Backstage Reaction to Ronda Rousey's Match; Reason WWE Didn't Have HHH Tap Out

— While it should be noted that Ronda Rousey had trained for her WrestleMania 34 match for months and had a year of general wrestling training under her belt, people backstage came away impressed with her footwork and movement as well as her impressive angry facial expressions and overall athletic ability.

— There was a rumor prior to WrestleMania 34 that Rousey was going to make Triple H tap out to her armbar finisher (instead of Stephanie McMahon) and it appears the company went in the latter’s direction specifically due to storyline continuity reasons as Rousey attacked Stephanie’s arm once again the next night on Raw whereas Triple H is not a regular on-screen character and has disappeared for now.

Source: Wrestling Observer Newsletter. Subscription information & prices available at

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