Ability Now Bay Area Partners with Fictiv to Supply Key Protective Equipment

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Ability Now Bay Area provides education, health and wellness, and technology support to adults with disabilities. 

When the COVID crisis hit, Ability Now Bay Area (ANBA) faced a daunting challenge adapting to the new reality since most of their classes were in-person. Essential to any plans was the need to provide PPE (personal protective equipment) to their employees and clients, many of whom were vulnerable with underlying health issues. To help solve this problem, ANBA was able to take advantage of Fictiv’s face shield program to supply face shields at production cost. 

The face shield program allowed healthcare purchasers to order batches of face shields in quantities of 1,000, 5,000, or 10,000. Fictiv handled all the logistics of manufacture and shipping from centers in China and Detroit to the centers in the US. 

Through this program, Fictiv supplied 1000 face shields to ANBA. ANBA used 500 face shields to ensure their staff and clients would have the equipment they needed. The remaining 500 were passed on at cost to other vendors and providers of the Regional Center. 

ANBA continues to adapt to the evolving situation and now supports its clients with a combination of online classes and in-person support. Staff uses the face shields in the office and during in-home client visits. Clients who cannot wear a face mask also use a face shield to keep themselves safe. 

Fictiv is proud to support Ability Now Bay Area’s great work to help adults with disabilities to lead more independent and healthy lives. This was a challenging year, and Ability Now Bay Area rose to meet the challenge! If you would like to donate to support their programs in 2021, you can do so here.