'Fantastic… Who's Next?' SEIU First National Union to Endorse Green New Deal

“Fantastic news!!! Who’s next?”

That was progressive writer Naomi Klein’s response to news Thursday that the Service Employees International Union (SEIU) endorsed the Green New Deal. The SEIU, one of the largest unions in the country with more than 1.1 million members, is the first national labor union to endorse the proposed legislation, which would radically revamp the U.S. economy in a bid to combat the climate crisis.

The union’s international executive board passed the resolution at a Thursday meeting in Minneapolis.

“We need to combat climate change while raising standards for all working people,” the union said in a tweet.

SEIU member Charissa Fitzgerald, a certified nursing assistant at Chico, California’s Enloe Medical Center and an SEIU-United Healthcare Workers West member, shared her story in the union’s statement.