Daily Update: AJ Styles, Jungle Kyona, Ember Moon


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Latest News:

Finn Balor suffered broken jaw in two places at WWE NXT TakeOver 31   
WWE announces new group of Performance Center signees   
VIDEO: Watch Speak Now with Denise Salcedo tonight at 8 pm PT   
Renee Young co-hosting Fox’s Oct. 16 WWE SmackDown pre-show   
WWE posts storyline updates on Adam Cole & Velveteen Dream   
NJPW G1 Climax 30 night eleven results: Ibushi vs. Takagi  

Latest Audio:

WOL: RAW ratings, AEW vs. NXT, Jericho 30th and more! 10/7
B&V&C: Retro Invasion WWE Smackdown from June 11, 2001 10/6

WON NEWSLETTER: October 5, 2020 Observer Newsletter: NJPW shakeup, WWE talent and 3rd party deals, more

We’ve got a double issue this week of the Observer with the full rundown of Harold Meij being out in New Japan, WWE’s social media policy as it relates to talent, and extensive G-1 coverage.

Our lead story looks at the Harold Meij era of New Japan, how he got there, the turmoil behind-the-scenes, why he’s leaving, his last words to his fan club, why the guy who handled running a wrestling company during a pandemic is out while in the pandemic and a lot of behind-the-scenes stories regarding New Japan and AEW never making a deal, and whether this can change things, and what the key issues are. The changes he made to the company, the business record and issues in dealing with talent and others and the inherent issues of a non-Japanese person in charge of a major Japanese company. This is the most inside version of what happened there since 2018 and from people who know the situation the best.

Also in this issue:

WWE’s latest when it comes to talent and social media, WWE policy, Andrew Yang and why this could be the worst time to make these decisions.

WWE Clash of Champions, NXT Takeover, Hell in a Cell, the COVID issues in AEW & WWE and how they spread, plus match-by-match coverage with star ratings and poll results.

G1 Climax tournament, with standings, best matches, behind-the-scenes,why crowds aren’t quick to sell out, plus match-by-match coverage with star ratings and poll results of every show.

XFL start, changes in WWE tapings and why 205 Live will be taped with NXT ad not Smackdown, we look at declines in WWE interest and reasons why WWE draft dates, Reigns vs. Rock, Reigns talks C.M. Punk, new Dwayne Johnson TV show looked at, new WWE signings, update on WWE injuries, one of the top college wrestlers already publicly talking about going to WWE, more on TV ratings in U.S. and Canada, former TNA champion talks how close he came to joining WWE, Cena starring in new movie, Zayn talks politics, Rusev talks problems with WWE creative, update on Raw Underground, where tribal chief comes from, WWE market value and the most watched shows on WWE Network over the past week.

UFC 253, with business notes, the main themes of the show plus match-by-match coverage and poll results.

The treatment of women in pro wrestling with notes from a recent BBC article with thoughts from several women involved.

87th anniversary show of CMLL, and the plight of Lucha Libre with no fans.

Jerry Lawler 50th anniversary show.

2020 Hall of Fame ballot in each category, with the top candidate, last year’s highest that haven’t gotten in, as well as a list of those who have been elected in the past five years.

Smackdown and AEW ratings based on the same opposition, as well as network vs. cable when it comes to other sports.

Results of all the major pro wrestling events around the world over the past week. 

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AJ Styles on Twitch said he was disappointed about finding out the news regarding WWE taking over Twitch accounts, saying that he learned the news on the internet and doesn’t know what will happen. “You would think it would be better than that,” Styles said. “For guys who are on here trying to, not only work for WWE, but get on here and Twitch and stuff like that, you’d think it’d be a lot easier to communicate with us and us alone instead of whoever it is behind the scenes, and them going to Joe Blow and them having more information than us. Is anything set in stone? I don’t think anything is. I think it’s going to come down to communication.”
Today’s episode of The Bump is a 2020 draft special, including guests Xavier Woods, RJ City, Wade Barrett, and Ken Jeong.
Ember Moon spoke to Justin Barasso of Sports Illustrated about her return to NXT.
WWE has been served a lawsuit claiming that their WWEShop website violates the Americans with Disabilities Act.
Bobby Lashley will be a guest on Corey Graves’ podcast tomorrow.
Mick Foley wrote about Drew McIntyre’s new WWE 24 documentary on WWE’s website.
The Big Show Show Christmas Special, the final filmed episode of the series, will premiere on Netflix on December 9.
Dominic Mysterio spoke to Metro UK about his current WWE run and his storyline with Eddie Guerrero in 2005.
Triple H announced that he will be giving a second WWE title to the WNBA’s Seattle Storm, who are this year’s WNBA Champions.
John Cena’s Playing with Fire movie will drop on Hulu October 15. Daddy’s Home 2 will start streaming on Amazon Prime October 25.
Wade Barrett’s “I Am Vengeance” will debut on Netflix on October 13.
Brie Bella and Daniel Bryan have listed their home for sale.
WWE has filed trademarks for CWC Capitol Wrestling Center and CWC NXT Capitol Wrestling Center.
Other Wrestling
Stardom announced that Jungle Kyona will be out of action for “an extended period of time” due to injury. They wrote on Twitter that her injuries include “a left knee anterior cruciate ligament rupture; right knee lateral collateral ligament rupture; right shoulder acromioclavicular joint complete dislocation.” The left knee and right shoulder will require surgery.
The New York Post has an article on Chris Jericho’s 30th anniversary.
Angelina Love spoke to Kevin Eck about her relationship with Road Warrior Animal.
Thunder Rosa announced that she would be relinquishing the TJPW International Princess title due to COVID-19 travel restrictions.

Daily Pro Wrestling History: WWE No Mercy 2007


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