Daily Update: Chris Jericho, Rob Schamberger, Stardom


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The reasons behind Dwayne Johnson, Dany Garcia and Gerry Cardinale buying the XFL in bankruptcy court, the new WWE President and how television viewership of all the major pro wrestling shows has changed since the pandemic started are the lead stories in this week’s issue of the Wrestling Observer. Newsletter.

We look at the timeline of the XFL purchase, financials behind it, the goals, can the goals be achieved, why Dwayne Johnson is key, what Johnson is trying to do with the league that Vince McMahon couldn’t, and why this is such a difficult time to do so and why the interest level was what it was.

The new issue also covers:

WWE’s hiring of Nick Khan as President and Chief Revenue Officer, where he comes from, his connection with wrsetling, his connections in sports, the value of his contract, and the specific strongest value he brings. 

We go through every wrestling show with notes on viewership overall and in demos, who is losing and at what pace.  We look at what is turning viewers away, what is keeping viewers, and what show actually has increased viewers in an age group and what this says, the key takes from the patterns of gains and losses.

The return of pro wrestling to Mexico City and the restrictions that have been put in place.

The issues with unionizing wrestlers as well as Equity on treatmet of women in U.K. pro wrestling.

Updates on the major U.S. pro wrestling shows over the next month.

The NBA playoffs affecting the AEW schedule in August and September.

Rey Mysterio and contract talks.

Notes on furloughed WWE employees, chaos backstage at WWE tapings, WWE developmental and NXT talent and training, News from the Saudi Arabia lawsuit, behind Raw Underground, update on WWE draft, NXT writers update, Canadian ratings, Ali talks his situation, new WWE sigings, upcoming TV matches, and the most-watched shows on WWE Network.

A feature on Rollerball Mark Rocco, the best U.K. wrestler of his era.

This past week’s UFC show.

The migration of the audience and what days they watch wrestling, and the one demo that is holding firm to Friday in a big way.

Ratings of all the major shows, the key demos and quarters for AEW and WWE, what happened head-to-head and what can be learned from them.

Results of all the major pro wrestling events around the world over the past week.

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We have two weekend shows up on the site today, and there is also a Friday night show with Bryan and Lance Storm. The first show goes in depth on all the business news of the past week, the ratings trends and what they mean which is actually huge because of the patterns, Dwayne Johnson and the XFL, Who is new WWE President Nick Khan and what are his challenges, Kevin Reilly out at TNT and AEW, as well as a talk about the insane life of Ken Shamrock with Jonathan Snowden, who wrote a biography about him that is the best outside biography ever written about a pro wrestler or, for that matter, an MMA fighter. Bryan and I also talk about some of these same subjects along with Smackdown and UFC.

Chris Jericho’s band Fozzy performed last night in Sturgis, SD at the annual bikers rally. The rally itself was a significant news story because there were 250,000 people expected, and the fear was it would spread COVID like crazy with people who would be on top of each other, drinking, not wearing masks, and then flying home.  Jericho was there.  The show was at 35 percent capacity in the indoor building he was performing in although photos showed people on top of each other.  Masks were given out at the door to everyone not masked as they entered and temperature checks were required to get in. Jericho was also performing tonight in Minot, ND. It’s definitely a concern, particularly Sturgis, as this week’s AEW show will be live and built around Jericho vs. Orange Cassidy. Jericho will have to pass a test to get into the stadium on Wednesday but the tests aren’t foolproof, especially if they are taken the first few days after exposure. 

Again very little mainstream interest in combat sports stories this week. Last night’s UFC did not even crack the top 20, the first time this has happened since the return. Only three stories garnered interest, the engagement of Conor McGregor yesterday (50,000 searches), Marty Jannetty on Wednesday (500,000) and Dwayne Johnson and the XFL on Monday (500,000).

Rob Schamberger who is the WWE’s artist noted that his cousin died two weeks ago from COVID and the family couldn’t do a funeral.  He was really upset about the Sturgis rally and the Jericho performance in a tweet earlier today.
A story on Schamberger also came out today (thanks to Mike Kuzmuk)
A body was found in the empty home in Maston, UK that was formerly owned by Jackie Pallo, one of the most famous wrestlers ever in the U.K.  A photographer went into the home, largely burned down years ago, opened a door and found a body. The death likely occurred in the past few weeks because others had been in the house and had not been the body.  Police said that the death did not look suspicious and a report will be declared by the medical examiner.  A fire destroyed most of the house in 2018. Pallo himself died in 2006.
Stardom from earlier today in Korakuen Hall, the matches were part of the 5 Star Grand Prix tournament, which is the women’s version of G-1: Maika b Saya Iida, Mayu Iwatani b Starlight Kid, Momo Watanabe b AZM, Tam Nakano b Konami, Utami Hayashishita b Natsuko Tora-DQ, Syuri (recent UFC fighter Syuri Kondo) b Jungle Kyona, Himeka b Giulia (thanks to Shannon Walsh)
Warrior Wrestling from Friday night in Chicago Heights, IL before 500 fans:  Warhorse won Spartan Stamped over Dan the Dad, Matt Knicks, Beast Man, Elayna Black, Cornbelt Cowboy and Chicago Sideshow, Isaias Velasquez b Tre Le Mar, Kylie Rae b Ray Lyn, Dezmond Xavier & Zachary Wentz & Trey Miguel b Blake Christian & Benjamin Carter & Alex Zayne, Brian Pillman Jr. b Robert Anthony to keep Warrior title, Joey Janela b Jake Something, Lance Archer b Sam Adonis-DQ, Brian Cage NC Jeff Cobb, Cage won four-way over Cobb, Adonis and Archer when he pinned Adonis.  Main event, trios and Archer vs. Adonis said to be the highlights and  people raved about the show (thanks to Dave Gould)
AEW’s Yuka Sakazaki is competing in the Tokyo Joshi Pro Wrestling tournament going on right now.
Adam Brooks was at the RCW show last night in Adelaide, Australia and said that he was going to be based in Southern Australia for the time being. 
The Mahooning Drive-In in Lehighton, PA is doing a pro wrestling themed movie night on 8/14 and 8/15 for $10.  On 8/14 they will air the 1986 movie Bodyslam and 2000 movie Ready to Rumble.  On Saturday they will air Suburban Commando  and a mystery wrestling movie.
CWE results from last night in Morden, Manitoba:  Jude Dawkins b Cory Diamond, Alix Zwicker b Taryn from Accounting, Bobby Collins b Kevin Cannon in a loser eats dog food match, Shaun Matena & Roy Cheeks b Sammy Pepers & Tyler Adams, Danny Duggan b Mike Mission-DQ.  Return to Morden is 11/5.
CWE has announced shows on 9/3 in Oak Lake, Manitoba, 9/4 in Winnipeg and 9/5 in Flin Flon, Manitoba.
SPW in New Zealand had its fifth year anniversary weekend for the Southern Rumble selling out both events.

Daily Pro Wrestling History: Showdown at Shea 1980


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