Commission’s 2016 strategy: Stay the course

Commission President Jean-Claude Juncker performed his ceremonial blessing before Frans Timmermans, his right hand, presented the EU executives' 2016 plans | EPA/Patrick Seeger

Commission’s 2016 strategy: Stay the course

Timmermans unveils the institutions priorities for the next year.



STRASBOURG — More of the same. That was the message from the European Commission on Tuesday as it made public its priorities for the year ahead.

Frans Timmermans, the powerful first vice president, unveiled the Commission’s 2016 work program titled “No time for business as usual,” even though it focuses on many of the same topics as a year ago.

The contrast with last year was stark. Back then, in a show of strength for the 2015 plan, the entire college of commissioners decamped to Strasbourg to hear Timmermans and Commission President Jean-Claude Juncker announce a slimmed-down legislative proposal to a roomful of MEPs. This time, Timmermans stood alone and fewer than 30 MEPs — out of 751 — showed up.

Where 2015 was a statement of intent from Juncker, who was determined to show his Commission would be leaner and meaner than his predecessor, with a slimmed-down program and a host of proposals thrown on the scrapheap, 2016 was low-key.

“One year ago this Commission made a new start, committing to focus on the big things where citizens expect the EU to make a difference,” Timmermans said. “Today we are taking the next steps to deliver on these political priorities.”

Those priorities are: tackling the migration crisis; jobs, growth and investment, with a special focus on small business; the energy union and environmental sustainability; employment and social affairs and a fair taxation system.

There will be 23 legislative initiatives in total, most of them falling within the five major subject areas. On migration, the Commission’s plans include a European coast guard system and a new approach to the Dublin III regulation, under which asylum must be claimed in the member country through which a migrant entered the EU.

Other new ideas include the promotion of a better work-life balance — perhaps to appease those disappointed at the dropping in April of a planned shake-up of maternity leave rules — new rules on corporate taxation, and a proposal on labor mobility.

“Free movement should never be considered as social dumping,” Timmermans said.

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The 2015 work program was a shock for many MEPs, who objected to a “kill list” of 80 items. MEPs were particularly incensed by the decision to withdraw proposals on waste and air quality. Later, the reduction in proposals led some MEPs to claim that they were bored.

That is unlikely to be the case this year, with just 20 pending plans to be dropped or rethought, and 40 will face the REFIT test — Commission-speak for re-evaluating plans to see if they are still relevant.

“The Commission decided to take us seriously. It is ready to work,” said Philippe Lamberts, co-leader of the Green group. “But so far only the American Chamber of Commerce and business are applauding Timmerman’s proposals. It says something.”

Quentin Ariès