Big Update On Christian Cage's Future: Gone From TNA, WWE Bound?

As previously reported, Christian Cage’s TNA contract has expired and his profile was removed this week from TNA’s website. While he hasn’t told anyone in TNA that he’s leaving, the general feeling is that he made the decision to leave the company months ago.

Sources say that Cage lost interest with the product and was hard to deal with since October. During a meeting with Dixie Carter and Jeff Jarret, Cage said he had another offer and was considering taking it but hadn’t made up his mind.

TNA has had no communication with Christian since he was written off television in an angle where the Main Event Mafia laid him out. Had he stayed with the company, there was talk of using him as one a leader of the TNA Frontline stable.

Many believe that he has signed a deal with WWE and will debut soon on the Smackdown brand. He is expected to work a program with Edge and Jeff Hardy.

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