It never rains…
Open-plan offices for the EEAS!
The European External Action Service (EEAS) has had a difficult start to life, and things are not about to get easier.
Staff unions are up in arms at suggestions that the diplomatic service’s employees will have to work in open-plan offices when they move to the Capital building on Rond-Point Schuman this summer. The staff unions say that open-plan would put the health and safety of EEAS staff at risk, although they do not explain how.
Nothing has yet been decided, according to an insider, and the rules on how much office space that officials get in the European Commission and the Council of Ministers – the source of most of the EEAS’s staff – will be “respected”. “This is not going to be a Bangalore call centre,” said the source. Though if the EU budget negotiations go badly, outsourcing to the Indian subcontinent is an idea that the European Council might take up.