Greece on Friday pressed its claims for massive reparations from Germany for the damage done to the country by the Nazis during the Second World War.
The issue was raised as Angela Merkel, Germany’s Chancellor, made a two-day visit to Athens, her first since 2014.
“As Greeks, we consider these demands legally active and (that they can be) judicially pursued and should be solved in the competent European forum, judicial forum," Greek President Prokopis Pavlopoulos told the chancellor.
As recently as October, Greece said it wanted €290 billion (£264 billion) from Berlin in compensation for atrocities committed during the German occupation of the country from 1941 to 1944.
Alexis Tsipras, the prime minister, has threatened to take the issue to the International Court of Justice.
The issue of reparations is a highly emotive one for Greeks, made more so during the country’s economic crisis, when Germany, as their biggest creditor, was blamed for imposing painful austerity measures in exchange for three international bailouts.
Chancellor Merkel apologised for the injustices perpetrated by German forces during the war.
"We are aware of our historical responsibility, we know how much suffering Germany caused Greece during the era of National Socialism, so the lesson for us is to do everything we can to ensure good relations with Greece and to support each other for the benefit of both countries,” she said.
In spite of the warm words, Germany has consistently rejected calls for reparations to be paid.
Berlin says the issue was definitively settled back in 1960, when it paid Greece 115 million deutschmarks in compensation.
At the end of her visit, Mrs Merkel criticised a 2016 accord drawn up between the EU and Turkey to stop migrants and refugees entering Greece from Turkey, saying it was not working properly.
Under the agreement, migrants who do not qualify for asylum are supposed to be sent back to Turkey.
The chancellor said the Greek processing system was dysfunctional and that not enough migrants were being returned, with the result that thousands are stuck in squalid camps on islands like Lesbos, Samos and Chios.
"Unfortunately it’s not working properly," said Mrs Merkel. "As it is not working, we have this pressurised situation on the Greek islands.
"Everyone knows once you’re on a Greek island, you can get to the mainland, and once you’re on the mainland you can then somehow get to Germany, Sweden, Austria or somewhere else, so then we are supporting illegal migration," she said.
A report by Oxfam this week found that migrant and refugee women who give birth on Lesbos are being sent to live in overcrowded, unheated tents with their babies after as little as four days.
There is no hot water and newborns, along with toddlers and older children, have to be washed outside in the cold.
Around 5,000 asylum seekers are crammed into the island’s notorious Moria camp, which was designed to hold 3,100 people.
It is so overcrowded that another 2,000 are living in tents in a muddy olive grove just outside the perimeter fence.