Michael Cohen says Donald Trump directed hush money payments and knew they were ‘wrong’

Michael Cohen has claimed his former boss Donald Trump was aware that giving hush money to two women claiming affairs during the 2016 election campaign was “wrong” but directed him to make the payments anyway. 

Mr Cohen, Mr Trump’s former lawyer jailed for three years for crimes including breaking campaign finance laws over the payments, said the US president is lying when he says he did not order the move. 

The allegation is significant as Mr Trump, who denies ordering the payments, is arguing that the behaviour does not amount to a crime. He has insisted the money paid was not a campaign contribution and therefore broke no laws. 

The row has potentially significant legal and political consequences. Mr Trump stands accused in court of ordering illegal campaign payments – though any move to prosecute is unlikely to happen while he is in office. 

It centres on two payments made in the run-up to the 2016 presidential vote to porn star Stormy Daniels and former Playboy playmate Karen McDougal, two women who claimed affairs with Mr Trump. 

The payments – $130,000 to Ms Daniels and $150,000 to Ms McDougal – were used to buy their silence by purchasing the rights to their stories and then keeping them secret, while barring the women themselves from speaking out with non-disclosure agreements. 

Mr Cohen, a one-time Trump loyalist who served as his lawyer and “fixer” for a decade, admitted facilitating the payments this year after he faced a slew of criminal charges including tax evasion and lying to a financial institution. 

Convicted to three years in prison on Wednesday, Mr Cohen gave an interview with ABC News which aired on Friday doubling down on his claim that it was Mr Trump who ordered the payments and dismissing the president’s denials. 

Told by the questioner that Mr Trump says “very clearly” that he never ordered the payments, Mr Cohen responded: “I don’t think there is anybody that believes that. First of all, nothing at the Trump Organization was ever done unless it was run through Mr Trump.” 

Mr Cohen added: “He directed me to make the payments, he directed me to become involved in these matters. … I just reviewed the documents … in order to protect him. I gave loyalty to someone who truthfully does not deserve loyalty.” 

During the interview Mr Cohen went on to answer a string of short follow-up questions. “He was trying to hide what you were doing, correct?”, Mr Cohen was asked of Mr Trump. “Correct”, Mr Cohen responded.

Asked if Mr Trump knew "it was wrong” to make the payments, Mr Cohen said “of course”. And on whether Mr Trump made the move to help his election chances, Mr Cohen said “yes, he was very concerned about how this would affect the election”.

That last response is significant as the question of whether making such payments broke campaign laws – which have a $2,700 limit on personal contributions to a single candidate – revolves around whether they were an attempt to influence the outcome.

In a similar case, John Edwards, the former Democratic pick for US vice president, once argued that payments made to a woman he had an affair with were not campaign contributions but personal payments to hide the relationship from his wife. In the end, the jury was hung on most counts. 

Mr Trump gave an interview on Thursday where he attacked Mr Cohen for lying about the payments and claimed that he only agreed to work with prosecutors to ensure his wife and father-in-law would not face scrutiny. 

“Whatever he did come he did on his own”, Mr Trump told Fox News of Mr Cohen, adding: “I never directed him to do anything incorrect or wrong. And he understands that.”

Asked about Mr Trump’s claim he co-operated to protect his family, Mr Cohen said: “Inaccurate."

"He knows the truth, I know the truth, others know the truth, and here is the truth: The people of the United States of America, people of the world, don’t believe what he is saying. The man doesn’t tell the truth. And it is sad that I should take responsibility for his dirty deeds.”