Kurt Angle 450 Knee Drop and HIAC Throwbacks, Watch SummerSlam 2016 in 60 Seconds (Videos)

WWE has released the above video of SummerSlam 2016 highlights in 60 seconds.

Kurt Angle 450 Knee Drop and HIAC Throwbacks

Kurt Angle may be on a forced vacation from his general manager duties on Monday Night Raw, but he is still busy and active on social media. The Olympic gold medalist shared some memories one Twitter and Instagram today, one commenting on a video of a 450 knee drop on Sting and the other promoting Hell in a Cell.

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Poor Stinger. @Sting https://t.co/5wVBij5gN8

— Kurt Angle (@RealKurtAngle) September 2, 2018

Armageddon 2000…. One of the greatest and most brutal Hell in a Cell matches of all time. HIAC is one of the most graphic PPVs’ in history. “Hell in a Cell” is coming to San Antonio, Texas on Sep16. Don’t miss this event. #itstrue

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