– Batista recently sat down with the Miami Herald to discuss his new book, Batista Unleashed. In the interview Batista had several noteworthy quotes, below are the highlights:
On WWE removing stuff from the book & Chris Benoit:”I think it was mentioned at one point that it was real touchy with Chris Benoit. They wanted to remove him completely from my story, and I worked hard for them not to. I really didn’t want to feel that Chris wasn’t a major part of my career and life… I loved the guy. I despise what he did, but that doesn’t erase him from my life. I fought to keep him in there and glad they did.”
The backstage reaction to his book: “I haven’t gotten any negative reaction,” said Batista. “I expected Mark Henry to be a little hurt about what I said about him, but nothing I said about him in the book I didn’t say to him. I’m sure it was mentioned to him or he read it, but he hasn’t said anything. He probably won’t because he’s such a good guy. We’re pretty tight, and he knows I don’t ever think he hurt me intentionally.”
Regarding his relationship with Melina: “When I got an earlier version, I actually let her read what I wrote about her before I put it out there,” said Batista. “She said she was cool with it. She had nothing to do with my marriage breaking up. She was okay with me using it.”
On his feud with The Great Khali: “I’ve been struggling these past few months working with the Great Khali who is no super athlete,” said Batista. “Hopefully I can do more things with the Undertaker because I have so much respect for him. I’ve said it years ago that one of my dream matches is versus the Undertaker in Hell in a Cell. It’s still a dream of mine. I’m still keeping my fingers crossed for that.”
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