Trump-supporting teen in viral video says ‘I wish I’d walked away’ from Native American

The Trump-supporting student involved in a stand-off with a Native American elder in Washington said "I wish we had walked away" in his first appearance since footage of the incident went viral.

Nick Sandmann, 16, told NBC News: "In hindsight I wish we could’ve walked away and avoided the whole thing but I can’t say that I’m sorry for listening to him and standing there".

Asked whether he needed to apologise for his actions, he said: "As far as standing there, I had every right to do so. My position is that I was not disrespectful… I respect him, I’d like to talk to him."

A viral three-minute, 44-second clip of the incident went viral over the weekend showing a large group of teenagers, several donning "Make America Great Again" caps, surrounding Nathan Phillips, a Native American war veteran. 

The focus of the footage was on Mr Sandmann, wearing a red "Make America Great Again" hat and appearing to smirk while a crowd of other teens laughed derisively behind him, as he faced off against the 64-year-old Mr Phillips, who played a traditional song on a drum.

The clip drew widespread outrage and prompted the Catholic high school the group belonged to, as well as its diocese, to condemn the students’ behaviour and issue an apology. 

However a more complicated picture emerged when a longer version of the incident was posted by Shar Yaqataz Banyamyan. It showed showing members of  his Black Hebrew Israelite group shouting vulgar insults at both the Native Americans who had gathered there for the Indigenous Peoples March and the white teenagers gathered for an anti-abortion march.

"They started shouting a bunch of homophobic, racist, derogatory comments at us. I heard them call us incest kids, racists, biggots, f—–s," Mr Sandmann told NBC.

One of the students took off his shirt and the teens started to do a haka – a war dance of New Zealand’s indigenous Maori culture, made famous by the country’s national rugby team. 

Mr Phillips, an elder of the Omaha tribe, and Marcus Frejo, a member of the Pawnee and Seminole tribes, said they felt the students were mocking the dance and walked over to intervene.

Mr Phillips and Mr Sandmann locked eyes, their faces inches apart. Both have said their goal was simply to make sure things didn’t get out of hand but the encounter has cast a spotlight on a polarised nation with deep divisions along racial, religious and ideological lines.

Mr Phillips has claimed he heard some of the students shout "build the wall" and "go back to the reservation" but the high school students felt they were unfairly portrayed as villains in a situation where they say they were not the provocateurs.

Mr Sandmann said that he was unsure of Mr Phillips’ intentions, but didn’t turn away because he "didn’t want to be disrespectful to Mr. Phillips and walk away if he was trying to talk to me."

"I see it as a smile, saying that this is the best you’re going to get out of me. You won’t get any further reaction of aggression. And I’m willing to stand here as long as you wanna hit this drum in my face," he said of the perceived confrontation.

"People have judged me based off one expression, which I wasn’t smirking, but people have assumed that’s what I have".

He added: "We’re a catholic school…they don’t tolerate racism, and none of my classmates are racist people".

The 16-year-old said he and his peers have received threats as a result of the national attention and Mr Trump himself weighed in with several tweets, saying "Nick Sandmann and the students of Covington have become symbols of Fake News and how evil it can be."

The student said he was appreciative of the president’s support but the attention has taken a toll.