It was previously reported that Glenn Jacobs, better known in WWE as Kane, has officially won the Knox County Mayoral Primary Election and is now moving on to the General Election on August. With Kane winning the Knox County Primary Election, he is now an overwhelming favorite to become the next mayor of the county.
Jacobs ended election night with a narrow lead of 17 votes but there were still 43 provisional ballots that had to be evaluated. The reasons for that are as follows: either the voters didn’t have a record of registration, the voters failed to produce a photo ID or there were a couple of problems with the electronic voting system and they had to manually enter their votes.
When those votes were evaluated and tallied, Jacobs gained an extra 7 votes, while his main competition Brad Anders added one vote and the third place finisher gained four votes. There are still two more votes that could come into play if the voters are able to produce a photo ID by tonight. However, even if Anders gets those two votes, he would be unable to catch Jacobs.
With that said, Jacobs now moves on to the General Election on August 2nd where he will be a heavy favorite over Democrat Linda Haney.