AJ Styles Defends Against Samoa Joe in WWE Tokyo Main Event Match (Photos), Unique WWE Star Open Challenges (Video)

WWE has released the above video.

From John Cena to Roman Reigns, these five Superstars boldly hosted recurring open challenges to test the mettle of their fellow Superstars.

AJ Styles Defends Against Samoa Joe in WWE Tokyo Main Event Match

Today’s WWE Tokyo live event at Sumo Hall was scheduled to be AJ Styles defending the WWE Title against Shinsuke Nakamura, however, after Nakamura was pulled from in-ring competition due to a dog bite earlier this week, the main event featured Styles defending the Title against Samoa Joe instead. Below are photos from the match, which saw Styles successfully defend the Championship.

Prior to the match, Nakamura did make an appearance and cut a promo in front of the live crowd, while using a crutch, and was eventually choked out by Samoa Joe:

また来年以降 WWE王座での凱旋を期待してます❗
金的外されたぁ~~の表情がさすが#WWETokyo#WWE日本公演 pic.twitter.com/YaJ18wL83j

— hunterjiro 6.29 両国 (@hunterjiro1) June 29, 2018

相変わらずスピード感、躍動感がズバ抜けてました✨#WWETokyo pic.twitter.com/T3cBbdt123

— まさやん (@masaya19830604) June 29, 2018

2018.6.29 両国国技館



#WWETokyo pic.twitter.com/vPnBkzx8Zx

— あこ (@ko_0614) June 29, 2018

数年前日本で活躍してたAJスタイルズは、世界のAJスタイルズになっていました( ; ᴗ ; ) #wwe #wwetokyo #wwejapan #wwe_jp pic.twitter.com/BQfXEJloox

— あーてぃゃんさん (@c5_tan) June 29, 2018

2018.6.29 両国国技館



#WWETokyo pic.twitter.com/IDsQdDKyzD

— あこ (@ko_0614) June 29, 2018

2018.6.29 両国国技館
AJ Styles選手♪ #WWETokyo pic.twitter.com/KucQTQBUEM

— ユーリ (@cap_mon_camp) June 29, 2018

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