Impact Wrestling ‘Against All Odds’ Results (3/29): Brian Cage vs Killer Kross

Impact Wrestling: Against All Odds Results
March 29, 2019
Las Nevas, Nevada

— LAX came to the ring with Konnan to call out the tag team champions, Pentagon Jr. and Rey Fenix. Konnan talked about being disrespected and said that the issues between their two teams are exactly why he didn’t want them fighting in the first place. The Lucha Bros. ran out and started to brawl until security came out and got in between them. They ended up fighting off security and going at it with steel chairs, until LAX got the upper hand and put the champs through tables.

(1) SCARLETT BORDEAUX def. GLENN GILBERTTI with a powerbomb off the top rope. 

— Tessa Blanchard came out and demanded Gail Kim join her in the ring. She wants an apology for everything that’s happened between them, and Gail says that she’s sorry, albeit begrudgingly. That’s not good enough for Tessa, who cheeses it up and makes her apologize for every little thing, individually, and mocks her for having to resign from her position. Gail smiled and revealed that she actually only gave management notice on one very important condition — to come out of retirement. Gail attacks Blanchard and beats her down until she runs away.

(2) JORDYNNE GRACE def. TAYA VALKYRIE (c) IN A KNOCKOUTS CHAMPIONSHIP MATCH. Taya faked an injury yelling that her ribs were broken and that she couldn’t breath. Johnny came out and helped his wife out of the ring, and she takes the count-out loss, but retains her title.

— Brian Cage came down and chased Johnny Impact, trying to get his hands on the champion. Killer Kross blindsided the big man and sent him crashing into the ring post.

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(3) KILLER KROSS def. BRIAN CAGE. It appears that Cage was screwed over, as he clearly kicked out before three but the referee counted it anyways. Johnny and Taya rushed the ring and attacked Cage, dropping him with an enzuigiri, and bashing his arm with a steel chair.

— Rosemary takes Allie back to the shadow realm (or whatever it’s called) where Father James Mitchell has some kind of wrestling ring from hell set up. She and Kiera Hogan fight off a bunch of demons, then get into it with Su Yung and the Undead Bridesmaids. Allie is conflicted and tries to kill Rosemary but can’t do it. Mitchell’s boss is none other than Kevin Sullivan, who says their journey to find Allie’s soul was basically a fool’s errand and they’re all going to die. Su goes to stab Rosemary, but Allie jumps in the way and takes a blade to the throat. Yep…They just literally killed off Allie.