super J-Cup winner El Phantasmo will be making his debut next week.
Will Sudden Death make an instant impact on May 6? Find out at 8/7c on AXS and Twitch!