Macron ‘to hold May referendum’ in bid to quell ‘yellow vest’ anger

Emmanuel Macron is reportedly considering holding France’s first referendum in 14 years in an effort to quell “yellow vest” protests, although opposition leaders warned that it was unlikely to defuse popular anger.

The flagship demand of the “gilets jaunes” is for referendums to be held on major policy decisions, which they argue would introduce a new, broader-based form of democracy.

But the referendum envisaged by the president would simply ask voters if they want to reduce the number of MPs and limit the number of terms they could serve, the Journal du Dimanche newspaper reported on Sunday. Both were campaign pledges by Mr Macron.

The referendum would be held on the same day as European Parliament elections in May, according to the paper.

France’s last referendum, in 2005, shocked the political establishment because voters rejected a new EU constitution. French eurosceptics were furious that many of its provisions were subsequently introduced as part of the Lisbon Treaty.

Interior ministry officials have been studying the practicalities of a May referendum for weeks, France Info radio reported.

However, Nathalie Loiseau, the Europe Minister, said: “The president isn’t ruling anything out, but he hasn’t yet made a decision.” 

Asked if a referendum was being prepared, Mr Macron himself said last week: “It’s one of the things on the table.”

Violent protests by the “yellow vests” began over fuel prices and the cost of living in November. They have since broadened to encompass a range of demands for “a more direct people’s democracy”. Calls for Mr Macron’s resignation have figured prominently at “yellow vest" demonstrations held every Saturday for the past three months.

The protests pose the biggest challenge Mr Macron has faced since his election 20 months ago, although the movement has no formal structure or leadership and appears increasingly divided.

In December, Mr Macron responded to the “yellow vests" by announcing a package of measures to aid low-income families and pensioners, including an increase in the minimum wage and tax cuts.

Some commentators said he had given in too easily. However, he is now being credited with stemming discontent by organising a “great national debate” — a series of town hall meetings across the country allowing voters to vent their grievances and join discussions about government policy.

A referendum would be a possible final act to conclude the nationwide debates, which are to end on March 15. The government would portray it as a response to demands tabled at the meetings and those of the “yellow vests”.

Laurent Wauquiez, the leader of the main opposition party, The Republicans, who has expressed support for the “yellow vests”, said Mr Macron would be taking a huge risk if the referendum only addressed institutional parliamentary questions.

Mr Wauquiez argued that such issues were “very far removed from the worries and priorities of the French people… If it’s the only issue that we propose to the people at the end, then the president is taking a great risk.”

Marine Le Pen, the far-Right leader who backs the “yellow vest” protests, said Mr Macron had “decided to propose a referendum on the same day as the European elections to distract attention from European issues.”

Her National Rally party, formerly known as the National Front, is set to win more seats in the European Parliament than any other French party, opinion polls suggest.

Ms Le Pen claimed Mr Macron had planned the referendum before announcing the national debate.

Her party and other populist groups across Europe are hoping to win enough seats in the European Parliament to challenge the power of the EU establishment, while Mr Macron casts himself as Europe’s leading defender of liberal values.