Daily Update: WWE TLC Fallout, strong crowd expected for RAW

We’re looking for your thoughts on tonight’s TLC show as well as last night’s UFC 194 show, so you can leave a thumbs up, thumbs down or thumbs in the middle along with a best and worst match to Dave Meltzer

We’re looking for reports on today’s Raw in Philadelphia (dark matches, Superstars matches, anything else not evident from watching the live show), today’s NXT show in Nottingham, England and yesterday’s Lucha Underground tapings to Dave Meltzer

Smackdown will be taped Tuesday night in Newark, NJ while NXT runs Tuesday night in Cardiff, Wale.


Finn Balor vs. Samoa Joe for NXT title

Apollo Crews vs. Baron Corbin

Click Here: Kangaroos Rugby League Jersey

Bayley vs. Nia Jax for women’s title

Scott Dawson & Dash Wilder vs. Enzo Amore & Colin Cassady for tag titles

Emma vs. Asuka

Figure Four Weekly

Figure Four Weekly 12/7/2015: McDevitt comments on concussion lawsuits
Details on Jerry McDevitt’s comments on the ongoing concussion lawsuits against WWE, Alan discusses potential candidates for 2015’s best rookie.

Wrestling Observer Newsletter

Coverage of the biggest weekend in UFC history, the stories behind the big matches, scouting the fighters, the business and handicapping the fights is the lead story in the new issue of the Wrestling Observer Newsletter.  We look at the promotion of the show, how changes in the UFC can affect the major fights, little things in each fight that haven’t beentalked about, fugure for the winners and much more is looked at.

We also look at the New Japan Tokyo Dome show, the New Japan tag team tournament, what’s new with A.J. Styles and his schedule, the controversy over the winners of the tournament and how it played out, New Japan business this past month and going forward, tournament standings and a rundown of the shows this past week.

We also have an update on Sting and his condition coming off the match with Seth Rollins, something to watch for about a very significant WWE employee, WWE increasing security at leve events, WWE putting up lots of new content on the network, why the Stampede tapes were taken down, Alberto Del Rio blames AAA for his not coming back and losingg the title, why the time-line of what he says doesn’t add up, another new franchise movie idea for Dwayne Johnson, a new WWE movie annnounced, Mick Foley’s son with WWE, Sami Zayn’s return, Tommy Dreamer’s schedule, WWE surveys, John Cena media, WWE and ESPN update, NXT taping news, Brock Lesnar schedule news, WWE firing, Del Rio & Colter alliance, as well as notes on all the NXT house shows from the past week as well as all the WWE house shows of the past week and the business from the last week.   

We’ve got a look at this year’s Tokyo Sports pro wrestling awards, all the winners, how the balloting went down, as well as a list of every MVP dating back to 1974, and why different people won the awards and the nature of the politicas behid the awards.


The Latest Wrestling Observer Newsletter: December 14, 2015 Wrestling Observer Newsletter: Biggest weekend in UFC history, tons more

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Bryan and I will be back tonight with coverage of Raw as well as the latest news.  We’ll also be taking questions on wrestling and MMA that can be sent to [email protected] In the mean time check out both of our post-TLC shows:  WO 12/13: WWE TLC, Mauro Ranallo, UFC Brazil rating, more! and B&V 12/13: WWE TLC post-game show

Nothing at this point has been announced for Raw tonight.  Obviously the key will be how they handle the aftermath of the Roman Reigns/HHH angle and how that ties into the Royal Rumble.  They are in Philadelphia and were expecting the best crowd for a Raw event in the U.S. in months because of a strong advance.   

WWE sent out a press release today pushing that Coca Cola will be the presenting sponsor for Tribute to the Troops which airs on 12/23 on USA from 8-10 p.m.  Getting Coca Cola involved with WWE has been a goal for years.  

John Cena has a role in “Daddy’s Home,” the new movie with Will Ferrell and Mark Wahlberg that comes out over Christmas.  That’s the movie Taryn Terrell has a role as a cheerleader who gets hit in the face with a basketball which got some media when it was filmed in New Orleans some time back.  That spot is in the trailer that I’ve seen recently at movie previews.

For the weekend, the No. 1 search was Conor McGregor with 2 million.  UFC 194 had 1 million.  Amazingly, both beat the Warriors winning streak ending at 1 million.  No. 5 was Chris Weidman with 200,000.  No. 14 was Urijah Faber with 50,000.  No. 20 was Roy Jones Jr.  Although not close to Ronda Rousey numbers, those are otherwise huge numbers and probably indicate big PPV numbers.  UFC officials were talking that it would be the biggest of the year.  WWE was No. 6 in Google searches yesterday with 200,000, which is the level just about every B PPV show gets.  Top searches were BKS Ivengar, Dallas Cowboys, Pittsburgh Steelers, Independence Day 2 and Philadelphia Eagles.

A story has gone around regarding producers audio from just before the McGregor vs. Aldo fight where Joe Rogan spoke to a producer off air saying  Aldo looks soft and deflated.  “He looks way different.  But it could be that he’s done a lot of cardio.  Don’t want to jump to conclusions.”  Rogan also said, “Aldo looks nervous as F*** too.” and told the producer he was picking McGregor now.


Mick Foley said he was going to write something on Facebook in response to Ric Flair criticizing him on Tuesday on Flair’s show.  Flair had been critical of Foley being critical of WWE creative.  Hasn’t everyone been critical of WWE creative in the last month?  I mean this past weekend I was around people who are MMA people who are lifelong fans and they say the same things everyone else says when it comes to creative and the interviews.
There were a lot of problems with the WWE Network last night, more than usual, particularly during the pregame show.  I was able to watch it on wwe.com with no problem which is the free site, but I couldn’t watch it on the network. 
WWE stock was up 22 cents today to $16.09 per share.
New NXT touring dates announced, tickets for all these shows go on sale on Friday.

1/14 in Milwaukee at Turners Hall Ballroom, which has been an ROH venue

1/15 in Green Bay at Shopko Hall

1/16 in Chicago at the Portage Theater

1/29 in Pittsburgh at Stage AP

1/30 in Royal Oak, MI at the Music Theater.


The World MMA Awards were announced for 2/5 at the Venetian in Las Vegas at The Venetian theatre.  Nominees will be announced in a few weeks.  They are billing it as the Ultimate Las Vegas weekend with an MMA Celebrity Poker tournament on Thursday at the Sands Poker Room at the Venetian, the awards plus the after party and a special UFC 196 viewing party at Lagasse’s Station at The Palazzo in Las Vegas.      


PWG tickets for 1/2 go on sale Wednesday at 8 p.m.  For all who want to go, be ready.  That’s the same night as UFC so I can’t go again.  Here’s the card:

Roderick Strong vs. Chris Hero PWG title

Zack Sabre Jr. vs. Akira Tozawa

Mike Bailey vs. Adam  Cole

Jack Evans vs. Drew Galloway

Sami Callihan vs. Trevor Lee

Timothy Thatcher vs. Drew Gulak

Angelico vs. Brian Cage

Spectre was No. 7 on the U.S. movie weekend charts doing $4.05 million.  It was once again No. 2 on the Australian box office charts (thanks to James Stanios)
Lucha Underground, Billy Gunn and Paul Orndorff have signed deals with Pro Wrestling Tees.
Michael Weber, who formerly worked for WCW and was Vice President of Marketing with TNA from 2008 to 2013, is now Senior Vice President of Marketing with Flipps Media.
ROH has doing a meet and greet with the Briscoes before Friday’s PPV at the 2300 Arena in Philadelphia.  They will have autograph photos for everyone bringing a new unwrapped toy for the Toys for Tots collection at Final Battle or the next day for the TV taping.
I want to personally thank everyone involved in wrestling who has done work for Toys for Tots and other organizations regarding underprivileged kids and Christmas, as well as Bob Magee who works tirelessly every year in working with promotions to get the word out on these things.
Hart Legacy Wrestling from last night in Calgary before 200 fans. Smith Hart booked the show and Michelle Billington was the ring announcer:  Baron Von Kroutz b Renegade-DQ, Makhan Singh Jr. (with Abu Wizal, the famous manager there from the 80s) b Kato (Singh Jr. looked like a young Makhan Singh), Zack Mercury b Matt Hart (Smith Hart’s son), Davey Boy Smith Jr. d Teddy Hart 30:00 so Smith retained the Stu Hart Heritage title.  Very good match.  This was Teddy Hart’s first match in Calgary in a long time.  He’s been in the U.S.  He had a legal issue.  It was said by people at the show his issue has been settled.  (thanks to Robert O’Connor)
Upcoming shows in Tijuana at the Auditorio are 12/18 with a four-way with Dr. Wagner Jr. vs. L.A. Park vs. Damian 666 vs. Pagano, 12/25 with Wagner Jr. & El Hijo del Rey Misterio & Super Muneco vs. Damian 666 & Pakal & Rey Misterio II, and 1/8 with Gronda XXX & L.A. Park & Rayo de Jalisco Jr. vs.  Cibernetico & Cien Caras & Wagner Jr. (thanks to Kris Zellner)
NWA Smoky Mountain Wrestling on Saturday night in Kingsport, TN at the Civic Auditorium with Jason Kincaid vs. Nick Hammonds in a weapons match and a retirement match billed as Kid Kash putting his career on the line against Chase Owens.  If Owens loses, Ricky Morton has to retire.  Plus NWA title with Jax Dane defending against Rob Conway.
Pro Wrestling Eclipse on 1/10 in Oshawa, ONT at Legion br. 43.

Here is today’s FULL Daily Pro Wrestling History including International history: Daily pro wrestling history (12/14): Jeff Hardy, Triple H become WWE champion