Khali Says Matches Are Real & Not Manipulated, Austin Speaks Out, WWE Tryouts

— out of India has an interview with The Great Khali. Regarding WWE matches, he said, “Everything whatever you see out there is real.” Khali also added, “Sometimes wrestlers receive serious injuries, and even die in the ring. There is no way of manipulation by the media.” You can read “WWE bouts are real, not manipulated, says Khali” at this link.

— This is your big chance if you’ve ever wished to become a WWE Superstar. WWE’s holding wrestler tryouts — for people living in Australia and New Zealand. “Bushwacker” Butch Miller and management from Kiwi Pro Wrestling are holding WWE tryouts in Auckland, New Zealand on June 11. For more information, click here. Only a few applicants will be selected. WWE has held a few tryouts in New Zealand in the past, but has never signed anyone. Also, WWE held tryouts in the U.K. last year, and with the exception of one wrestler (Hade Vansen), the only wrestlers that landed contracts and are still employed are guys with the overly muscular look that WWE covets; Drew McIntyre, Stu Sanders (who is 6 foot 7) and Sheamus O’Shaunessy (who looks like a bodybuilder).

— has an interview with “Stone Cold” Steve Austin. When asked to name his most challenging opponent, Austin said, “I wouldn’t say challenging, but there were a few favorites like Ricky “The Dragon” Steamboat and The Rock. Bret Hart and I shared great chemistry in the ring too.” Austin also shares a story on The Great Khali. “Khali’s a very nice guy, we get along very well. While we were shooting for The Longest Yard, we used to work out together. I’ll never forget the time when Khali walked into the women’s loo in the gym by mistake! The girls were hysterical and Khali was so embarrassed!” Austin also talks about how the “Stone Cold” name was created and how much of his image was pre-planned. You can read the interview at this link.

See a photo of how former WWE star Giant Gonzalez looks like now (>>)